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Surprise! Obamacare to fund Abortion after all! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 20, 2009
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Good Job Stupak. it's vindictive of me, but i hope that you feel today as stupid as you are.

Surprise! After more than a year of accusing pro-lifers of peddling lies, distortions , and “bearing false witness” — and despite that much-balleyhooed, executive order brokered by Bart Stupak & Co. — it now appears that Obamacare will finance abortions in Pennsylvania.

Abortions are already being subsidized by federal dollars in New Mexico. HHS has been very hush-hush about this particular available “benefit.”

Public funding of abortion is deeply unpopular nationwide, and even more so in swing districts.

The rate at which the president’s O-Care assurances and promises are being abandoned is head-spinning. Altogether now: “Repeal and replace.”
what???? wait, this is impossible!! this could never happen.

after all, Didn't President Obama Specifically SAY that such a claim was a lie?

Obama: Opponents "Bearing False Witness" In Health Care Debate

gosh, gee willickers, you don't think that a group of chicago politicians and their allies in pelosi and reid's office who were willing to bribe, coerce, and force-feed an unconstitutional piece of deeply unpopular crap into law would tell a falsehood about it, do you?

gee wiz, if they lied about this, i wonder what else they lied about?
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ACLU Nationwide BREAKING: Obama shockingly adds abortion coverage ban to new insurance pools for women with pre-existing conditions. More soon.

Today, on facebook.

Also, all of these links fail to mention the whole "separation of federal dollars" thing for abortions. Individuals have to pay an extra dollar on their premiums that gets set aside in a separate pool for abortions.

Furthermore, the fact that these high-risk pool plans offer abortion was a state-level decision.

Standard deception from the health care opposition.
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Obama Administration Clarifies Rules on Abortion Funding in Health Care Legislation - Political Punch

Facing questions from anti-abortion groups about whether a newly approved Pennsylvania health care plan would allow the use of federal funds for abortions, the Obama administration reiterated today that funding for President Obama’s health care legislation would only pay for abortions in cases of rape, incest and when the life of the mother is at risk.

Department of Health and Human Services spokeswoman Jenny Backus said ”in Pennsylvania and in all other states abortions will not be covered in the Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) except in the cases of rape or incest, or where the life of the woman would be endangered.”
So much for it not covering abortions. "It won't pay for abortions" turns into "legislation would only pay for abortions in cases of rape, incest and when the life of the mother is at risk."

This doesn't even raise an eyebrow anymore. Who, in their right mind, still holds Obama to his word? Parakeets can talk, and ironically, some say more than Bobo.
So much for it not covering abortions. "It won't pay for abortions" turns into "legislation would only pay for abortions in cases of rape, incest and when the life of the mother is at risk."

This doesn't even raise an eyebrow anymore. Who, in their right mind, still holds Obama to his word? Parakeets can talk, and ironically, some say more than Bobo.

What you again fail to understand is that the funding for these abortions does not come from the Fed. The state is choosing to cover abortions, any and all funding for those procedures must come from the state or the individual, it cannot come from the Federal funding. It's spelled out in the bill in straight black and white. You are being deliberately deceived by the right wing partisan hacks who are deliberately misrepresenting what is happening here.

Do you suddenly oppose a State's right to elect to cover abortions?
What you again fail to understand is that the funding for these abortions does not come from the Fed.

Douglas Johnson from the National Right to Life Committee points out this afternoon that the federally funded Maryland high-risk pool was going to use federal funds for abortion coverage in their new Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), too. Just like in Pennsylvania and New Mexico...

After NRLC, NR, the House Republican leader, and others highlighted this from the Pennsylvania and New Mexico plans this week, the Department of Health and Human Services finally issued a release yesterday assuring that they will, in fact, issue guidelines forbidding abortion coverage in the Obamacare federally funded PCIP state programs.

And today, the National Women's Law Center, among others, are upset with the administration for saying they'll do such a thing.

Which means the lie is up: Obamcare never prohibited abortion funding. It's a matter of administrative discretion...

Do you suddenly oppose a State's right to elect to cover abortions?

This again?

Go to this thread and you'll find all the info you need addressing this issue, but I'll summarize:

H.R. 3590 does NOT allow for funding of abortions except as authorized under federal law that was already on the books before health care reform legistlation was passed.

The States are authorized under H.R. 3590 to form high-risk pools but health insurance plans within them must confirm to federal law (Social Security Act).

So, those who are upset about high-risk pools covering abortions in their State, go complain to your State representatives.

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