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Surprise !! Many churches illegally campainged during the 2004 elections (1 Viewer)


Feb 15, 2006
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Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Updated: 12:01 p.m. ET Feb. 24, 2006
WASHINGTON - IRS exams found nearly three out of four churches, charities and other civic groups suspected of having violated restraints on political activity in the 2004 election actually did so, the agency said Friday.

read on....

Cassapolis said:
Updated: 12:01 p.m. ET Feb. 24, 2006
WASHINGTON - IRS exams found nearly three out of four churches, charities and other civic groups suspected of having violated restraints on political activity in the 2004 election actually did so, the agency said Friday.

read on....


Heck Gore and the Buddist were doing it in 2000 and Black churches have campaigned for Democrats for ages. Why is this news?
Cassapolis said:
Updated: 12:01 p.m. ET Feb. 24, 2006
WASHINGTON - IRS exams found nearly three out of four churches, charities and other civic groups suspected of having violated restraints on political activity in the 2004 election actually did so, the agency said Friday.

read on....


And this is different from labor unions taking union dues from unwilling "members" (at taxpayer expense) and then giving all that money to Democrat candidates how?

The NEA is the most hysterical and ridiculous of the rabid Bush-bashing unions (they even ran commercials about that lame, debunked Bush-Saudi Michael Moore conspiracy theory in the 2004 election), and it is still absurdly listed as a non-partisan charity, so it gets full federal funding.

Not only are the mafia-like liberal unions a great example of how much more guilty of such conflicts of interests Democrats are than Republicans, but Democrats also broke new records in campaign finance violations in 2004 (once McCain-Feingold limited contributions and the small handful of millionaires who fund the "party of the working man" :roll: couldn't raise any money).

So please, spare us this hypocritical outrage.

BTW, thanks for doing me the favor of destroying your own credibility by putting that picture from Move On's asinine Hitler ad next to your name. It saves time for us adults. ;)
Stinger said:
Heck Gore and the Buddist were doing it in 2000 and Black churches have campaigned for Democrats for ages. Why is this news?

Amen. Republicans have done nothing out of the norm for Washington politics here. This is just partisan BS.
Before we go off half-cocked, the article never named the churches, or their political leanings. Their are many churches across this great land, and I think they all pretty much cancel eachother out, but from the article, this says it all for me................

"In the three additional cases in which the IRS recommended revoking tax-exempt status, none of the organizations were churches. The agency did not identify the three."

Seems kinda of partisan to mention the churches first, when they were not the ones revoked. I don't know, it's really hard to keep this out of the church, the issues just transfer on to our regular everyday lives. Too much is made of this in my opinion, churches show their worth everyday, those who don't, fail, this is just the reality of the situation. I am all for attacking the real evil, Corporate, Union, Civic groups, these are the groups that don't have our best interest at heart.:roll:
aquapub said:
And this is different from labor unions taking union dues from unwilling "members" (at taxpayer expense) and then giving all that money to Democrat candidates how?

The NEA is the most hysterical and ridiculous of the rabid Bush-bashing unions (they even ran commercials about that lame, debunked Bush-Saudi Michael Moore conspiracy theory in the 2004 election), and it is still absurdly listed as a non-partisan charity, so it gets full federal funding.

Not only are the mafia-like liberal unions a great example of how much more guilty of such conflicts of interests Democrats are than Republicans, but Democrats also broke new records in campaign finance violations in 2004 (once McCain-Feingold limited contributions and the small handful of millionaires who fund the "party of the working man" :roll: couldn't raise any money).

So please, spare us this hypocritical outrage.

BTW, thanks for doing me the favor of destroying your own credibility by putting that picture from Move On's asinine Hitler ad next to your name. It saves time for us adults. ;)

1) I never mentioned this as being a republican or democrat thing. Don't try to spin my post to promote your twisted world views.
2) The "mafia like liberal unions" is one of the most hypocritical things I've ever heard. Mafia like? How about giving jobs to all your buddies no matter how unqualified they are for it, or setting up scapegoat after scapegoat for your shortcomings, or using the military to push around a sovereign nation?

That being said why did you assume that i posted this as pro democrat topic? Guilty conscience? And i use this picture of Bush simply because he's a Fascist. and FYI I'm not a democrat.
Cassapolis said:
1) I never mentioned this as being a republican or democrat thing. Don't try to spin my post to promote your twisted world views.

But your avitar speaks volumes

2) The "mafia like liberal unions" is one of the most hypocritical things I've ever heard. Mafia like? How about giving jobs to all your buddies no matter how unqualified they are for it, or setting up scapegoat after scapegoat for your shortcomings, [/quote]

Well that's a good description of a union.

or using the military to push around a sovereign nation?

Which union did that?
Stinger said:
But your avitar speaks volumes
His avatar is partisan, but did he present the story in a way that singled out either Democrats or Republicans for wrong doing in this? No.
Stinger said:
But your avitar speaks volumes

2) The "mafia like liberal unions" is one of the most hypocritical things I've ever heard. Mafia like? How about giving jobs to all your buddies no matter how unqualified they are for it, or setting up scapegoat after scapegoat for your shortcomings,

Well that's a good description of a union.

Which union did that?[/QUOTE]

Not a union there chief. It's this fascist administration that has highjacked our federal government.
Cassapolis said:
Well that's a good description of a union.

Which union did that?

Not a union there chief. It's this fascist administration that has highjacked our federal government.[/QUOTE]

Well that makes so much more sense.:rofl
Cassapolis said:
Not a union there chief. It's this fascist administration that has highjacked our federal government.

Sound like a sore loser to me.
Cassapolis said:
1) I never mentioned this as being a republican or democrat thing. Don't try to spin my post to promote your twisted world views.
2) The "mafia like liberal unions" is one of the most hypocritical things I've ever heard. Mafia like? How about giving jobs to all your buddies no matter how unqualified they are for it, or setting up scapegoat after scapegoat for your shortcomings, or using the military to push around a sovereign nation?

That being said why did you assume that i posted this as pro democrat topic? Guilty conscience? And i use this picture of Bush simply because he's a Fascist. and FYI I'm not a democrat.

Its pretty obvious you were talking about Republicans being in your profile you call yourself a bleeding heart liberal.........

Nice try though.......
Navy Pride said:
Its pretty obvious you were talking about Republicans being in your profile you call yourself a bleeding heart liberal.........

Nice try though.......

When did i say i wasn't a liberal?
If churches want to continue to campaign for nominees, more power to them, but they should lose their tax exempt status.
hipsterdufus said:
If churches want to continue to campaign for nominees, more power to them, but they should lose their tax exempt status.

hips does that include African American churches that democrats constantly campaign in?:confused:
Reminds me of this..
WAYNESVILLE, N.C. (AP) — Some in Pastor Chan Chandler's flock wish he had a little less zeal for the GOP.

Members of the small East Waynesville Baptist Church say Chandler led an effort to kick out congregants who didn't support President Bush. Nine members were voted out at a Monday church meeting in this mountain town, about 120 miles west of Charlotte.

"He's the kind of pastor who says do it my way or get out," said Selma Morris, the former church treasurer. "He's real negative all the time."

Chandler didn't return a message left by The Associated Press at his home Friday, and several calls to the church went unanswered. He told WLOS-TV in Asheville that the actions were not politically motivated.

The station also reported that 40 others in the 400-member congregation resigned in protest after Monday's vote.

During the presidential election last year, Chandler told the congregation that anyone who planned to vote for Democratic Sen. John Kerry should either leave the church or repent, said former member Lorene Sutton.

Navy Pride said:
Its pretty obvious you were talking about Republicans being in your profile you call yourself a bleeding heart liberal.........

Nice try though.......
While this gives a very enlightening view of how you view party adherence as above integrity and honesty, we are not like you; we are able to criticize regardless of party affiliation.

But thanks for making it clear what kind of integrity you see through your own eye, NP.
steen said:
While this gives a very enlightening view of how you view party adherence as above integrity and honesty, we are not like you; we are able to criticize regardless of party affiliation.

But thanks for making it clear what kind of integrity you see through your own eye, NP.

Yeah he was talking about democrats too......:rofl
Oh yeah, there is one other feature of this irrational, hysteria-ridden topic:

The link you provided clarifies how much bogus spin you have put just in the title:

"The vast majority of charities and churches followed the law..."

Just what are you calling many churches?
hipsterdufus said:

You and I both know that will be the day......If the dems ever lost the Black vote they would never win another national election....
Cassapolis said:
Updated: 12:01 p.m. ET Feb. 24, 2006
WASHINGTON - IRS exams found nearly three out of four churches, charities and other civic groups suspected of having violated restraints on political activity in the 2004 election actually did so, the agency said Friday.

read on....


Wow, hey. The most interesting thing I found in the article w as how it stated that the, "IRS found that..."

What about how the IRS has been robbing the American public of their hard earned money for decades? What about that? :2razz:

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