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Supreme Court vacates bribery conviction of former Va. Gov. McDonnell (1 Viewer)


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Supreme Court vacates bribery conviction of former Va. Gov. McDonnell | Fox News

WASHINGTON – A unanimous Supreme Court on Monday overturned the corruption conviction of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell in a ruling that makes it harder to prosecute elected officials accused of bribery.
The justices ruled the jury received faulty instructions about what constitutes bribery under federal law.
McDonnell was convicted in 2014 of accepting more than $165,000 in gifts and loans from a wealthy businessman in exchange for promoting a dietary supplement.
The former governor says he never took any official action to benefit Star Scientific Inc. CEO Jonnie Williams or pressured other public officials to do so. McDonnell says he simply performed routine courtesies for Williams like setting up meetings and hosting events.
Using the wrong definition of bribery will make it difficult to retry the case, especially after being vacated by a unanimous Supreme Court.
My apologies for stepping on your thread. I swear I looked but I was apparently writing when you posted.

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