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Supreme Court agrees to hear 2d Amendment case involving NYC firearm transport restrictions (1 Viewer)

Common Sense 1

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Jul 8, 2016
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It seems this would be narrow in it's scope but still a very important case.

Supreme Court agrees to hear 2d Amendment case involving NYC firearm transport restrictions


SCOTUS hasn’t taken a 2A case in almost a decade. Does this signal that the right to keep and bear arms will no longer be “this Court’s constitutional orphan” (as Justice Thomas once wrote)?

The Supreme Court just agreed to hear a challenge to a New York City law barring transport of lawfully owned firearms except to one of six licensed firing ranges. The case is New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. City of New York.
Thank you Republicans for putting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. The Constitution is back in business.

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