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Support the troops (1 Viewer)


Boobie Jubilee
DP Veteran
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville, NC
Political Leaning
First off, no, this is not an insult towards Navy Pride's "Red Friday" thread. Though that thread did get me thinking about how many people are out there that say they support the troops....but what do they do to show it? Put little magnetic ribbons on their cars that the troops certainly can't see from thousands of miles away? Wearing a certain color on a certain day? Holding prayer meetings and candlelight vigils? These are all nice thoughts, but the troops don't directly benefit from that.

So I thought I'd compile a list of things you can do to really show your support of our brave men and women in uniform.

If you live near a military base:

* Organize an event to recognize the spouses and children left behind. They are just as important as the troops themselves, and having their soldier in a war zone is tough. They need our love and support, too.

*Contact a Family Readiness Group (or equivalent) on post and offer your services. Get a few neighbors together and offer to watch their children for free so that they can have a few hours to relax. Offer to bake some cookies for their next meeting. Get the names of some of the single soldiers in that unit and send them care packages - the FRG can provide you with those names.

* Get together with local businesses to offer specials to those spouses - perhaps a few free car washes, meals for half the price....use your imagination! Or, try and get the local businesses to either donate goods to the family as a whole, or to send some of their products to the troops for free. There are MANY businesses that are willing to do these things; all you have to do is ask.

Even if you don't live near a military base, there are many things you can do to show your support.

*Sign up with Soldiers' Angels. You will be assigned the name of a soldier that has been submitted to their network; all they ask is that you correspond with this soldier. Care packages aren't necessary, but are certainly appreciated.

*Send a message through Operation: Love Our Troops.

*Send them some coffee through Operation: Million Cup. For every bag you purchase (at a special discounted price), Boca Java will match that amount.

*Send a message at America Supports You. You can also find ways that your state is supporting the troops.

*Send a care package prepared by Support U.S. Troops.com.

* Purchase a calling card through Operation: Uplink for troops and hospitalized vets.

* Send a message through Operation Dear Abby.

* Make a donation to one of the military relief societies.

* Volunteer at a Veteran’s hospital.

* Send a donation to Fisher House, which is a “home away from home” for the families of soldiers in the hospital.

* Donate to Treat The Troops. They have 501© status, so your donation is tax deductible. Or, sign up to become a “Crumb”.

* Donate to Operation Shoe Box, or send them a letter that can be passed on to any of our troops.

There are SO many other programs out there that do things for our troops, this is merely a list to get you started. I’ll add more links from time to time; please feel free to add some of your own.
Stace said:
First off, no, this is not an insult towards Navy Pride's "Red Friday" thread. Though that thread did get me thinking about how many people are out there that say they support the troops....but what do they do to show it? Put little magnetic ribbons on their cars that the troops certainly can't see from thousands of miles away? Wearing a certain color on a certain day? Holding prayer meetings and candlelight vigils? These are all nice thoughts, but the troops don't directly benefit from that.

So I thought I'd compile a list of things you can do to really show your support of our brave men and women in uniform.

If you live near a military base:

* Organize an event to recognize the spouses and children left behind. They are just as important as the troops themselves, and having their soldier in a war zone is tough. They need our love and support, too.

*Contact a Family Readiness Group (or equivalent) on post and offer your services. Get a few neighbors together and offer to watch their children for free so that they can have a few hours to relax. Offer to bake some cookies for their next meeting. Get the names of some of the single soldiers in that unit and send them care packages - the FRG can provide you with those names.

* Get together with local businesses to offer specials to those spouses - perhaps a few free car washes, meals for half the price....use your imagination! Or, try and get the local businesses to either donate goods to the family as a whole, or to send some of their products to the troops for free. There are MANY businesses that are willing to do these things; all you have to do is ask.

Even if you don't live near a military base, there are many things you can do to show your support.

*Sign up with Soldiers' Angels. You will be assigned the name of a soldier that has been submitted to their network; all they ask is that you correspond with this soldier. Care packages aren't necessary, but are certainly appreciated.

*Send a message through Operation: Love Our Troops.

*Send them some coffee through Operation: Million Cup. For every bag you purchase (at a special discounted price), Boca Java will match that amount.

*Send a message at America Supports You. You can also find ways that your state is supporting the troops.

*Send a care package prepared by Support U.S. Troops.com.

* Purchase a calling card through Operation: Uplink for troops and hospitalized vets.

* Send a message through Operation Dear Abby.

* Make a donation to one of the military relief societies.

* Volunteer at a Veteran’s hospital.

* Send a donation to Fisher House, which is a “home away from home” for the families of soldiers in the hospital.

* Donate to Treat The Troops. They have 501© status, so your donation is tax deductible. Or, sign up to become a “Crumb”.

* Donate to Operation Shoe Box, or send them a letter that can be passed on to any of our troops.

There are SO many other programs out there that do things for our troops, this is merely a list to get you started. I’ll add more links from time to time; please feel free to add some of your own.

Stace, a fantastic post! Bravo! :clap: Thank you for letting people know how they can truly support the troops. Saying that you support them and by doing that you mean having a sticker on your car and/or saying you support them is a bunch of BS if you ask me.

Some of these people know that I do some of the things you list above, and yet because I don't support the war, that somehow equates to my not supporting our troops. I have two words for them, "Shut up." :roll:
aps said:
Stace, a fantastic post! Bravo! :clap: Thank you for letting people know how they can truly support the troops. Saying that you support them and by doing that you mean having a sticker on your car and/or saying you support them is a bunch of BS if you ask me.

Some of these people know that I do some of the things you list above, and yet because I don't support the war, that somehow equates to my not supporting our troops. I have two words for them, "Shut up." :roll:

Exactly. Supporting the troops and supporting the war are NOT one in the same. I've been saying that for the past couple of years, and I'll continue to say it for as long as necessary.

As a former troop, allow me to say thank you on behalf of all troops for your true show of support. :smile:
Stace said:
Exactly. Supporting the troops and supporting the war are NOT one in the same. I've been saying that for the past couple of years, and I'll continue to say it for as long as necessary.

As a former troop, allow me to say thank you on behalf of all troops for your true show of support. :smile:

Why can't everyone be as great supporters of our troops as we are? ;)
aps said:
Why can't everyone be as great supporters of our troops as we are? ;)

:shrug: I have a couple of theories, but I'll refrain from posting them here :mrgreen:
One more link that Caine mentioned in another thread:

* Send a care package through Treats For Troops. You can also "foster" a soldier, or register a soldier for fostering, among other options.
has anyone noticed all of the green wrist bands that say support our troops?????They are everywhere......and that's great but does anyone realize that on the back they say made in china? Sure our troops need supporting but how can people say that they are supporting american troops by wearing something from china?

My hat off to you!
Great post:2wave:
Originally Posted by goligoth
has anyone noticed all of the green wrist bands that say support our troops?????They are everywhere......and that's great but does anyone realize that on the back they say made in china? Sure our troops need supporting but how can people say that they are supporting american troops by wearing something from china?
What about all that talk a while back to make a law that you can't desecrate the flag (that was made in China).

I support the troops by wanting them home.
I support our troops.

Bring them home.

Iraq is not their, nor the taxpayers problem.
Conflict said:
I support our troops.

Bring them home.

Iraq is not their, nor the taxpayers problem.

My sentiments exactly. Seeing it through in Iraq will only lead to more death. And it will be irrelevant if they form a democratic government, as the moment we leave, they will fall back on their old habits, and rush to the streets with stick and stone in their hands. Even if we capture/kill Zarkawi and Bin Laden, it matters little, as someone else will just step up to fill in. So Bring The Troops Home Now!
But in the meantime.....go do something on my list :mrgreen:

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