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Super Bowl Food This Year (1 Viewer)


Buttermilk Man
DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Olympia Wa
Political Leaning
Dan brought a taco dip with tortilla chips, I did a really awesome deviation of the 5 Cup Salad with fresh Clementines and chicken legs done two ways....one basically a shake n bake, the other basically an adobo.

Served with various beers and ciders...wine was available but no one wanted it.

Commercial cup cakes were available.
Shoulda went to Hawks party, sounds good. We had Wendy's, no one wanted to cook.
We got out the big wok and made carne asada tacos with all the snacking sides like chips, dip, little weenies, and beans. It was too awesome, I ate way too much! :mrgreen:
Taco bar ( beef, shredded chicken, fish ), lil smokies in bar-b-q sauce or rolled in lil dough strips, queso dip and chips, avocado dip....open bar ( your call ), veggie and fruit platters...

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