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Sunday - Oct 2 - maint & upgrade (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Tommorrow morning, (whenever I get off my butt) I will be upgrading the forum software & performing maintenance on the database.

Hopefully this downtime will take less than 4 hours.
vauge said:
Tommorrow morning, (whenever I get off my butt) I will be upgrading the forum software & performing maintenance on the database.

Hopefully this downtime will take less than 4 hours.


I wish you luck in this endeavor. :) I am curious to know if this upgrade will give users the ability to change the color of the forums (i.e. add a new skin)?

Furthermore, I would like to point out that I find this forum to be refreshing and the quality and context of the debates here are much superior to those of places like suckbbs and whatpissesyouoff.com.

I especially appriciate the fact that your mods do not sabotage debates and harass users as the mods of whatpissesyouoff.com do. (They do this with the admin's permission and blessings).

Thank you for providing such an interesting place to meet and coverse with others.


Thanks for the feedback! :mrgreen:

hehe - I hope it goes well too!

New skins are on the 'eventually get around to do' list.
vauge... may the Force be with you! :comp:


Upgrade & maint appears to have gone without a hitch.

If anyone experiences anything weird - please let me know.
vauge said:
Upgrade & maint appears to have gone without a hitch.

If anyone experiences anything weird - please let me know.

Well, there's this little blue guy that I see following me around from time to time. That's pretty wierd...:lol:
MrFungus420 said:
Well, there's this little blue guy that I see following me around from time to time. That's pretty wierd...:lol:

My guy is green - that very weird. You might want to see a professional. :mrgreen:
Originally posted by Vauge:
My guy is green - that very weird. You might want to see a professional.
Mine is tope - is that wrong?

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