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Subway Threat Not Credible - Neither are Statements from NY Officials (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
I cant believe the knee jerk reactions by New York City officials over the subway bombing hoax. If they keep this up, then should a real terrorist attack happen, many will die because they will no longer believe their government. Am beginning to wonder if officials in Houston were fired for bungling the Hurricane Rita evacuation, only to be hired by the city of New York.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
I cant believe the knee jerk reactions by New York City officials over the subway bombing hoax. If they keep this up, then should a real terrorist attack happen, many will die because they will no longer believe their government. Am beginning to wonder if officials in Houston were fired for bungling the Hurricane Rita evacuation, only to be hired by the city of New York.

Article is here.

Keith Olbermann pointed out on his show last night the following, danarhea. What do you think?

But we've cobbled together in the last couple of hours a list of at least 13 occasions that - on which—whenever there has been news that significantly impacted the White House negatively, there has been some sudden credible terror threat somewhere in this country. How could the coincidence be so consistent?


Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
aps said:
Keith Olbermann pointed out on his show last night the following, danarhea. What do you think?

But we've cobbled together in the last couple of hours a list of at least 13 occasions that - on which—whenever there has been news that significantly impacted the White House negatively, there has been some sudden credible terror threat somewhere in this country. How could the coincidence be so consistent?


Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Sorry, but Bush gets a pass on this one. Other than the Mayor, New York's officials are pretty much Democrat. And it was Bush's Department of Homeland Security that said the threat was not credible. It's not just Republicans. You need to take a look at the big picture. They are ALL Keystone Cops.
danarhea said:
Sorry, but Bush gets a pass on this one. Other than the Mayor, New York's officials are pretty much Democrat. And it was Bush's Department of Homeland Security that said the threat was not credible. It's not just Republicans. You need to take a look at the big picture. They are ALL Keystone Cops.

How dare you rain on my Bush bashing parade. :2mad:

aps said:
How dare you rain on my Bush bashing parade. :2mad:


Because its not about Bush bashing. Its about calling our government officials to the carpet, and I dont care if they are Republican or Democrat. If they put their petty interests and ass-covering ahead of what's good for America, then they need to account to the American people for it.
danarhea said:
Because its not about Bush bashing. Its about calling our government officials to the carpet, and I dont care if they are Republican or Democrat. If they put their petty interests and ass-covering ahead of what's good for America, then they need to account to the American people for it.

It was a joke! Hence, the wink face.
danarhea said:
Because its not about Bush bashing. Its about calling our government officials to the carpet, and I dont care if they are Republican or Democrat. If they put their petty interests and ass-covering ahead of what's good for America, then they need to account to the American people for it.
Officials are in a lose-lose situation...

If they over-react(like now), they get negative reactions(like this thread)...

If they don't react at all or make no public statements about what they are doing, and something DOES happen, there will be another finger-pointing session like the 911 Omission...

They'd rather have the former than the latter...They know that if an attack were to occur, the public's first reaction will be "Who dropped the ball?"...:roll:
cnredd said:
Officials are in a lose-lose situation...

If they over-react(like now), they get negative reactions(like this thread)...

If they don't react at all or make no public statements about what they are doing, and something DOES happen, there will be another finger-pointing session like the 911 Omission...

They'd rather have the former than the latter...They know that if an attack were to occur, the public's first reaction will be "Who dropped the ball?"...:roll:

Well, dont you think, that before NYC went off half-cocked, they could have checked with........Say......... The Department of Homeland Security, who would have told them that it was not a credible threat?
danarhea said:
Well, dont you think, that before NYC went off half-cocked, they could have checked with........Say......... The Department of Homeland Security, who would have told them that it was not a credible threat?
What you call "half-cocked", others would call "insurance"...

I'd much rather have a larger response than necessary when someone cries "wolf" than not be prepared at all when certain people feel that the cry of "wolf" isn't loud enough...

You may now continue to find fault with both political parties as you sit from the sidelines feeling superior because you're not part of them...
cnredd said:
What you call "half-cocked", others would call "insurance"...

I'd much rather have a larger response than necessary when someone cries "wolf" than not be prepared at all when certain people feel that the cry of "wolf" isn't loud enough...

You may now continue to find fault with both political parties as you sit from the sidelines feeling superior because you're not part of them...

Problem is, when you cry wolf too many times, then people will pay no attention to a real threat, and much more damage will result.
cnredd said:
Officials are in a lose-lose situation...

If they over-react(like now), they get negative reactions(like this thread)...

If they don't react at all or make no public statements about what they are doing, and something DOES happen, there will be another finger-pointing session like the 911 Omission...

They'd rather have the former than the latter...They know that if an attack were to occur, the public's first reaction will be "Who dropped the ball?"...:roll:

I know and it is seriously getting out of hand.. As i always say, its better to be safe then sorry! Much of the democratic party tries to blame someone for something that has no real signifcance to an arguement! It is getting really sick and tiring!
just heard on the radio what may have been the real reason
Bloomberg is up for re-election in a few weeks :doh :joke:
The terrorists are laughing at you
they speak america jumps
the wmds are coming like a thief in the night
you can not stop it
grab your duct tape and plastic and duck and cover booklets
there is a hard rain a gona fall
An estimated 4.5 million passengers ride the New York subway on an average weekday. The system has more than 468 subway stations. In July, the city began random subway searches following the London train bombings

how is NY overreacting

4.5 million people is a prime target
siren gas or a truck load of manure would shut NY down for along time
Canuck said:
The terrorists are laughing at you
they speak america jumps
the wmds are coming like a thief in the night
you can not stop it
grab your duct tape and plastic and duck and cover booklets
there is a hard rain a gona fall

An estimated 4.5 million passengers ride the New York subway on an average weekday. The system has more than 468 subway stations. In July, the city began random subway searches following the London train bombings

how is NY overreacting

4.5 million people is a prime target
siren gas or a truck load of manure would shut NY down for along time

If we do, you are next dork

and it is Sarin Gas
a siren is on a fire truck or ambulance, you rubber

and smoking high grade canadian pot isnt going to protect you
the US is what allows you to enjoy the life you have
without us you would be speaking spanish
must suck, knowing everything you enjoy is protected by a country you hate

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