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Subsidize blue-stater emigration? (1 Viewer)

Should we subsidize the emigration of Blue-Staters?

  • Yes, let's send them to a place they'll like!

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Southern California
Political Leaning
Remember when Bush was elected in 2004, the blue state crybabies just couldn't believe they'd been outwitted again by George Bush? They threatened to take their bat and ball and emigrate to Canada. But did they? Maybe not enough cash? Well I think we should help them out. Here's my plan:

Locate One-stop Blue-stater exit bureaus at several major airports with service to Canada. Upon renouncing his U.S. citizenship, the Blue-stater will be given one-way tickets on Air Canada for himself and his family to the Canadian destination of his choice, $2000 to get started in Canada, and a box lunch to eat on the way. :lol: What say you?
when can we whack this in the basement?....
Willoughby said:
when can we whack this in the basement?....

Hmm! Seem's as though I've touched a sore spot! The emigration of blue staters was covered in the press, including Time magazine where it showed an upsurge of people filling out applications in a canadian immigration office. It occurs to me that some were financially unable to move. Your whining for censorship is even more pathetic than your liberal loser status! :lol:
alphamale said:
Your whining for censorship is even more pathetic than your liberal loser status! :lol:

Moving an entirely pointless thread to the basement is hardly censorship.
Hmm! Seem's as though I've touched a sore spot!
I couldn't care less...remember i am not from the states so i try not to get involved in your party system
Moderator's Warning:

I'm game.....fasten your seat belts.

alphamale said:
Hmm! Seem's as though I've touched a sore spot!

Perhaps it is sore because you are touching it too much. That chafing feeling will probably go away if you could manage to lay off for a few days.
teacher said:
The unwashed masses have spoken. No humor, no play, just meant to incite.

To The Sewer.

Ya can always tell when you've zapped the libs real REAL good - they do the only thing possible - remove the excellent zap! :lol:
alphamale said:
Ya can always tell when you've zapped the libs real REAL good - they do the only thing possible - remove the excellent zap! :lol:

Here's what I meant in the "Basement Guidelines" sticky thread.

Don't reply here. You'll just encourage them. Except for me, so I can make them feel like the idiots they are.

So, alpamale, you feel you have been singled out for some reason? Go look at the open basement forum. Nothing left there. Everyone got moved. You are special, why?

"Because You Suck."

That's way funny you calling me a lib. Because I'm conservative. That makes you a Nazi now, don't it? Instead of posting something swell, you posted junk, I called you on it, and the best you can do is whine like a 7 year old girl.

Here's the deal. You suck. Your posts suck. Start threads down here in the basement where I can tell you you suck, and I will. And put your suck threads in the right place. You think your weak azz bullshit is zap? Blow me you sexist, racist, Nazi freak. You don't bring science, facts, logic, humor, or anything that in any way resembles debate or entertainment. You're science questions would not confuse my 8th grader. That you post them like it's something tells me just how dim witted you are.

Keep thinking you "zapped" someone. The rest of us know the deal.

Enjoy your Sewer stay. Or maybe I should say, get used to being sent here.

Say hello to ptsdkid.

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