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Subsidies (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning

Do we need them?

I say no, why should we give industrys money just to keep them afloat?

Not to mention its a waste of tax dollars, and can certainly be seen as a way of lining a politicians pocket book.
128shot said:

Do we need them?

I say no, why should we give industrys money just to keep them afloat?

Not to mention its a waste of tax dollars, and can certainly be seen as a way of lining a politicians pocket book.

What if your competition subsidizes its industry?

Do you know what the maximum tax is on European corporations versus U.S. companies?

Isn't tax protection a subsidy? Do we allow them to compete unfairly?
MiamiFlorida said:
What if your competition subsidizes its industry?

Do you know what the maximum tax is on European corporations versus U.S. companies?

Isn't tax protection a subsidy? Do we allow them to compete unfairly?

Doesn't Europe run 75% tax rate ?

subsidies by competition? if you mean striking a business deal, thats perfectly normal, what I'm talking about is the gov taking our tax dollars and pumping businesses full of money that shouldn't have the money or shouldn't a business anymore.

yes, evading taxes is a subsidy.
128shot said:
Doesn't Europe run 75% tax rate ?

subsidies by competition? if you mean striking a business deal, thats perfectly normal, what I'm talking about is the gov taking our tax dollars and pumping businesses full of money that shouldn't have the money or shouldn't a business anymore.

yes, evading taxes is a subsidy.

No, Europe doesn't have 1 75% tax rate. And their corporations pay less than half of what ours pay.

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