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Striking similarities between pro war flag waving U.S. Christian jingos & Bin Laden (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Similarity 1)
Both the U.S. jingos & Bin Laden have a warrior ethos & think it’s OK to kill people abroad no matter how dubious any connection is between their government & any perceived threat to his/their glorious country or crusade for religious values.

Similarity 2)
The U.S. jingos & Bin Laden's respective countries/people are absolutely right to do these things to others, regardless of the damage in the form of tens of thousands maimed or killed… millions in fact killed in the case of Vietnam… they are mere collateral damage in their glorious & worthy cause.

Similarity 3)
Just like Bin Laden… the U.S. jingos know what’s best for people or whole nations even if they don’t want it !

For example... with the U.S. jingos warped sense of justice, it’s better for their cause to install CIA backed fascist tyrants in the Americas etc, than allow democratically elected socialist reformers to remain in power. Although according to virtually U.S. all jingos, that campaign of US inflicted terror never even happened !
With Bin laden’s warped sense of justice, it’s better for Muslim zealots to be installed in power rather than to allow democratically elected regimes to remain in power. One difference... at least Bin Laden admits that's his game.

Similarity 4)
The U.S. jingos & Bin Laden both choose to ignore this or that moral code from their respective religious scriptures, to suit themselves.

Similarity 5)
The U.S. jingos & Bin Laden are both convinced they will be forgiven by their God if they are wrong, so they are guaranteed places forever in heaven, no matter how much suffering, misery & death & destruction their crusades bring. Just like the words the Wahhabi madman were chanting as they crashed the jets into the twin towers. They believed they were glorious martyrs, Just as some people like to perceive any Nam Vets that died as 'Heroes in a just cause' even though that 'just cause' killed millions of innocents.
Most if not all U.S. jingos are happy to join up & fight American wars without questioning the ethics or the reasons for fighting the war or whether the war is even being fought in the right place & in the right way.
If they'd become a US pilots, the only difference between them napalming innocent civilians in Nam & the Wahhabi fanatics as they killed innocents by crashing a plane into the twin towers is, the jingos would have flown away to save their own hides.

However there is one major difference between the US jingos & Bin Laden’s wars & the conflicts he extols the virtues of fighting & the dictators in the Americas etc that he extols the virtues of supporting.... the crusade that the U.S. jingos support, has killed or suppressed many many times more innocent people than Bin Laden’s crusade has so far succeeded in killing or suppressing.

All rather unsettling to the stomach isn't it really. All this from theeeee most self righteous nation on God's planet !
Gosh.. did I say self righteous ?
Oh well now there's similarity 6) The self righteousness of U.S. jingos & Bin Laden
Last edited:
Re: Striking similarities between pro war flag waving U.S. Christian jingos & Bin Lad

What is a jingo?
Re: Striking similarities between pro war flag waving U.S. Christian jingos & Bin Lad

vauge said:
What is a jingo?
I think the poster meant jingoism:

One entry found for jingoism.

Main Entry: jin·go·ism
Pronunciation: 'ji[ng]-(")gO-"i-z&m
Function: noun
: extreme chauvinism or nationalism marked especially by a belligerent foreign policy

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