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Strayhorn Bolts Texas Republican Party (2 Viewers)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Carole Keeton Strayhorn, the Republican officeholder and grandmother, who was expected to beat Rick Perry in the Texas gubernatorial primary, has officially quit the Republican Party, and is going to run as an Independant for Governor of Texas. Either she is going to draw enough GOP support away from Perry to hand the Governorship back to the Democrats, or she will win the election outright, and become the first Governor in Texas history not to be controlled by the whores of either party. Either way, the GOP is going to be the loser.

Better yet, Strayhorn just might win, and restore true Conservatism to Texas government, something that has been missing here since Bush was Governor. Yes, ironically, GW Bush used to be a Conservative. :2razz:

Article is here.
GO KINKY!!!!!! :smile: :lol: :cool:

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