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Stock Market Numbers (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Political Leaning
It may be only my imagination, but I have FELT in the past that when the opponents of the President are scoring effective, direct hits in their relentless and irrational attacks, it hurts the Stock Market numbers.

On the last day of the Democrat-Socialist Convention amid the ongoing rioting, violence and burning conducted by "the mostly peaceful protesters", the NASDAQ and S&P averages both closed at record highs.

In the mean time, the polling numbers for the President improved during the dour and depressing Democrat-Socialist Convention/Telethon. Wait! Wut?

This morning, both the NASDAQ and the S&P indexes are even higher in the futures estimates. So is the DJIA.

DJIA has not yet posted another all time record high close following the most recent all time record close high in February. DJIA seems to be also rising with a fairly consistently.

The next DJIA Record High Close will probably occur in September. New, Effective Therapies and the Covid Vaccine will almost undoubtedly be issued and distributed by mid-October.

The messages of doom, gloom, despair and blame from the Democrat-Socialists seem to be writing an epitaph for their current political aspirations. This election is looking like a landslide of historic proportion.

The President and the American People should send the Democrat-Socialists' strategists a thank you note.
It may be only my imagination, but I have FELT in the past that when the opponents of the President are scoring effective, direct hits in their relentless and irrational attacks, it hurts the Stock Market numbers.

On the last day of the Democrat-Socialist Convention amid the ongoing rioting, violence and burning conducted by "the mostly peaceful protesters", the NASDAQ and S&P averages both closed at record highs.

In the mean time, the polling numbers for the President improved during the dour and depressing Democrat-Socialist Convention/Telethon. Wait! Wut?

This morning, both the NASDAQ and the S&P indexes are even higher in the futures estimates. So is the DJIA.

DJIA has not yet posted another all time record high close following the most recent all time record close high in February. DJIA seems to be also rising with a fairly consistently.

The next DJIA Record High Close will probably occur in September. New, Effective Therapies and the Covid Vaccine will almost undoubtedly be issued and distributed by mid-October.

The messages of doom, gloom, despair and blame from the Democrat-Socialists seem to be writing an epitaph for their current political aspirations. This election is looking like a landslide of historic proportion.

The President and the American People should send the Democrat-Socialists' strategists a thank you note.

The stock market is amoral. It just doesn't matter to the stock market if there's a pandemic shutting down businesses by the score, it could care less if people are waiting in lines at a food bank waiting for free food. The stock market is a long leading indicator. Investors, by the millions, are predicting with their money on what they expect in 12 months or so. Right now, they see new drugs, treatments, and vaccines in the pipeline. They are betting on a future economic recovery, people getting back to work and the business sector recovering. The stock market is the most reliable gauge of what the future will look like because the voters are betting their money and their financial security on it.
It may be only my imagination, but I have FELT in the past that when the opponents of the President are scoring effective, direct hits in their relentless and irrational attacks, it hurts the Stock Market numbers.

On the last day of the Democrat-Socialist Convention amid the ongoing rioting, violence and burning conducted by "the mostly peaceful protesters", the NASDAQ and S&P averages both closed at record highs.

In the mean time, the polling numbers for the President improved during the dour and depressing Democrat-Socialist Convention/Telethon. Wait! Wut?

This morning, both the NASDAQ and the S&P indexes are even higher in the futures estimates. So is the DJIA.

DJIA has not yet posted another all time record high close following the most recent all time record close high in February. DJIA seems to be also rising with a fairly consistently.

The next DJIA Record High Close will probably occur in September. New, Effective Therapies and the Covid Vaccine will almost undoubtedly be issued and distributed by mid-October.

The messages of doom, gloom, despair and blame from the Democrat-Socialists seem to be writing an epitaph for their current political aspirations. This election is looking like a landslide of historic proportion.

The President and the American People should send the Democrat-Socialists' strategists a thank you note.

The stock market and the general economy are only vaguely connected.

The stock market is largely a toy of the wealthy. So it stands to reason they like the party that will give them whatever they want.
The stock market is a joke to tout as a Trump positive.

It’s being propped up by massive Government Stimulus and unprecedented Federal Reserve intervention before any of you Anti-Communist Red Blooded Patriots start touting the magic of Trumps Free Market Economic Policy.

Maybe I’m the crazy one, but how much longer can it really carry on?

You don’t get pay days like this for people clinging on to stocks like MSFT, AAPL, AMZN, TSLA or FB.

Logic dictates it’s about to come to a violent end...

Or perhaps not, I saw a guy on CNBC say, despite having none in his portfolio, buy Apple because it’s definitely going up, people setting price targets of ****ing $3500 for TSLA.

And this is after the uptick in Unemployment numbers.... Send the NASDAQ to record high.

Maybe I’m the crazy one, perhaps if half the country is evicted into the street the NASDAQ can triple overnight...


Because **** you, that’s why.
It may be only my imagination, but I have FELT in the past that when the opponents of the President are scoring effective, direct hits in their relentless and irrational attacks, it hurts the Stock Market numbers.

On the last day of the Democrat-Socialist Convention amid the ongoing rioting, violence and burning conducted by "the mostly peaceful protesters", the NASDAQ and S&P averages both closed at record highs.

In the mean time, the polling numbers for the President improved during the dour and depressing Democrat-Socialist Convention/Telethon. Wait! Wut?

This morning, both the NASDAQ and the S&P indexes are even higher in the futures estimates. So is the DJIA.

DJIA has not yet posted another all time record high close following the most recent all time record close high in February. DJIA seems to be also rising with a fairly consistently.

The next DJIA Record High Close will probably occur in September. New, Effective Therapies and the Covid Vaccine will almost undoubtedly be issued and distributed by mid-October.

The messages of doom, gloom, despair and blame from the Democrat-Socialists seem to be writing an epitaph for their current political aspirations. This election is looking like a landslide of historic proportion.

The President and the American People should send the Democrat-Socialists' strategists a thank you note.

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Just like to reiterate on occasion








It has no connection to reality.
The stock market is a joke to tout as a Trump positive.

It’s being propped up by massive Government Stimulus and unprecedented Federal Reserve intervention before any of you Anti-Communist Red Blooded Patriots start touting the magic of Trumps Free Market Economic Policy.

Maybe I’m the crazy one, but how much longer can it really carry on?

You don’t get pay days like this for people clinging on to stocks like MSFT, AAPL, AMZN, TSLA or FB.

Logic dictates it’s about to come to a violent end...

Or perhaps not, I saw a guy on CNBC say, despite having none in his portfolio, buy Apple because it’s definitely going up, people setting price targets of ****ing $3500 for TSLA.

And this is after the uptick in Unemployment numbers.... Send the NASDAQ to record high.

Maybe I’m the crazy one, perhaps if half the country is evicted into the street the NASDAQ can triple overnight...


Because **** you, that’s why.

The GOP is trying to pump it up just long enough to get past the election. Then they’ll let it deflate into yet another debacle, only now Joe Biden will be president and right wingers are just gullible enough to be told to blame it on Democrats.
FANG constitutes an enormous share of the increases in stock prices. The rest of the market is lagging. Take out Facebook, Apple, Netflix, Amazon and Google and its not nearly as pretty.
It may be only my imagination, but I have FELT in the past that when the opponents of the President are scoring effective, direct hits in their relentless and irrational attacks, it hurts the Stock Market numbers.

On the last day of the Democrat-Socialist Convention amid the ongoing rioting, violence and burning conducted by "the mostly peaceful protesters", the NASDAQ and S&P averages both closed at record highs.

In the mean time, the polling numbers for the President improved during the dour and depressing Democrat-Socialist Convention/Telethon. Wait! Wut?

This morning, both the NASDAQ and the S&P indexes are even higher in the futures estimates. So is the DJIA.

DJIA has not yet posted another all time record high close following the most recent all time record close high in February. DJIA seems to be also rising with a fairly consistently.

The next DJIA Record High Close will probably occur in September. New, Effective Therapies and the Covid Vaccine will almost undoubtedly be issued and distributed by mid-October.

The messages of doom, gloom, despair and blame from the Democrat-Socialists seem to be writing an epitaph for their current political aspirations. This election is looking like a landslide of historic proportion.

The President and the American People should send the Democrat-Socialists' strategists a thank you note.

The people who will be writing policy are the same ones that crushed economic expansion under Obama. Businesses operated in the goldilocks zine with no new entries to challenge them, a stable workforce because employees had no place to go, a flow of low wages migrants keeping wages low, etc. Obama was great for established businesses. They could off shore manufacturing, box it up and sell it in America and no one in the administration made a peep.

The Obama Administration caused the tide to turn against multinational businesses off shoring jobs, and the American workforce gets it. Hell, Trump hasn’t even started any new wars yet! Bastard!
It may be only my imagination, but I have FELT in the past that when the opponents of the President are scoring effective, direct hits in their relentless and irrational attacks, it hurts the Stock Market numbers.

On the last day of the Democrat-Socialist Convention amid the ongoing rioting, violence and burning conducted by "the mostly peaceful protesters", the NASDAQ and S&P averages both closed at record highs.

In the mean time, the polling numbers for the President improved during the dour and depressing Democrat-Socialist Convention/Telethon. Wait! Wut?

This morning, both the NASDAQ and the S&P indexes are even higher in the futures estimates. So is the DJIA.

DJIA has not yet posted another all time record high close following the most recent all time record close high in February. DJIA seems to be also rising with a fairly consistently.

The next DJIA Record High Close will probably occur in September. New, Effective Therapies and the Covid Vaccine will almost undoubtedly be issued and distributed by mid-October.

The messages of doom, gloom, despair and blame from the Democrat-Socialists seem to be writing an epitaph for their current political aspirations. This election is looking like a landslide of historic proportion.

The President and the American People should send the Democrat-Socialists' strategists a thank you note.

Do you guys have any arguments besides astrology and wishcasting to “prove’ how much the country is thisclose to giving Trump another 4 years?
It may be only my imagination, but I have FELT in the past that when the opponents of the President are scoring effective, direct hits in their relentless and irrational attacks, it hurts the Stock Market numbers.

On the last day of the Democrat-Socialist Convention amid the ongoing rioting, violence and burning conducted by "the mostly peaceful protesters", the NASDAQ and S&P averages both closed at record highs.

In the mean time, the polling numbers for the President improved during the dour and depressing Democrat-Socialist Convention/Telethon. Wait! Wut?

This morning, both the NASDAQ and the S&P indexes are even higher in the futures estimates. So is the DJIA.

DJIA has not yet posted another all time record high close following the most recent all time record close high in February. DJIA seems to be also rising with a fairly consistently.

The next DJIA Record High Close will probably occur in September. New, Effective Therapies and the Covid Vaccine will almost undoubtedly be issued and distributed by mid-October.

The messages of doom, gloom, despair and blame from the Democrat-Socialists seem to be writing an epitaph for their current political aspirations. This election is looking like a landslide of historic proportion.

The President and the American People should send the Democrat-Socialists' strategists a thank you note.

It is the fed and monetary policy
The stock market is absolutely related to the economy. It tells us how well the listed companies are doing. If investors are confident, then they will buy equities. Even if the economy is in a downturn, the stock market indicates faith in the capacity of the economy to recover.

I admit, in recent years (mostly 2008 onward), the U.S. stock market patterns have not been based on fundamentals, i.e. financial reports, revenues, actual growth potential, etc. A lot of it has been based on hot air. I think a large part of this has to do with accessibility. You used to need a stock broker to participate and now it's all online, giving access to the average joe. The result is that there is less expertise playing the market, so the market largely no longer represents people who did proper research before buying stocks.

Government stimulus has created a bubble of sorts, by propelling us into the next cycle of bunk investing. It causes prices to rise which lets people profit, and then when the market collapses those profiteers buy up everything at cheap prices again. This has been the cycle since 2008. Rinse, lather, repeat. I would argue that the cycles are "designed" to transfer massive amounts of wealth to the 1%, but it lures the general public to participate based on faith -- and really, that's all the economy rests upon at the end of the day, is faith.

Which is why, despite the obvious flaws, I would not conclude that the stock market is totally disconnected from reality, the reason being that it still shows people's willingness to cast their lot, and right now the numbers are pretty good. For now, we are okay. My main concern is how the Fed is going to deal with its massive debt burden. That's an incoming train wreck.
The stock market is amoral. It just doesn't matter to the stock market if there's a pandemic shutting down businesses by the score, it could care less if people are waiting in lines at a food bank waiting for free food. The stock market is a long leading indicator. Investors, by the millions, are predicting with their money on what they expect in 12 months or so. Right now, they see new drugs, treatments, and vaccines in the pipeline. They are betting on a future economic recovery, people getting back to work and the business sector recovering. The stock market is the most reliable gauge of what the future will look like because the voters are betting their money and their financial security on it.

A surprisingly lucid assessment!
The stock market and the general economy are only vaguely connected.

The stock market is largely a toy of the wealthy. So it stands to reason they like the party that will give them whatever they want.

If you feel that 56% of the American population is "the wealthy" playing with this toy, then your opinion is based on reality.

Interestingly, if a person contributes 2% of their gross to a retirement 401K through payroll deduction or a privately arranged contribution to a private fund, their take home is pretty much unaffected.

How Many Americans Have A 401(k)? What’s The Average Balance? – WCCO | CBS Minnesota
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — According to the Investment Company Institute, 56 percent of American workers gave to a 401(k) in 2014. That rate has stayed relatively steady since 2008.

The average balance for a 401(k) is now $104,000 and the average contribution rate is 8.6-percent. In Minnesota, the average is slightly higher at $112,000. That’s according to Fidelity Investment, which manages a quarter of the 401(k) accounts in the U.S.
The stock market is a joke to tout as a Trump positive.

It’s being propped up by massive Government Stimulus and unprecedented Federal Reserve intervention before any of you Anti-Communist Red Blooded Patriots start touting the magic of Trumps Free Market Economic Policy.

Maybe I’m the crazy one, but how much longer can it really carry on?

You don’t get pay days like this for people clinging on to stocks like MSFT, AAPL, AMZN, TSLA or FB.

Logic dictates it’s about to come to a violent end...

Or perhaps not, I saw a guy on CNBC say, despite having none in his portfolio, buy Apple because it’s definitely going up, people setting price targets of ****ing $3500 for TSLA.

And this is after the uptick in Unemployment numbers.... Send the NASDAQ to record high.

Maybe I’m the crazy one, perhaps if half the country is evicted into the street the NASDAQ can triple overnight...


Because **** you, that’s why.

An unsurprisingly non-lucid post!
It may be only my imagination, but I have FELT in the past that when the opponents of the President are scoring effective, direct hits in their relentless and irrational attacks, it hurts the Stock Market numbers.

On the last day of the Democrat-Socialist Convention amid the ongoing rioting, violence and burning conducted by "the mostly peaceful protesters", the NASDAQ and S&P averages both closed at record highs.

In the mean time, the polling numbers for the President improved during the dour and depressing Democrat-Socialist Convention/Telethon. Wait! Wut?

This morning, both the NASDAQ and the S&P indexes are even higher in the futures estimates. So is the DJIA.

DJIA has not yet posted another all time record high close following the most recent all time record close high in February. DJIA seems to be also rising with a fairly consistently.

The next DJIA Record High Close will probably occur in September. New, Effective Therapies and the Covid Vaccine will almost undoubtedly be issued and distributed by mid-October.

The messages of doom, gloom, despair and blame from the Democrat-Socialists seem to be writing an epitaph for their current political aspirations. This election is looking like a landslide of historic proportion.

The President and the American People should send the Democrat-Socialists' strategists a thank you note.

All I know is I use to hear all the time before the Great recession" on how well the stock market was doing

It may be only my imagination, but I have FELT in the past that when the opponents of the President are scoring effective, direct hits in their relentless and irrational attacks, it hurts the Stock Market numbers.

On the last day of the Democrat-Socialist Convention amid the ongoing rioting, violence and burning conducted by "the mostly peaceful protesters", the NASDAQ and S&P averages both closed at record highs.

In the mean time, the polling numbers for the President improved during the dour and depressing Democrat-Socialist Convention/Telethon. Wait! Wut?

This morning, both the NASDAQ and the S&P indexes are even higher in the futures estimates. So is the DJIA.

DJIA has not yet posted another all time record high close following the most recent all time record close high in February. DJIA seems to be also rising with a fairly consistently.

The next DJIA Record High Close will probably occur in September. New, Effective Therapies and the Covid Vaccine will almost undoubtedly be issued and distributed by mid-October.

The messages of doom, gloom, despair and blame from the Democrat-Socialists seem to be writing an epitaph for their current political aspirations. This election is looking like a landslide of historic proportion.

The President and the American People should send the Democrat-Socialists' strategists a thank you note.

I'm sure MAGA folks will enjoy this fine talking point in line at the food bank or at their Oxy connect's house; inspiring! :lamo:cool:
Are trying to present an idea with these numbers?

I'm sure MAGA folks will also greatly appreciate having something positive like this to discuss at the homeless shelter after their evictions; #winning #MAGA #EVICTEDbutRECORDmarket! :elephantf:stooges
The stock market is absolutely related to the economy. It tells us how well the listed companies are doing. If investors are confident, then they will buy equities. Even if the economy is in a downturn, the stock market indicates faith in the capacity of the economy to recover.

I admit, in recent years (mostly 2008 onward), the U.S. stock market patterns have not been based on fundamentals, i.e. financial reports, revenues, actual growth potential, etc. A lot of it has been based on hot air. I think a large part of this has to do with accessibility. You used to need a stock broker to participate and now it's all online, giving access to the average joe. The result is that there is less expertise playing the market, so the market largely no longer represents people who did proper research before buying stocks.

Government stimulus has created a bubble of sorts, by propelling us into the next cycle of bunk investing. It causes prices to rise which lets people profit, and then when the market collapses those profiteers buy up everything at cheap prices again. This has been the cycle since 2008. Rinse, lather, repeat. I would argue that the cycles are "designed" to transfer massive amounts of wealth to the 1%, but it lures the general public to participate based on faith -- and really, that's all the economy rests upon at the end of the day, is faith.

Which is why, despite the obvious flaws, I would not conclude that the stock market is totally disconnected from reality, the reason being that it still shows people's willingness to cast their lot, and right now the numbers are pretty good. For now, we are okay. My main concern is how the Fed is going to deal with its massive debt burden. That's an incoming train wreck.

Why do you hate Trump and America? :roll:

You're supposed to cheerlead! Stop[ being un-'murican!
Just like to reiterate on occasion








It has no connection to reality.

My stock market investments, those that are unconnected to the retirement types, are up by an actual 38% over the last 5 months.

For those of you playing at home, that's an APR of a little better than 91%.

If the stock market numbers start to fall in October, that will indicate a Biden win seems imminent. If the rise accelerates, that will indicate an imminent Trump win.

We'll see...

Based on whatever twitching I can observe, I'll either let it ride or pull it out. I've got a feeling I'm not the only one sensitive to any twitching that might occur.

What I pull out will be REAL. Right now that's $1.40 out for every $1.00 in. Of course, that's real world. You may not accept that as real. ;)

The gains are actual, real world money and, as you seem to be saying, are forward looking indicators of what is going to be happening in the real world.
The GOP is trying to pump it up just long enough to get past the election. Then they’ll let it deflate into yet another debacle, only now Joe Biden will be president and right wingers are just gullible enough to be told to blame it on Democrats.

Wait! You're saying that a political party might blame the OTHER political party?

Somebody better tell the Democrats this is a tactic they could use.

I wonder if Nancy and Chuck and Joe are aware of this tactic...
FANG constitutes an enormous share of the increases in stock prices. The rest of the market is lagging. Take out Facebook, Apple, Netflix, Amazon and Google and its not nearly as pretty.

That seems about as obvious a statement as any other.

What happens to our planet's temperature if the Sun goes away?
My stock market investments, those that are unconnected to the retirement types, are up by an actual 38% over the last 5 months.

For those of you playing at home, that's an APR of a little better than 91%.

If the stock market numbers start to fall in October, that will indicate a Biden win seems imminent. If the rise accelerates, that will indicate an imminent Trump win.

We'll see...

Based on whatever twitching I can observe, I'll either let it ride or pull it out. I've got a feeling I'm not the only one sensitive to any twitching that might occur.

What I pull out will be REAL. Right now that's $1.40 out for every $1.00 in. Of course, that's real world. You may not accept that as real. ;)

The gains are actual, real world money and, as you seem to be saying, are forward looking indicators of what is going to be happening in the real world.

That's so comforting to the millions of newly unemployed and soon to be homeless. Absolutely inspirational; they'd be fools not to skip a meal if need be to go vote for Trump, so inspirational are your words! :cry:

Sorry I was moved to weep with tears of joy at the magnificence and benevolence of Trump's artifically propped up market and how much it means to ordinary every day 'muricans....

When the victims of the Trump depression are hungry, they can eat newsprint of the market gains the great orange messiah has created! I mean they have nobody but themselves to blame for not having invested in the market right?:lamo

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