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Stephen Hawking Baffled by Dynamics of Trump's Popularity (1 Viewer)


Feb 6, 2016
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In his brief statement, renowned British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking’s claim “he cannot fathom the popularity of Donald Trump”, are the kindest words he could find to explain how he really does understand.

Hawking truly understands Trump’s ability to mine political support by scraping the bottom of the barrel of western culture.

Hawking easily sees how Trump is able to find those individuals in the U.S. whose lives are dominated by intolerance, hypocrisy, and ignorance (among other deep human failings), and is uniting them with the very “hate speech” these people have always embraced.

No, Hawking proved he is not baffled when he said, “the presumptive Republican Party candidate for U.S. president ‘is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.'"

Hawking's comments hit the nail squarely on the head, he understands that thoughtful Americans are embarrassed by the citizens of our nation who support a vulgar, egomaniacal soapbox orator like Trump.

Stephen Hawking Baffled by Dynamics of Trump's Popularity - ABC News


If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.

In his brief statement, renowned British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking’s claim “he cannot fathom the popularity of Donald Trump”, are the kindest words he could find to explain how he really does understand.

Hawking truly understands Trump’s ability to mine political support by scraping the bottom of the barrel of western culture.

Hawking easily sees how Trump is able to find those individuals in the U.S. whose lives are dominated by intolerance, hypocrisy, and ignorance (among other deep human failings), and is uniting them with the very “hate speech” these people have always embraced.

No, Hawking proved he is not baffled when he said, “the presumptive Republican Party candidate for U.S. president ‘is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.'"

Hawking's comments hit the nail squarely on the head, he understands that thoughtful Americans are embarrassed by the citizens of our nation who support a vulgar, egomaniacal soapbox orator like Trump.

Stephen Hawking Baffled by Dynamics of Trump's Popularity - ABC News


If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.


We're far more embarrassed by Americans who equated empty platitudes and bumper sticker slogans to Presidential qualifications in 2008 and 2012.
We're far more embarrassed by Americans who equated empty platitudes and bumper sticker slogans to Presidential qualifications in 2008 and 2012.


I love how the Obama Haters Brigade act like he invented the campaign slogan.
Poor Stephen. He found something he is absolutely unintelligent in.
Poor Stephen. He found something he is absolutely unintelligent in.

Right, this is exactly as useful as is Jennifer Lawrence's opinion on the matter.....
False use of authority.

Stephen Hawking is a brilliant astrophysicist. If we were talking about astrophysics his opinion would have great merit.

We are talking about politics, and his opinion has no greater merit in that arena than yours.

Perhaps he can't understand Trump's appeal because he has no grasp of politics or political science? :shrug:
He overestimated the intelligence of the American voter.
Just goes to show what a tizzy Trump has whipped the elite into, that they roll out this sort of tripe trying to talk us out of Trump.

This is what winning looks like.

I love how the Obama Haters Brigade act like he invented the campaign slogan.

We should stop using stupid one liners and focus on how we can Make America Great Again.
Just goes to show what a tizzy Trump has whipped the elite into, that they roll out this sort of tripe trying to talk us out of Trump.

This is what winning looks like.

Yes. Criticism means you're winning.

And Hillary Clinton, of course, doesn't get criticized.
Poor Stephen. He found something he is absolutely unintelligent in.

Do you hear yourself? Why are you not embarrassed?
If Trump were an interplanetary object, I'd definitely heed what Hawking is saying, but celebrity endorsements or criticisms of politics mean little. :shrug:
If Trump were an interplanetary object, I'd definitely heed what Hawking is saying, but celebrity endorsements or criticisms of politics mean little. :shrug:

I might have said the same thing.

Except Hawking isn't wrong.
An abusive asshole thinks he has any room to speak about Trump's behavior. Ironic.
In his brief statement, renowned British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking’s claim “he cannot fathom the popularity of Donald Trump”, are the kindest words he could find to explain how he really does understand.

Hawking truly understands Trump’s ability to mine political support by scraping the bottom of the barrel of western culture.

Hawking easily sees how Trump is able to find those individuals in the U.S. whose lives are dominated by intolerance, hypocrisy, and ignorance (among other deep human failings), and is uniting them with the very “hate speech” these people have always embraced.

No, Hawking proved he is not baffled when he said, “the presumptive Republican Party candidate for U.S. president ‘is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.'"

Hawking's comments hit the nail squarely on the head, he understands that thoughtful Americans are embarrassed by the citizens of our nation who support a vulgar, egomaniacal soapbox orator like Trump.

Stephen Hawking Baffled by Dynamics of Trump's Popularity - ABC News


If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.



yet another..."Trump supporters" insulting post. Saying they are ________________ (fill in the blank). This makes how many now? 2,874?

Yet it will have ZERO....ZERO.... affect come election time.

Why? Because it is a complete lie and only reflects elitist arrogance at their distain for those that do not think the way they do. Dismissing anyone that does not share their thoughts and beliefs as simple minded and uneducated. Pretty arrogant of them, for sure.

Yet Trump did a complete sweep of the northeast states. As usual, the real world results completely contradict their arrogance.
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In his brief statement, renowned British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking’s claim “he cannot fathom the popularity of Donald Trump”, are the kindest words he could find to explain how he really does understand.

Hawking truly understands Trump’s ability to mine political support by scraping the bottom of the barrel of western culture.

Hawking easily sees how Trump is able to find those individuals in the U.S. whose lives are dominated by intolerance, hypocrisy, and ignorance (among other deep human failings), and is uniting them with the very “hate speech” these people have always embraced.

No, Hawking proved he is not baffled when he said, “the presumptive Republican Party candidate for U.S. president ‘is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.'"

Hawking's comments hit the nail squarely on the head, he understands that thoughtful Americans are embarrassed by the citizens of our nation who support a vulgar, egomaniacal soapbox orator like Trump.

Stephen Hawking Baffled by Dynamics of Trump's Popularity - ABC News


If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.


Bottom of the barrel
Dominated by intolerance
Hate speech
Lowest common denominator

What is it like having to look so far down from that high perch of yours?
In his brief statement, renowned British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking’s claim “he cannot fathom the popularity of Donald Trump”, are the kindest words he could find...

Hawking should stick to things he knows like Uranus and black holes.

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