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Stephen Hawking’s Surprise: A Christmas Meditation (1 Viewer)

nota bene

DP Veteran
Aug 11, 2011
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George Weigel speculates on how it's going for Hawking 9 months later, and I don't want to spoil a surprise either and so will simply say that I hope the more thoughtful and respectful readers--believers and non-believers both--will enjoy this little piece. I do agree with Weigel that "...faith is a gift that, to be fully appreciated and actualized, must be purified by reason lest it decay into superstition." https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/12/christmas-stephen-hawking-meditation/
George Weigel speculates on how it's going for Hawking 9 months later, and I don't want to spoil a surprise either and so will simply say that I hope the more thoughtful and respectful readers--believers and non-believers both--will enjoy this little piece. I do agree with Weigel that "...faith is a gift that, to be fully appreciated and actualized, must be purified by reason lest it decay into superstition." https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/12/christmas-stephen-hawking-meditation/

I don't deal in speculations but what I did take from this is G-d from the beginning deals in LOVE.
I don't deal in speculations but what I did take from this is G-d from the beginning deals in LOVE.

Is that why he gives children cancer?

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