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Step Right Up, Folks, It's Inauguration Time, Get Your MelaniaMeme Right Here (1 Viewer)


Loudest mime on the block
DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Melania Trump's New Meme Coin ...

We take credit, we take crypto, we take Trump crypto, we take don't take pennies, keep your coin jars at home.

Next week, our special Emoluments Clause Crypto will drop for one week only!

Stay tuned. Trump at Truth Social. That's right. Trump at Truth Social.

That's Trump at Truth Social. Trump at Truth Social.

Melaniameme and Trump crypto. While supplies last.

Get them before they're gone!
Last edited:
Melania Trump's New Meme Coin ...'s New Meme Coin ...

We take credit, we take crypto, we take Trump crypto, we take don't take pennies, keep your coin jars at home.

Next week, our special Emoluments Clause Crypto will drop for one week only!

Stay tuned. Trump at Truth Social. That's right. Trump at Truth Social.

That's Trump at Truth Social. Trump at Truth Social.

Melaniameme and Trump crypto. While supplies last.

Get them before they're gone!
The "Melania" in the URL is misspelled. Is this a scam?
The "Melania" in the URL is misspelled. Is this a scam?

I feel like that's a trick question. Is this a scam, or a scam of a scam?

A U.S. News article wrote an article explaining how to score one of these things, whatever it is.

Not sure what level of scam it is, tbh.
I feel like that's a trick question. Is this a scam, or a scam of a scam?

A U.S. News article wrote an article explaining how to score one of these things, whatever it is.

Not sure what level of scam it is, tbh.
I see. Just strikes me as suspicious that her name is misspelled.
I see. Just strikes me as suspicious that her name is misspelled.

It might be a case of multiple website names leading to the same place, due to propensity to misspell her name.

I just copied the first link I saw. Good catch.
Melania Trump's New Meme Coin ...'s New Meme Coin ...

We take credit, we take crypto, we take Trump crypto, we take don't take pennies, keep your coin jars at home.

Next week, our special Emoluments Clause Crypto will drop for one week only!

Stay tuned. Trump at Truth Social. That's right. Trump at Truth Social.

That's Trump at Truth Social. Trump at Truth Social.

Melaniameme and Trump crypto. While supplies last.

Get them before they're gone!
Get thee to DC and set up a booth outside whatever stadium they’re sending the MAGAs to since they can’t watch the inauguration in person.

You can make a mint…or a Melania?
Get thee to DC and set up a booth outside whatever stadium they’re sending the MAGAs to since they can’t watch the inauguration in person.

You can make a mint…or a Melania?
In that photo she looks like a Bond villain who's up to no good, and enjoying it.
In that photo she looks like a Bond villain who's up to no good, and enjoying it.

"Do you expect me to talk?" . . . "No, Mister Bond, I expect you to buy."

"It has always been me, Melania. The author of all your pain."

"You could be a live rich man instead of a poor dead one."

It's all I've got. 🤷‍♂️
Get thee to DC and set up a booth outside whatever stadium they’re sending the MAGAs to since they can’t watch the inauguration in person.

You can make a mint…or a Melania?
If you are selling Trumpy stuff, just remember "10% for the big guy" :cool:
"Do you expect me to talk?" . . . "No, Mister Bond, I expect you to buy."

"It has always been me, Melania. The author of all your pain."

"You could be a live rich man instead of a poor dead one."

It's all I've got. 🤷‍♂️

Ha ha...excellent.


A Bond Fan
Whatever happened to the threads about the Biden crime family?
Those lies didn't serve any purpose once Biden dropped out of the race. Same thing with the alleged impeachment hearings. At that point, the lies needed to focus on Kamala.
They need to do what they need to do to pay legal bills, etc.

They're businesspeople, what do you expect.
Is this any different than Obama and his wife, or Biden and his family writing books to make money off the office?

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