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Stay off the Moon (1 Viewer)


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Stay off the Moon

The Moon is the most auspicious of auspicious things.

The Moon is the most precious object.

For aeons of time, life has looked up to the moon in awe and adoration for love, light and inspiration.

Now you're going to go put your feet up there.

There is a shelter at the bottom of the Lake of Fire that your feet fit into to protect them from souls that would steal the energy in a glance as you gather power to jump out and you will always have to swim if you landed over here and over there so your feet don't fit.

Don't get bent over looking to see if your feet fit as you try to remember being an astronaut, just immediately seek the remedy, which is to have your feet cut off over the side of Creation.

It's a free ticket from the bottom of the lake of fire, well, not exactly free.

Snake is not a bad birth, it's high on the food chain and fairly well protected from mosquitoes.

You can't swim very fast without feet, but snakes can swim pretty fast, but if you're trying to jump out of the tube because there's no gate at the bottom, there'll be less walking backwards.
Stay off the Moon

The Moon is the most auspicious of auspicious things.

The Moon is the most precious object.

For aeons of time, life has looked up to the moon in awe and adoration for love, light and inspiration.

Now you're going to go put your feet up there.

There is a shelter at the bottom of the Lake of Fire that your feet fit into to protect them from souls that would steal the energy in a glance as you gather power to jump out and you will always have to swim if you landed over here and over there so your feet don't fit.

Don't get bent over looking to see if your feet fit as you try to remember being an astronaut, just immediately seek the remedy, which is to have your feet cut off over the side of Creation.

It's a free ticket from the bottom of the lake of fire, well, not exactly free.

Snake is not a bad birth, it's high on the food chain and fairly well protected from mosquitoes.

You can't swim very fast without feet, but snakes can swim pretty fast, but if you're trying to jump out of the tube because there's no gate at the bottom, there'll be less walking backwards.

There look like there are economic resources that would benefit people's quality of life and spur further investments into making the space industry cheaper and less risky. If anything, we need to do the opposite of this.

Also your post sounds almost like the plot of final fantasy 7, except the energy was in the planet and not the moon.
Stay off the Moon

The Moon is the most auspicious of auspicious things.

The Moon is the most precious object.

For aeons of time, life has looked up to the moon in awe and adoration for love, light and inspiration.

Now you're going to go put your feet up there.

~snipped the fantasy~

So tell me...what's wrong with putting our feet on the Moon?

This "awe and adoration for love, light and inspiration" that you speak of is fundamentally based on ignorance. That was when people just didn't know a damned thing about the Moon, so they made **** up. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

But Man likes to know things. Man won't ever be satisfied with being ignorant...even if the awe and adoration is cool. Man wants more.

Why do you want to hold Man back? What's wrong with putting our feet on the Moon?
The Moon will be a land-fill in one generation!
There look like there are economic resources that would benefit people's quality of life and spur further investments into making the space industry cheaper and less risky. If anything, we need to do the opposite of this.

Also your post sounds almost like the plot of final fantasy 7, except the energy was in the planet and not the moon.

Ceres is just as cold.

Lots of water there.

The gold and precious metals and unlimited iron is out on the core proto-planets, not the Moon.

Why are you standing in the way of my conquest of the Solar System by wasting resources going to the Moon and Mars to get us cursed out of the sky?

Ceres is just as far.

We can launch every year instead of every two.
So tell me...what's wrong with putting our feet on the Moon?

This "awe and adoration for love, light and inspiration" that you speak of is fundamentally based on ignorance. That was when people just didn't know a damned thing about the Moon, so they made **** up. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

But Man likes to know things. Man won't ever be satisfied with being ignorant...even if the awe and adoration is cool. Man wants more.

Why do you want to hold Man back? What's wrong with putting our feet on the Moon?

I didn't say anything was wrong with it, it liberates you from your past, puts you and your race in an echelon of a few.

Because in the beginning, when God created life, he used a moon to create a pleasing enough environment for Himself and so that you respect it He made this morbid joke.
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So tell me...what's wrong with putting our feet on the Moon?

This "awe and adoration for love, light and inspiration" that you speak of is fundamentally based on ignorance. That was when people just didn't know a damned thing about the Moon, so they made **** up. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

But Man likes to know things. Man won't ever be satisfied with being ignorant...even if the awe and adoration is cool. Man wants more.

Why do you want to hold Man back? What's wrong with putting our feet on the Moon?

Lol,tell that to the flat earthers.
So tell me...what's wrong with putting our feet on the Moon?

This "awe and adoration for love, light and inspiration" that you speak of is fundamentally based on ignorance. That was when people just didn't know a damned thing about the Moon, so they made **** up. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

But Man likes to know things. Man won't ever be satisfied with being ignorant...even if the awe and adoration is cool. Man wants more.

Why do you want to hold Man back? What's wrong with putting our feet on the Moon?

I love how you are taking this thread seriously
Honestly, nobody can figure out what you are talking about. Is this some sort of astrology thing?

No, no astrology, this has nothing to do with astrology.

I doubt nobody can figure it out.

Tell me, do you think the Big Man wants our pig filth on the moon?
No, no astrology, this has nothing to do with astrology.

I doubt nobody can figure it out.

Tell me, do you think the Big Man wants our pig filth on the moon?

Who is the big man and what is this pig filth?
Who is the big man and what is this pig filth?

Oh, should some sex trafficker get there or idiots who smoke tobacco or tattoo their bodies.

Pig eaters, cow eaters, dope smokers, alcoholics, contentious.

Everyone who doesn't believe like I do.

The big man is the one who made it this way, and if you think you're a big man, try it out.

You're wasting my resources to get to Ceres.

You think the gap between space ages was long after you went to the Moon, wait until you go to Mars.
nevermind, this won't go anywhere
nevermind, this won't go anywhere

No, you've got a point.

There is a corollary to the Theorem and that is that you may have one Moon base.

The platform you step off of should have two footprints.

The idea is that you build the platform in space and land it rather than creating a Lunar clutter.

Then you can play in the low gravity.
I didn't say anything was wrong with it, it liberates you from your past, puts you and your race in an echelon of a few.

Because in the beginning, when God created life, he used a moon to create a pleasing enough environment for Himself and so that you respect it He made this morbid joke.

Do I need to remind you of your thread title: Stay off the Moon
Do I need to remind you of your thread title: Stay off the Moon

Ya, I told them they could have one base, but it is a corollary, I have to be honest.
Do I need to remind you of your thread title: Stay off the Moon

Come on, you can't tell them to stay off the Moon.

So they get their feet cut off, when was the last time you were at the bottom of the Lake of Fire and didn't want to swim?

It's a big joke for people who are attached to their bodies and can be only liberating, but do you really want to do it?

When you can go to Ceres?

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