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Stats for the year 2005 (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
[geek mod on]

Stats for the year:

Unique Visitors: 108,292

Month of January: 262,009
Month of December: 6,660,524
Total: 40,284,368

Monday's are the most active with avg of 119,034.96 hits.
4-5PM CST is most active timeframe with 2,345,488 hits for the year.

United States = 32,587,018
Great Britian = 1,649,035
Canada = 1,120,474

Length of time online:
49.5% of hits are here less than 30 seconds
5.9% of users are online for 2-5 mins
9.2% of users are online for 5-15 mins
7.7 % of users are online 15-30 mins
10.2% of users are online for 30-1 hr
13.6% of users are online for more than an hour - WOW!

Operating system:
92.7% of our users are using Windows
2.2% are using Macintosh
1.1% are using Linux :(

74% are using Internet Explorer
14% are using Firefox

7.2% of every new visitor adds Debate Politics to their bookmarks.
vauge said:
[geek mod on]

Stats for the year:

Unique Visitors: 108,292

Month of January: 262,009
Month of December: 6,660,524
Total: 40,284,368

Monday's are the most active with avg of 119,034.96 hits.
4-5PM CST is most active timeframe with 2,345,488 hits for the year.

United States = 32,587,018
Great Britian = 1,649,035
Canada = 1,120,474

Length of time online:
49.5% of hits are here less than 30 seconds
5.9% of users are online for 2-5 mins
9.2% of users are online for 5-15 mins
7.7 % of users are online 15-30 mins
10.2% of users are online for 30-1 hr
13.6% of users are online for more than an hour - WOW!

Operating system:
92.7% of our users are using Windows
2.2% are using Macintosh
1.1% are using Linux :(

74% are using Internet Explorer
14% are using Firefox

7.2% of every new visitor adds Debate Politics to their bookmarks.

That's it, billo. You need a new hobby. :lol:
Interesting, I will have to get more information from you, as to how you acquired this data.;)

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