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State trooper who told off Washington Gov. Jay Inslee over vaccine mandate dies from COVID (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Political Leaning
This era is so hard on kids and loved ones...

From the fundraising page for former Washington State Trooper Robert LeMay.

"Trooper Robert LaMay's death was announced Friday. He was 50.

According to FOX News, KIRO News Radio, Newsweek and other media sources, LaMay died after contracting COVID-19."
Last summer, LaMay had said he and his family did not "do" vaccines and he never received any as an adult. In August, on his Facebook account, he said vaccines go against his religious beliefs. His account is no longer visible.

Thoughts and prayers to anyone whose medical treatments may have been inconvenienced by his avoidable use of hospital resources. As for the state trooper, whatever. He decided to roll the dice and remove himself from the living, and will never again have another opinion to offer.
it makes one wonder what the spouses and kids and loved ones and friends think of all the Americans who refuse a free vaccine that can so easily save their families.
Also makes me nervous if I were to get pulled over BY law enforcement, which runs counter to my normal instincts.
If I have to be on edge when a cop sticks their face in my window, because they insist on their right to spew virus particles at me full strength
and at close range, it affects my ability to interact with them in a normal manner.

I have not BEEN pulled over since 2007, so I can't even guess what an unvaccinated cop's reaction would be if I put on a face mask as they approach.
Would they demand that I remove the mask? Probably so, which leaves me 100% unprotected.
Yes, I am fully vaccinated but they were ALREADY pulling this stunt a long time ago when FIRST RESPONDERS were originally SUPPOSED to get the vaccine before
everyone else.

Except these clowns did not, and would not.
Last summer, LaMay had said he and his family did not "do" vaccines and he never received any as an adult. In August, on his Facebook account, he said vaccines go against his religious beliefs. His account is no longer visible.


God works in mysterious ways. ;)
He made his choice.

There's not much more to say about it.
I hate to see anyone pass away at 50. Rest in peace.
He really showed them, didn't he? Owned the libruls and all that. Nobody is going to make me do nothing! My freedoms!

How very sad for his family.
Maybe so, maybe not. Perhaps they could be better off without him. He certainly was not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

And to think these idiots are hired to serve and protect us. They can't even protect themselves or their families.
Unless this is a different trooper, this happened months ago and we discussed it. Seems like sentiments are still the same.
Last summer, LaMay had said he and his family did not "do" vaccines and he never received any as an adult. In August, on his Facebook account, he said vaccines go against his religious beliefs. His account is no longer visible.


A bunch of firefighters here are bitching about this now...they're getting fired (after months of warning) for not getting out of it for 'religious reasons.'

Every major religion's leaders have endorsed the vaccines...so they're full of shit.

And every one (ok, 99.9%) of them are lying about it...that's just how 'religious' they are. :rolleyes:

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