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State official (R) resigns. Pcitures: blackface, lipstick, "Katrina victim" on shirt. (1 Viewer)

Mr Person

A Little Bitter
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Oct 14, 2015
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Florida’s newly appointed secretary of state resigned Thursday after the emergence of photos from 2005 of him in blackface, apparently mimicking victims of Hurricane Katrina, the Tallahassee Democrat reported.

The photos — which were obtained by the Democrat and presented to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s office on Thursday — show Michael Ertel wearing blackface with red lipstick and a New Orleans Saints bandanna. He also donned a shirt that read “Katrina Victim,” the Democrat reports. Ertel, 49, confirmed to the Democrat that he was the man pictured: “There’s nothing I can say,” he said.


They "wonder" why people think there might be a bit of a race problem with some of them. How do these people get appointed? And how the hell does someone conclude that's a funny or clever costume?

Anyway: ****in' Florida...
Florida’s newly appointed secretary of state resigned Thursday after the emergence of photos from 2005 of him in blackface, apparently mimicking victims of Hurricane Katrina, the Tallahassee Democrat reported.

The photos — which were obtained by the Democrat and presented to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s office on Thursday — show Michael Ertel wearing blackface with red lipstick and a New Orleans Saints bandanna. He also donned a shirt that read “Katrina Victim,” the Democrat reports. Ertel, 49, confirmed to the Democrat that he was the man pictured: “There’s nothing I can say,” he said.


They "wonder" why people think there might be a bit of a race problem with some of them. How do these people get appointed? And how the hell does someone conclude that's a funny or clever costume?

Anyway: ****in' Florida...


That's just unexcusable.

Just as unexcusable as me, sitting here, laughing my ass off about it.

Forgive me Lordy. :3oops:

Geaux Saints!
Florida’s newly appointed secretary of state resigned Thursday after the emergence of photos from 2005 of him in blackface, apparently mimicking victims of Hurricane Katrina, the Tallahassee Democrat reported.

The photos — which were obtained by the Democrat and presented to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s office on Thursday — show Michael Ertel wearing blackface with red lipstick and a New Orleans Saints bandanna. He also donned a shirt that read “Katrina Victim,” the Democrat reports. Ertel, 49, confirmed to the Democrat that he was the man pictured: “There’s nothing I can say,” he said.


They "wonder" why people think there might be a bit of a race problem with some of them. How do these people get appointed? And how the hell does someone conclude that's a funny or clever costume?

Anyway: ****in' Florida...

IMHO on someones camera, downloaded and filed away, almost forgotten. Perhaps someone was looking at old pictures, and ..................
But, but, but most Trumpsters here just can't understand why Blacks don't vote GOP nowadays. With politicians like this guy, and Steve King, and advisers like Steve Miller working for Trump they can't understand why minorities don't feel welcome in the Republican Party.
IMHO on someones camera, downloaded and filed away, almost forgotten. Perhaps someone was looking at old pictures, and ..................

Yeah, probably something like that. It's from way before he was appointed. But it really does not reflect well on his character.

The best he could say is something like "look, I was a bottomed-out alcoholic still, I thought it was funny because I was completely wrecked, I quit and I've never done anything like that sober". Fine, ok. That'd be a redemption story of sorts mixed with contrition. Fine. We want that in general from people.

But I don't know he can say that. I don't see any good defenses, and apparently neither did he seeing as he immediately resigned.
But, but, but most Trumpsters here just can't understand why Blacks don't vote GOP nowadays. With politicians like this guy, and Steve King, and advisers like Steve Miller working for Trump they can't understand why minorities don't feel welcome in the Republican Party.

No no, don't you realize?

There's some reason that black people just can't help themselves but to fall for welfare programs and therefore get "trapped" on a "democrat plantation" where they always have to vote Democrat for their "Obamaphones" (Reaganphones, but anyway) AND don't you dare say I just said something racist based on the fact that there's no way what I said works without the necessary logical entailment that some negative characteristic of black people exists such that they are trapped by welfare but white people are not and stop talking because OMG that's too much thinking for one day.

/sardonics off.

Dems have some Jew/Israel stuff to clean up. Reps have race stuff to clean up, but it would seem to be more.
Yeah, probably something like that. It's from way before he was appointed. But it really does not reflect well on his character.

The best he could say is something like "look, I was a bottomed-out alcoholic still, I thought it was funny because I was completely wrecked, I quit and I've never done anything like that sober". Fine, ok. That'd be a redemption story of sorts mixed with contrition. Fine. We want that in general from people.

But I don't know he can say that. I don't see any good defenses, and apparently neither did he seeing as he immediately resigned.

Or it could be there are more 'pictures' out there so he decided to get out now, and hope it dies down and with him out of politics no one will go looking for more 'pictures'.
But, but, but most Trumpsters here just can't understand why Blacks don't vote GOP nowadays. With politicians like this guy, and Steve King, and advisers like Steve Miller working for Trump they can't understand why minorities don't feel welcome in the Republican Party.

Neither the party for a bigger federal government nor the party for a huge federal government have complete ideological purity or members without severe social, personal or legal problems. It is obvious that both the demorats and republicants have their share of morons who get caught doing truly stupid things but to paint all in a large group as being like the worst or best among them is foolish.
Neither the party for a bigger federal government nor the party for a huge federal government have complete ideological purity or members without severe social, personal or legal problems. It is obvious that both the demorats and republicants have their share of morons who get caught doing truly stupid things but to paint all in a large group as being like the worst or best among them is foolish.

Thanks to their allies in the Conservative media the GOP has/is not welcoming to ANY minority. Trump has surrounded himself with a bunch of homophobes, including his own VP. He was ready to sign a bill to keep the government open, but then watched haters like Hannity and Ingraham on Fox scream about the immigrants and they changed his mind. People like David Duke and Richard Spencer celebrating Trump's election, and 'there's good people on both sides' comment.

So no, right now regarding minorities and why many are pulling away from the GOP, the Democrats do not have anywhere near as many 'morons' as the GOP.
Lots of times I think these kinds of things get blown out of proportion. But yeah, this was clearly over the line.
Yeah, probably something like that. It's from way before he was appointed. But it really does not reflect well on his character.

The best he could say is something like "look, I was a bottomed-out alcoholic still, I thought it was funny because I was completely wrecked, I quit and I've never done anything like that sober". Fine, ok. That'd be a redemption story of sorts mixed with contrition. Fine. We want that in general from people.

But I don't know he can say that. I don't see any good defenses, and apparently neither did he seeing as he immediately resigned.

As a recovered alcoholic addict I can say that redemption is steeped in the action of seeking forgiveness for one's bad deeds. I have also learned that being drunk is not a get out of jail free card, in fact adds to the shame, so ****ing stupid to get that drunk in public AS WELL AS doing something so totally stupid as appear in blackface.

And yes, it does speak to the reality in the US.
Thanks to their allies in the Conservative media the GOP has/is not welcoming to ANY minority. Trump has surrounded himself with a bunch of homophobes, including his own VP. He was ready to sign a bill to keep the government open, but then watched haters like Hannity and Ingraham on Fox scream about the immigrants and they changed his mind. People like David Duke and Richard Spencer celebrating Trump's election, and 'there's good people on both sides' comment.

So no, right now regarding minorities and why many are pulling away from the GOP, the Democrats do not have anywhere near as many 'morons' as the GOP.

I agree. But what puzzles me is the women who buy into Trump's act. Shame on American woman of the right. Housewives with guns. No guts, no courage and not one concern for the females of tomorrow, house wives praying to JAy-Zez to make America great again.

The US Ambassador to Canada is a woman who has never worked beyond winning a beauty contest, but happened to marry a rich guy who donated big to Trump's campaign.

Her first speech in Toronto was to nothing but conservative males as liberals and women walked out of the free meal.

No courage, no character, but millions to her hair dresser

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