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State of Biden SOTU (1 Viewer)

Did Joe's SOTU address secure November?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • No

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • Wait till November/prefer not to speculate.

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


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State of Biden SOTU:

Well, if there was any doubt about the Commander in Chief's state of mind, I think the SOTU puts them to rest.

I really liked his plan.

Ya Joe, go Democrats!

Do you think he secured November?
I would hope so. It was quite refreshing to hear a speech that sought to unite Americans.
I was pleased with the whole thing.
The only disagreement I have is on guns, as we see, and it would not be hard to get Russian, Chinese or North Korean troops over here, and if so, you need that big magazine.

The only disagreement I have is on guns, as we see, and it would not be hard to get Russian, Chinese or North Korean troops over here, and if so, you need that big magazine.

Guns in the hands of ordinary people kills them.

Gun-deaths per country world-graphic here.

Gun deaths by order of killings:

Countries with the Highest Total Gun Deaths (all causes) in 2019
  1. Brazil (49436)
  2. United States (37038)
  3. Venezuela (28515)
  4. Mexico (22116)
  5. India (14710)
  6. Colombia (13169)
  7. Philippines (9267)
  8. Guatemala (5980)
Guns in the hands of ordinary people kills them.

Gun-deaths per country world-graphic here.

Gun deaths by order of killings:
That is why I propose one must be a certified gun buyer, be on the gun buyers list and not on the five tir no gun buy list to get a gun.

Requiring a case for transport adds a further layer of protection, the law is broken when the gun is taken out of the case, except for actions of the militia.
November is a long way off, there is no way a mediocre speech given in March will impact the vote in November. What will impact it is the actions taken and given Biden’s history it’s not looking good unless he make a change.

November is a long way off, there is no way a mediocre speech given in March will impact the vote in November. What will impact it is the actions taken and given Biden’s history it’s not looking good unless he make a change.

Yeah right, Biden inherited a huge-pile of political crapolla (from Donald Dork*) so, of course, it's Biden's fault that he could not correct it (Abra-Cadabra!) in the past two years of a Covid-infected US ... !

*Who LOST the popular-election but became PotUS anyway.
The ruling party always looses slots in the midterms. I would be suprised if they did not.
And just in case anyone might be wondering about Covid in the US here is the latest map:

It looks as if it's over - but one can never tell for sure given the way it "bounces around". That downslope that you see turning sideways means that many cases are still troubling the US.

See the map of latest cases here.

November is a long way off, there is no way a mediocre speech given in March will impact the vote in November. What will impact it is the actions taken and given Biden’s history it’s not looking good unless he make a change.

Yeah right, Biden inherited a huge-pile of political crapolla (from Donald Dork) so, of course, it's Biden's fault that he could not wave his Magic-Wand (Abra-Cadabra!) in the past two years of a Covid-infected US!

Lesson for Uncle Sam & Co - once these illnesses get going they are amazingly difficult to master before a great many deaths are involved.

This is apparently the first time that this type of illness has been able to re-create itself in a different form. So, it is unlikely to be the last ... !
November is a long way off, there is no way a mediocre speech given in March will impact the vote in November. What will impact it is the actions taken and given Biden’s history it’s not looking good unless he make a change.

Yeah, right. As of tomorrow he should get out of the Oval Office and onto the lawn where HE WILL BANISH COVID from the US!

Let's stop with the BS, shall we? The US is in a Major Economic Conflict but still doing pretty good! That is one-helluva-lot better than Europe (from which I am writing).

Whyzzat? Because of the Ukraine and the European bad-habit of "shat that happens elsewhere typîcally finds its way elsewhere as well!"

Putin has been maneuvering the top Russian-billionaires ever since he worked for the then elected President of Russia (Yeltsin). After Yeltsin retired, Putin then got elected by means of an enormous fraud of election results. Read about that here: Russia election - Putin's party wins election marred by fraud claims

They are supposed to be around two or three hundred that all benefited from the Russian government funds after Communism was ditched there. From here:

On December 25, 1991, the Soviet hammer and sickle flag lowered for the last time over the Kremlin, thereafter replaced by the Russian tricolor. Earlier in the day, Mikhail Gorbachev resigned his post as president of the Soviet Union, leaving Boris Yeltsin as president of the newly independent Russian state.

That was two decades ago. In that time Yeltsin shoveled out a LOT of government funds into the hands of today's "Super-Rich-Russians". Amongst them was Putin who became Super-super-duper Rich!

How so? Some say that Putin (as the head of government) called the super-rich to Moscow and said, if you want to remain in Russia I want 50% of what you got!

Which is supposedly how he got to be one of the richest men in Russia and quite possibly the world ...
State of Biden SOTU:

Well, if there was any doubt about the Commander in Chief's state of mind, I think the SOTU puts them to rest.

I really liked his plan.

Ya Joe, go Democrats!

Do you think he secured November?

I liked a lot of what he said, i liked he showed bipartisanship, i liked the other side showed some too (until their horrible reply)

but NO it did not secure "November"
typically based on RECENT history November is never secure and the "other team" opposite the president gains ground and or majority. Been that way my whole life (since Reagan) thats why I think it's weird that so many focus on it.
Id have to go look but I think Bush 2 was the only president to get control for a little while during his presidency.

yeah here it is
Never heard of it, Clarify please?
If you seek counseling you will be put on tir one or two.

The courts can put you on or take you off the list.

The list is only accessed by gun dealers reading yes or no.

It would be illegal to discriminate based on the list, but certified on your DL may be used to screen employees.

Certification serves the militia so that in time of crisis, I can know that you have gun safety training. Usually your DL would read certified gun buyer.
If you seek counseling you will be put on tir one or two.

The courts can put you on or take you off the list.

The list is only accessed by gun dealers reading yes or no.

It would be illegal to discriminate based on the list, but certified on your DL may be used to screen employees.

Certification serves the militia so that in time of crisis, I can know that you have gun safety training. Usually your DL would read certified gun buyer.
Why have I never heard of this?
The only disagreement I have is on guns, as we see, and it would not be hard to get Russian, Chinese or North Korean troops over here, and if so, you need that big magazine.
I disagree with his fund the police segment. Funding of police has never been an issue. How they use that funding has been the issue. If he gets increased funding, my first priority would be the creation of a national database to keep lousy leo's from leaving one department just to go to another department. Do they model that after the Catholic Church?

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