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Star Wars? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
State of Confusion
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
No...not the movie, but the White House has once again issued a National Security Directive calling for weapons in space.

Since Reagan first proposed this idea...some 20 odd years ago, we have spent apprx 100 billion dollars and basically have nothing to show for it.

I admit, this is one area that I'm torn about.

If we do not continue our pursuit of "Star Wars," and some other hostile country perfects this technology, our conventional forces, which are now the envy of the world, could easily be wiped off the face of the earth.

This technology has been described as firing a bullet in the air, then immediately firing another bullet and attempting to hit the first bullet...sounds easy enough, doesn't it?

Would the United States be better off calling for a World Peace Directive that bans all weapons in space, or should we continue our research into this area for fear that another nation may beat us to the punch?

Remember....no weapon has ever been made that has not been used.

Do we continue to spend billions of dollars, that we can ill afford, for a technology that may never work, or do we pursue peace in space and ban all weapons?

It would be kind of nice to "give peace a chance," wouldn't it?

Or is that too scary?
Is there any other country that could afford to build space weapons? If they can, are they interested in doing it? Do they have all the resources? I do not believe that we have anything to worry about as far as some other country beating us to the punch.
alex said:
Is there any other country that could afford to build space weapons? If they can, are they interested in doing it? Do they have all the resources? I do not believe that we have anything to worry about as far as some other country beating us to the punch.

Yeah, that's what Eisenhower thought.
Arthur Fonzarelli said:
Yeah, that's what Eisenhower thought.

Our intelligence is a lot better since Eisenhower and we were not the only super power then.
alex said:
Our intelligence is a lot better since Eisenhower and we were not the only super power then.

The thought that we are the only super power will get us killed. We sit around thinking we're the greatest & nobody will ever catch up...then...we'll find ourselves behind in building the "new frontier."
Arthur Fonzarelli said:
The thought that we are the only super power will get us killed. We sit around thinking we're the greatest & nobody will ever catch up...then...we'll find ourselves behind in building the "new frontier."

Answer my questions: which country has the will, capability, and resources to do this? Our intelligence is too good to allow another country to pass us when it comes to weapons. The weapons we have now are already too much, we do not need more.
I'm for it, but discouraged by the many failed tests the military has already run. I don't think there is another nation that is close to where we are, though. But, to assume that is just plain ignorance. The world is a crazy place.
alex said:
Answer my questions: which country has the will, capability, and resources to do this? Our intelligence is too good to allow another country to pass us when it comes to weapons. The weapons we have now are already too much, we do not need more.

The answer to your question is: North Korea, we already know that they have a considerate weapon supply in their hands.If they are crazy enough to even consider to go to war with the US, then most likely they will be backed by many rouge and rebel groups similar to the Tali-ban who have money and more weapons ready and available. With the resources that could be gotten hold of, the US would surely win, but millions of American citizens could lose their lives. This will unlikely happen, but there is always a chance that this could happen in the future of our planet.

So with the stated views from above, I am for the retesting of Star Wars in the near future.
I'm not sure what to think about this issue? It's a non-partisan issue for me.

It would be nice to keep space weapon free, but if we don't continue the research then we could wake up one day and find ourselves in serious trouble?

We had cooperation with the Soviets on the...I can't recall..Mir? space station...why can't we cooperate in space and have no weapons?

Or do we continue to spend billions of dollars on something that will probably never work?

I think the only success Star Wars had, was when we put tracking devices in the targets. I don't think we can expect our enemies to be as kind? LOL
I think that weapons in space can only be a bad idea. I fear the day that we are blowing up each other not only here on earth, but in space as well. We should be aiming for peace, not extending our military to beyond our atmosphere.
Interesting, then, that both the UK and the USA have voted for war-mongers recently! Hardly a step towards peace.
Naughty Nurse said:
Interesting, then, that both the UK and the USA have voted for war-mongers recently! Hardly a step towards peace.

You are totally right. I think we SHOULD be heading towards peace, but it's very obvious that we're not. I only feel that weapons in space would make everything worse.
loverofpeace said:
You are totally right. I think we SHOULD be heading towards peace, but it's very obvious that we're not. I only feel that weapons in space would make everything worse.

Can't disagree with you there.
It's kind of funny that you guys still feel that everybody is out to get you even when the Cold War has ended. No other country will set up a "star wars" system because no other country needs it or wants it.

Reagan was president over 20 years ago, the world has changed since then.
A world peace agreement should be saught in regards to this.
I was talking to a friend last night, who is far more conservative then I will ever be, and I asked him about 'Star Wars.'

He thinks we should continue the research, and added that 'Star Wars' wouldn't be a 'weapon' in space, but merely a form of self-defense shield.

To be honest...I can't see spending the money on this research. 20 years and a 100 billion dollars and the system can't even tell the difference between a rocket and a bunch of balloons.

The United States has far more to fear from someone walking across the border with a dirty bomb in their suitcase.

Star Wars won't protect us, but could further atagonize our enemies?
I am completely against the weaponization of outer space. One of the topics in recent U.N. security council sessions has been drafting resolutions to get member states to avoid an arms race in space.

Of course, the 1966 treaty preventing garrisons on any celestial bodies, and of putting any weapons of mass destruction in space, is still in complete effect. So, the weaponization of outer space won't be too much different than, say, land-based ICBM's.

The real concern is that the U.S. will take a system 'designed to protect satellites', and will position it over their next target, and will use it to launch a rather effective surprise attack on installations. That would mean that space would be used as the stationing point for an aggressive weapon, and I could very much see U.N. member states protesting this, and putting up a definitive resolution to prohibit such an action.

As for wasting money, the U.S. is notorious for that, so why should this change things?

And as for other countries with the ability or the will to do it? Well, Russia would love to get their hands on a system like that. Imagine what Putin or Lukashenko can do to coerce others with a missile launcher centered over the heads of foreign governments? The only problem is lack of money. They cancelled the MiG-35 because they didn't have the cash to support it, even though it would seriously rival the F-22.

And Israel has the technology for it, but like Russia, they're somewhat strapped for cash, what with fighting Palestine for so long.

All in all, the U.S. is the only one with the will and the money to do such a project, no matter how wasteful it is. We waste plenty of money a year on weapons that are are superior to our already-superior designs. So why not a system that can attack capitals without warning?
Zero Hour said:
And Israel has the technology for it, but like Russia, they're somewhat strapped for cash, what with fighting Palestine for so long.

What! You comparing Russia to Israel! How dare you! :soap
:gunner: :blowup:

You just cost yourself a leg!

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