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Stalinist Times in America: Bus Drivers Informing On Others (1 Viewer)

Mar 11, 2006
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I was watching a TV special where they talked about how bus drivers in the local communities are being trained to inform on "suspected terrorists." This sort of thing reminded me of Stalinist Russia where people, including children, were trained to inform on their parents for being "enemies of the people." Is the US going down the same path as Stalnist Russia where anybody can be labled a "terrorist" and be informed on by their bus driver or perhaps eventually their own children?
ManOfTrueTruth said:
I was watching a TV special where they talked about how bus drivers in the local communities are being trained to inform on "suspected terrorists." This sort of thing reminded me of Stalinist Russia where people, including children, were trained to inform on their parents for being "enemies of the people." Is the US going down the same path as Stalnist Russia where anybody can be labled a "terrorist" and be informed on by their bus driver or perhaps eventually their own children?

Well, no. In the one case, people were informing on enemies of a dictatorship, and in the other they are asked to inform on people trying to establish a dictatorship (a world-wide caliphate). Now, let's see how puerile you can be, and tell me Bush is like Stalin.
alphamale said:
Well, no. In the one case, people were informing on enemies of a dictatorship, and in the other they are asked to inform on people trying to establish a dictatorship (a world-wide caliphate). Now, let's see how puerile you can be, and tell me Bush is like Stalin.

Stalin and Bush both sought to turn everybody into a snitch and make them inform on one another so as to keep people in fear to kill or imprison those who have an objectionable point of view in the name of "fighting terror" in order to keep a grip on power in a tyrannical fashion. I wonder how broadly they will apply the concept of "terrorist" and if they apply it in such a way that many non-terrorists would be labeled "terrorist" simply because they have a point of view different from the Bush regime.
ManOfTrueTruth said:
Stalin and Bush both sought to turn everybody into a snitch and make them inform on one another so as to keep people in fear to kill or imprison those who have an objectionable point of view in the name of "fighting terror" in order to keep a grip on power in a tyrannical fashion. I wonder how broadly they will apply the concept of "terrorist" and if they apply it in such a way that many non-terrorists would be labeled "terrorist" simply because they have a point of view different from the Bush regime.

Bush asks people to turn in IFs who have already made the worst attack on the U.S. mainland since the War of 1812. It started out really funny hearing the wild over-the-top claims of appeasers, but now it's just jaw-dropping. It's truly stunning the alternate reality you folks have created for yourself! :shock:
alphamale said:
Bush asks people to turn in IFs who have already made the worst attack on the U.S. mainland since the War of 1812. It started out really funny hearing the wild over-the-top claims of appeasers, but now it's just jaw-dropping. It's truly stunning the alternate reality you folks have created for yourself! :shock:

You sound like Stalin or Hitler making a statement to one of their deputies.
ManOfTrueTruth said:
You sound like Stalin or Hitler making a statement to one of their deputies.

OK, how about this: :2razz:

I heard that Bush is going to set up Auschwitz-type concentration camps and round up all the liberals and gas them! Run for you lives!!! :lol:

The FBI has been doing this for decades. In fact they ask people on certain people who are suspected of a crime and when they record it, and someone else is charged with the crime, that info is still kept; you should see the Freedom of Information Act on people who never even got a speeding ticket, but some neighbor told the FBI this and that info on the person like he/she did it; people are very strange and two-faced.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
The FBI has been doing this for decades. In fact they ask people on certain people who are suspected of a crime and when they record it, and someone else is charged with the crime, that info is still kept; you should see the Freedom of Information Act on people who never even got a speeding ticket, but some neighbor told the FBI this and that info on the person like he/she did it; people are very strange and two-faced.

Makes me wonder, when you look at the fact that we have the highest prison population of any nation in the world, if we are really that much different than Stalinist Russia. The US government using informanants and snitches to imprison people on suspicion rather than evidence or facts. Pretty soon, American kids will be telling the FBI of how their parents are "subversive" and the FBI will arrest them in the same manner as Stalin doing to his own people where he used people to snitch on each other or used the children of families to snitch on their parents.

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