• This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every person's position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the RULES. Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate - it's free!

Staffing (1 Viewer)



Since this is a political debate forum, I would expect a certain degree of decorum and maturity from individuals deciding to throw their hat in the ring. I would also expect to see an even higher standard for those carrying the title "Moderator" or "Admin".
Stop beating around the bush, just tell us what's on your mind. We will never know what's wrong and will continue the same way. Stop the animosity... :censored
Please accept my apologies for not having my name attached to the post.

There was no animosity.

I expect everyone in here to be mature enough to examine statements they may or may not have made and be able to determine if I'm talking about them or not.

Man, if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. Noone expect anything from you and you should not expect anything from noone. Like you said this is a debate forum, we debate, rebate and masturbate. :-o
Get with the program.


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I have to agree with both of you. But, LiberalFINGER does indeed have a very good point.

First and foremost this is a debate forum.

Second, you will only get the respect that you demand and represent to the group.

If anyone's staments are week - they WILL be called on.
Expect it with shallow immature comments. :)

That being said - should we require that posts/replys be of more than 1 line?
I like one liners myself. as long as the point is made.
That being said - should we require that posts/replys be of more than 1 line?
Well so much for freedom of speech. I have to shut up If I'm not saying anything longer than one line. This forum is becoming ridiculously censored and I'm going to look for a site where people can express themselves w/o a control freak telling them what and how much to say. This is :bs
That being said - should we require that posts/replys be of more than 1 line?
Looks like free speach is another casualty of political correctness. You commie liberal stalinist pukes make me want to pull my intestines out my nostrils and hang myself with them! (Alright, I got more than one line! Is everybody satisfied!?!).
No one is attempting to censure.

Only 1 post so far has been locked due to off topic and it is still on the site to read (see Gay Marriage forum).

We believe in freedom of speech at debatepolitics and the question was asked to help spur quality debate and curtail non-value added remarks that do not add anything to a topic. A good debate consists of rhetorical and analytical responses.

Sounds like its time for a poll. :)
Only 1 post so far has been locked due to off topic and it is still on the site to read (see Gay Marriage forum).

Only 1 post, whoa, that makes me feel so good.

Only 1 post so far has been locked due to off topic and it is still on the site to read (see Gay Marriage forum).

Spur quality debate by whose standards?

A good debate consists of rhetorical and analytical responses.

No sir, de.bat.ing [ME, fr. MF debatre, fr. OF, fr. de- + batre to beat, fr. L battuere] vi (14c) 1 obs: fight,contend 2 a: to contend in words b: to discuss a questionby considering opposed arguments 3: to participate in a debate ~ vt 1 a: to argue about b: to engage (an opponent) in debate 2: to turn over in one's mind syn see discuss---
(copy directly from britannica dictionary.

Let us debate whether it makes sense to you or not, not all of us have your IQ, what does not make sense to you may make sense for me, what does not fit to a particular discussion according to you may fit perfectly for me.
Please let us enjoy the only place we can really let it out w/o getting fired. Not you too! :-o
My initial thought was to define the word good. There are WAY too many definitions.

So I will use one:
Serving the desired purpose or end; suitable:
Define good

The word 'good' is really in question, not the word 'debating'.

Only 1 post so far has been locked due to off topic and it is still on the site to read (see Gay Marriage forum).

Spur quality debate by whose standards?

Absolutely!! Freedome of speech means just that - it does not mean there are no rules. Off-topic is a rule.

Let us debate whether it makes sense to you or not,

Whether WHAT makes sense?
Single lines allowable - ok - I can see reasons for them.
Single lines forbidden - ok - I can see reasons for that as well.

Both positions make sense to me.
Quite often a single word or phrase are appropriate. The question was asked and I got the answer.
No need for a poll.
The real issue

This has been interesting and very educational, but the point has somehow been lost.

I had attempted to send out a friendly reminder to all that there is a certain level of decorum expected on this site. We have an audience that we cannot count from many different walks of life. It is inevitable that we will offend, inspire, enrage, and provoke many people through what we decide to share. It is a beautiful thing when people stir the need to think and debate in others. Our forefathers openly debated as we are doing now.

Originally, I had posted that I expected, "an even higher standard for those carrying the title 'Moderator' or 'Admin'." This was a call for each and every one of us to re-affirm our commitment to making this community a successful model of intelligent discourse.

It was suggested that a minimum be set on the lengths of posts. I do not advocate such a limit since some individuals are extremely concise in their wording. I appreciate the effort to find a solution.

Others were concerned that their ability to speak unfettered was being threatened. I say to those individuals, do not be concerned. The spirit of this site if very much alive. Continue to speak your mind and expect lively exchange.

I would suggest to all of us that understand what is really going on, let us sit back, laugh, and enjoy the temper tantrum.
Re: The real issue

LiberalFINGER said:
It is inevitable that we will offend, inspire, enrage, and provoke many people through what we decide to share. It is a beautiful thing when people stir the need to think and debate in others. Our forefathers openly debated as we are doing now.

That is so beautiful it nearly brought tears to my eyes.

Originally, I had posted that I expected, "an even higher standard for those carrying the title 'Moderator' or 'Admin'." This was a call for each and every one of us to re-affirm our commitment to making this community a successful model of intelligent discourse.

I did not sign up to be part of a community that is a successful model of intelligent discourse. I signed up to to let it all out.
So from now on we'll stop all the "Can and Can't do or say" like you said:

I would suggest to all of us that understand what is really going on, let us sit back, laugh, and enjoy the temper tantrum.
I did not sign up to be part of a community that is a successful model of intelligent discourse.

I am sorry that you have not found what you expected. If you had read and understood the rules and mission statement of this forum, I believe you would be having a much more pleasurable experience.
I did not say I haven't found what I expected, as a matter of fact I did not expect anything. I signed up to debate opinions. You, in the other hand, had expectations:

Originally, I had posted that I expected, "an even higher standard for those carrying the title 'Moderator' or 'Admin'."

Then you proceeded:
expect everyone in here to be mature enough to examine statements they may or may not have made and be able to determine if I'm talking about them or not.

To that I replied:

Man, if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. Noone expect anything from you and you should not expect anything from noone. Like you said this is a debate forum, we debate, rebate and masturbate.
Get with the program

So you are sorry this site has not met your expectations and you should be.

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