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Sports Betting Legalization Bill Presented In The Indian Parliament (1 Viewer)


New member
Jan 23, 2019
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India, with a population of 1.33 billion people suffers from many underground gambling events.
While the policy for gambling right now is a total ban but the government of India is finally considering to take the money flow from gambling into consideration.
With that being said, a senior Congress MP Dr. Shashi Tharoor presented the bill to legalize the sports betting in India with the hopes of protecting the integrity of sports.
The bill still needs consideration from the government but chances are it will be taken into account.
What do you say, should the sports betting be legalized in India? and how would it impact. Theys share 18% of the total world population.
Source of the parliament bill - https://zlotto.org/in/legalization-of-sports-betting-india-ideal-solution/
Oh interesting, I hope yall can start passing money around without getting into trouble for it LOL. Illegal gambling is silly rule and should never be enforced. Imagine if I forced my family to never gamble....that's way too controlling for a father to do so why should an ENTIRE NATION of full grown adults?

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