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South Park goes too far (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 2, 2005
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United States of America and proud of it!
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Isaac Hayes, the guy who plays chef on South Park, has recently quit:


"Now in the ring: Isaac Hayes, who voices the character Chef on Comedy Central's South Park, quit the show last week, saying he could no longer stomach the cartoon's "intolerance and bigotry" toward religion. South Park creator Matt Stone fired back, saying Hayes, an outspoken Scientologist, 'has no problem — and he's cashed plenty of checks — with our show making fun of Christians.'"

What do you guys think about this?

You know, I like South Park but I have to admit that the show has just gone too far. It's easy to say that it's just all fun and games but I believe there's a line you shouldn't cross. People have put up with South Park's massive intolerance towards virtually every religion and belief for far too long now. I like South Park but I just Matt Stone should lay off of people's religion. They keep pushing the envelope to the point where what they do isn't funny anymore, it's just sick and disgusting. One episode they showed a statue of the Virgin Mary bleeding from her rectum. That wasn't funny, it was just disgusting. South Park has a very humorous plot, basically. Cartman and the kids are hilarious together. But they've deviated so much from that original formula to the point at what they do is just offensive.

Spaceballs, for example, was a movie that kind of made fun of the Jewish religion. But Mel Brooks never did half of the the extreme sexual things that they do on South Park. I just think enough is enough. Not to mention the fact that Matt Stone has a serious problem with vulgarity. He was in an interview for the Rolling Stones magazine and he just cursed so much that it seemed sick. I suspect that the creators of South Park actually have a lot of deep rooted emotional problems. Michael Moore had mentioned on his documentary, "Bowling for Columbine" that the creators were made fun of in high school. I suspect that they have never really got over the harrassment they had endured in high school and so they're now taking their frustrations out through their cartoon. It's a shame because South Park is basically a really creative and humorous idea. It's sad that the creators have to essentially ruin that original idea with extreme bigotry and intolerance.
This guy has done like a million episodes with them making fun of christians. Now he gets upset because they make fun of his religion?

Georgie, my boy, when will you ever learn to just let people watch whatever the **** they want to watch? Just because one guy whines doesn't mean ****.
South Park rocks...mmmmmkay?
This is not about religion at all. This is nothing more than a guy bitching about how South Park made fun of Scientology. He cashed his checks when they made fun of Christians, Jews, and Musliums. This is just a case of "I'm with you until you made fun of my religion."

Although, some of my friends think that the leaders of the Scientology Cult are starting to put the squeeze on Issac, and that's the real reason he quit.
FinnMacCool said:
Georgie, my boy, when will you ever learn to just let people watch whatever the **** they want to watch? Just because one guy whines doesn't mean ****.

Yes, because of freedom of speech, people are allowed to say what they want and make whatever TV shows they want.

However, this doesn't that they will be well respected for it and as a result lose sponsorship and thus, money. Comedy Central has already had to pull the episode about Tom Cruise or else face losing advertising rights to Mission Impossible 3. The bottom line is, if you want to offend everyone and be a jerk in life, go for it. But don't expect there not to be any conseqences.
I hate that godamn show. Quite possibly the biggest waste of airspace out there. And you know what? I don't watch it. It's really a very simple concept.
Kelzie said:
I hate that godamn show. Quite possibly the biggest waste of airspace out there. And you know what? I don't watch it. It's really a very simple concept.

lol Well yes, Kelzie, we're all free to not watch something. But I don't see why people should not be allowed to express their offense to something or seek reparations. It's like some people want to bash Hayes and Cruise for wanting to take a stance against South Park. Yes, they could not just watch it. But why can't people ever stand up for their reputations as represented in the media? I just don't think people should be bashed for wanting to keep something as private and personal as religion free from media exploitation. Yes, we're all entitled to freedom of speech but it's not as simple as that. Who sponsors TV shows? Corporations. If corporations feel that a program is too offensive to their customers, than they have every right not to endorse the program. What I'm trying to say is, that we can't just become a society that is totally blind to what's portrayed in the media.

Think of it this way. It's basically the same thing that happened in Nazi Germany. First people brushed off Hitler as just a nut. Then he grew more powerful. When he started making anti-semetic films, some people brushed those off, too. And what was the result? Six million dead Jews.

So if we are to utterly close our minds and turn our backs to what is being portrayed in the media, on TV, film, and whatnot, the consequences could be dire.

You didn't think I'd really leave the lil' chillun' did you?
Guess Mr. Cruise told him the great spaceship wasn't going to pick him up after the volcan spirits came out... Good gawd ...please... how about I worship a pile of manuer...

South Parks funy as ****.... RESPECT MY AUTHORITIII !!!!!!!
George_Washington said:
Yes, because of freedom of speech, people are allowed to say what they want and make whatever TV shows they want.

However, this doesn't that they will be well respected for it and as a result lose sponsorship and thus, money. Comedy Central has already had to pull the episode about Tom Cruise or else face losing advertising rights to Mission Impossible 3. The bottom line is, if you want to offend everyone and be a jerk in life, go for it. But don't expect there not to be any conseqences.

Well Viacom had a set of balls.. And then scientoligist came along and Viacom decided to trade there balls in for a dress. The fact that SOME sponsors are so willing to cowtow to any religious looney with a volcano spirit and a demon is a pretty sad state. But the truth is I watch it if it's funny... How about we santize everything on TV so that it is nonoffensive to everyone. 24 hours of barney on every station and you won't have to worry about some being offended......................Hopefully

How do you take these people seriously... There religion was "INVENTED" by a bad science fiction writer.. What real credibility do they have ...LOL
South Park is great! There are sometimes when I think they have gone to far but if I see an episode on that I just didn't like I turn it off. That easy.

The only one I have ever really not liked or though it was sick was the one with the Virgin Mary. I heard they can't play that one anymore.

*drug are bad, mmkay. If you do drugs, you are bad.*
americanwoman said:
South Park is great! There are sometimes when I think they have gone to far but if I see an episode on that I just didn't like I turn it off. That easy.

The only one I have ever really not liked or though it was sick was the one with the Virgin Mary. I heard they can't play that one anymore.

*drug are bad, mmkay. If you do drugs, you are bad.*

I thought the one where Cartman killed that guys parents and fed them to him in some chili was sick & hilarious at the same time...

*I do NOT have a satellite up my ***!!*
I'm gonna kick you in the nuts!!!

reaganburch said:
I thought the one where Cartman killed that guys parents and fed them to him in some chili was sick & hilarious at the same time...

*I do NOT have a satellite up my ***!!*

that one was horrible! I couldn't beleive it at the end when he did that. I had to ask , did cartman seriously just do that. I love cartman though. I think he is one of the best characters, cartoon or not, on television.
two words- Casa Bonita
americanwoman said:
that one was horrible! I couldn't beleive it at the end when he did that. I had to ask , did cartman seriously just do that. I love cartman though. I think he is one of the best characters, cartoon or not, on television.
two words- Casa Bonita

Yeah, it takes a lot to shock me and even the end of that episode shocked me...

We have a Casa Bonita in the town I live in, so I got that episode more than those who has never been to a Casa Bonita. Casa Bonita was actually my first job at 16... how 'bout that?

I also loved the episode where Token didn't have any friends because he was rich, so he advertised South Park as a haven for the rich. He was able to get Oprah, Snoop and a whole lot of rich black people to come move there. The town wasn't happy about it, so they all dressed in white sheets as ghosts and scared them out of there... Pretty taboo stuff, but if you get the joke, it's hilarious...
reaganburch said:
Yeah, it takes a lot to shock me and even the end of that episode shocked me...

We have a Casa Bonita in the town I live in, so I got that episode more than those who has never been to a Casa Bonita. Casa Bonita was actually my first job at 16... how 'bout that?

I also loved the episode where Token didn't have any friends because he was rich, so he advertised South Park as a haven for the rich. He was able to get Oprah, Snoop and a whole lot of rich black people to come move there. The town wasn't happy about it, so they all dressed in white sheets as ghosts and scared them out of there... Pretty taboo stuff, but if you get the joke, it's hilarious...
A burning "t"...

"Time to leave"....:cool:
Calm2Chaos said:
Well Viacom had a set of balls.. And then scientoligist came along and Viacom decided to trade there balls in for a dress. The fact that SOME sponsors are so willing to cowtow to any religious looney with a volcano spirit and a demon is a pretty sad state. But the truth is I watch it if it's funny... How about we santize everything on TV so that it is nonoffensive to everyone. 24 hours of barney on every station and you won't have to worry about some being offended......................Hopefully

How do you take these people seriously... There religion was "INVENTED" by a bad science fiction writer.. What real credibility do they have ...LOL

Exactly, C2C. Lets just take everything out of hollywood that can be offensive to anyone and make sure no one gets laughed at and then all the fundie, religious, loony, moonbats can be happy because they finally sucked all the humor out of television.
I just want to get something straight with all of you...

"You will respect my............ A_THOR_A_TEE!"

Southpark....one of the few shows that actually makes me laugh out loud.

Not too many shows we can say that about.
I remember watching the first episode of South Park with Mom. Fu*kin hilarious.
jallman said:
Exactly, C2C. Lets just take everything out of hollywood that can be offensive to anyone and make sure no one gets laughed at and then all the fundie, religious, loony, moonbats can be happy because they finally sucked all the humor out of television.

I wouldn't really say South Park is a part of Hollywood per se. It's more like in its own category. I don't think the creators of South Park really hold any kind of weight with the actual Hollywood crowd, not like any A-List actor, director, or producer would.
George_Washington said:
I wouldn't really say South Park is a part of Hollywood per se. It's more like in its own category. I don't think the creators of South Park really hold any kind of weight with the actual Hollywood crowd, not like any A-List actor, director, or producer would.

Actually, you are right about that. In fact, they despise the hollywood crowd and it is evident in so much of their work. I mean, did you see team america? and every other episode is a direct parody of the life of some hollywood persona. I love the one where they made fun of jennifer lopez and ben affleck. Good stuff.
George_Washington said:
I wouldn't really say South Park is a part of Hollywood per se. It's more like in its own category. I don't think the creators of South Park really hold any kind of weight with the actual Hollywood crowd, not like any A-List actor, director, or producer would.

Yet there little episode stop a major production company in it's tracks and made them bend over and take it from people that worship a volcano and some dumb *** demons from space. WTF is the world coming to. How about we all go back to praying to rocks ad hitting each other with clubs for fu k sake. I think no religion should be recognized if it hasn't been around for at least 500 years. That way you eliminate the fake rock worshippers..
jallman said:
Actually, you are right about that. In fact, they despise the hollywood crowd and it is evident in so much of their work. I mean, did you see team america? and every other episode is a direct parody of the life of some hollywood persona. I love the one where they made fun of jennifer lopez and ben affleck. Good stuff.

Or Barbra Streisand... I can't stand that bitc h for some reason
jallman said:
Actually, you are right about that. In fact, they despise the hollywood crowd and it is evident in so much of their work. I mean, did you see team america? and every other episode is a direct parody of the life of some hollywood persona. I love the one where they made fun of jennifer lopez and ben affleck. Good stuff.

Burrito taco taco! Burrito taco, taco taco!
Don't think that just because i gotta lot a money,
I'll give you taco-flavoured kisses, honey

americanwoman said:
Burrito taco taco! Burrito taco, taco taco!
Don't think that just because i gotta lot a money,
I'll give you taco-flavoured kisses, honey


Ohhh...si! si! si! :2wave:

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