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South African Judge: Rape is part of the black culture (1 Viewer)


May 2, 2016
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New Hampshire
Political Leaning
High Court Judge Mabel Jansen made the remarks in Facebook messages to social justice activist Gillian Schutte.

Referring to black people, Ms Jansen wrote: "In their culture a woman is there to pleasure them. Period.

"It is seen as an absolute right and a woman's consent is not required."

Ms Jansen, who sits in the High Court in Pretoria, added: "I still have to meet a black girl who was not raped at about 12. I am dead serious."

South African Judge's Rape Remarks 'Racist'
I am from South Africa. The judge is spot-on but she must be carefull! She is white: Regardles what the facts are and that she has adopted 3 black children, she will be called a racist for stating the truth in the open! She is embarrassing the Africans and for them this is the important thing. No-one gives a damn about the rapes :(

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I am from South Africa. The judge is spot-on but she must be carefull! She is white: Regardles what the facts are and that she has adopted 3 black children, she will be called a racist for stating the truth in the open! She is embarrassing the Africans and for them this is the important thing. No-one gives a damn about the rapes :(

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White man couldnt teach them how to be civilized ? They treated them like animals instead ?
what you see in my post ,clearly..

I see that in your books, race is more important than the rapes :D Or do I misunderstand you?

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