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Sources: Hillary Clinton Not Expected to Face Charges in Federal Email Probe (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2012
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Sarasota, Florida
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Sources: Hillary Clinton Not Expected to Face Charges in Federal Email Probe | Mediaite
Sources: Hillary Clinton Not Expected to Face Charges in Federal Email Probe

“According to sources that are familiar with the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s use of a private email server, the former Secretary of State is not expected to face charges in the probe. This, according to CNN’s Senior Producer Edward Mejia Davis, who took to Twitter shortly ago to indicate the likely announcement of “no charges”:
During an unexpected interview hit on MSNBC this evening with Chuck Todd, Clinton herself was asked about the reports that she would not face charges. “As we were talking, there are news reporters that indicate no charges may be brought against you and a final decision in a couple weeks,” said Todd in the waning seconds of the hit. “Chuck I am not going to comment on the process. I have no knowledge of any timeline. This is entirely up to the Department,” said Clinton, who voluntarily sat with the FBI this morning for 3.5 hours as part of their final stage of the investigation into the possible violation of the law and the handling of classified material……….

………Yesterday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that she would be welcoming the recommendation from the FBI and bureau director James Comey about the findings of the investigation. The FBI’s last step was to interview Clinton directly, though no time frame has been revealed as to when the findings would be made public or passed along to the Justice Department. While Republicans have sought to drag this story out into the news cycles surrounding the 2016 Presidential campaign cycle, Democrats are hoping for an expedited end to the investigation, just weeks ahead of the party’s national convention in Philadelphia……….

Unless something new came up in the interview ………It is unlikely HRC with be charged and wrongdoing nor be indicted for any unlawful activity………as I have been saying since almost day one……
of course not-she's a Democrap and the current administration is too. Is this a big surprise?
Sources: Hillary Clinton Not Expected to Face Charges in Federal Email Probe | Mediaite
Sources: Hillary Clinton Not Expected to Face Charges in Federal Email Probe

“According to sources that are familiar with the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s use of a private email server, the former Secretary of State is not expected to face charges in the probe. This, according to CNN’s Senior Producer Edward Mejia Davis, who took to Twitter shortly ago to indicate the likely announcement of “no charges”:
During an unexpected interview hit on MSNBC this evening with Chuck Todd, Clinton herself was asked about the reports that she would not face charges. “As we were talking, there are news reporters that indicate no charges may be brought against you and a final decision in a couple weeks,” said Todd in the waning seconds of the hit. “Chuck I am not going to comment on the process. I have no knowledge of any timeline. This is entirely up to the Department,” said Clinton, who voluntarily sat with the FBI this morning for 3.5 hours as part of their final stage of the investigation into the possible violation of the law and the handling of classified material……….

………Yesterday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that she would be welcoming the recommendation from the FBI and bureau director James Comey about the findings of the investigation. The FBI’s last step was to interview Clinton directly, though no time frame has been revealed as to when the findings would be made public or passed along to the Justice Department. While Republicans have sought to drag this story out into the news cycles surrounding the 2016 Presidential campaign cycle, Democrats are hoping for an expedited end to the investigation, just weeks ahead of the party’s national convention in Philadelphia……….

Unless something new came up in the interview ………It is unlikely HRC with be charged and wrongdoing nor be indicted for any unlawful activity………as I have been saying since almost day one……

Must be nice to be above the law.
Unless something new came up in the interview ………It is unlikely HRC with be charged and wrongdoing nor be indicted for any unlawful activity………as I have been saying since almost day one……

Not surprised by this one bit. I saw this coming a mile away.
Not surprising in the slightest. When you're as corrupt as Washington almost no one gets punished no matter the offense.
Not surprising in the slightest. When you're as corrupt as Washington almost no one gets punished no matter the offense.

Hillary's dishonesty and lies are far worse than Scooter Libby's
Hillary's dishonesty and lies are far worse than Scooter Libby's

If anyone else released top secret documents they would be going to prison, but not ****ing Hilary Clinton. She gets a way too ****ing long investigation and then ****ing nothing. Nice.
But less so than Oliver North's.

I don't know about that. North was doing what he thought was best for the country and not himself. Hillary's dishonesty has all about advancing her power and not helping the USA
of course not-she's a Democrap and the current administration is too. Is this a big surprise?

Hillary the chosen one can't go to prison like she belongs because democrats have no one else. lol. They got Warren and Sanders that appeal to the far left and then no one.
An announcement of "no charges" after a private "meeting" between Bill and Lynch....

I wonder what conclusions could be drawn from that.
Boy oh boy............there will be a lot of unhappy folks in Muddville when the decision is announced.......

most smart voters understand that Obama's DOJ isn't going to indict the person who will continue Obamanation.

it will only prove what we know-the Clinton crime family is corrupt
I don't know about that. North was doing what he thought was best for the country and not himself. Hillary's dishonesty has all about advancing her power and not helping the USA

Yep. Hillary's all in it for her own personal gain.

Nothing more, nothing less.
most smart voters understand that Obama's DOJ isn't going to indict the person who will continue Obamanation.

And all smart voters will easily be able to draw a conclusion from "the Clinton/Lynch meeting" to "No charges against Hillary".
The end result will be devastating for Hillary.
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And all smart voters will easily be able to draw a conclusion from "the Clinton/Lynch meeting" to No charges against Hillary".
The end result will be devastating for Hillary.

Lets hope so. Lynch is an affirmative action poster child and nothing more than a tool of the Democrat party. her meeting with the head of the clinton crime family was beyond unethical
And all smart voters will easily be able to connect "the Clinton/Lynch meeting" to "No charges against Hillary".
The end result will be devastating for Hillary.

But how many are going to make that connection? I say not many, and especially when it comes to Hillary Clinton supporters, they aren't going to care.
THE seceding of 30 conservative states WILL BEGIN in earnest .. they will demand 2 things to stop their secession... abortion illegal and a wisdom test for voters.. if not granted they will secede and form THE CONSERVATIVE STATES OF AMERICA and with province alberta to join who is the most conservative province in canada and this will begin the NEXT GREAT EMPIRE while the liberals areas falls into misery

ELECTING hillary will spell liberalism's destruction
THE seceding of 30 conservative states WILL BEGIN in earnest .. they will demand 2 things to stop their secession... abortion illegal and a wisdom test for voters.. if not granted they will secede and form THE CONSERVATIVE STATES OF AMERICA and with province alberta to join who is the most conservative province in canada and this will begin the NEXT GREAT EMPIRE while the liberals areas falls into misery

ELECTING hillary will spell liberalism's destruction

That's just great. You run along now.
THE seceding of 30 conservative states WILL BEGIN in earnest .. they will demand 2 things to stop their secession... abortion illegal and a wisdom test for voters.. if not granted they will secede and form THE CONSERVATIVE STATES OF AMERICA and with province alberta to join who is the most conservative province in canada and this will begin the NEXT GREAT EMPIRE while the liberals areas falls into misery

ELECTING hillary will spell liberalism's destruction

Can you perhaps stop spamming this secession stuff all over the forum?

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