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SOTU bounce gone.Joey B is floundering. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 2, 2013
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Dems are going to their go-to move when ratings plummet-give away more free shit.

some ain't havin it.
Just tipsy skimming through the omnibus. $200,000,000 for the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund $50,000,000 for the Women’s Leadership Fund. We are thirty f**king trillion dollars in debt
Dems are going to their go-to move when ratings plummet-give away more free shit.

some ain't havin it.
Just tipsy skimming through the omnibus. $200,000,000 for the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund $50,000,000 for the Women’s Leadership Fund. We are thirty f**king trillion dollars in debt

You do realize Congress wrote and passed the spending Bill. Take it up with Congress for all the pork.

Question: Did you complain when Congress passed spending Bills which increased the debt when a Republican was President?
Dems are going to their go-to move when ratings plummet-give away more free shit.

some ain't havin it.
Just tipsy skimming through the omnibus. $200,000,000 for the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund $50,000,000 for the Women’s Leadership Fund. We are thirty f**king trillion dollars in debt

LMAO... We are back to Rasmussen again... :ROFLMAO:
"Joey B" :rolleyes:

You should edit a space into the title, WHILE THERE'S STILL TIME! :eek:
He's actually up another .5 points since yesterday, not sure what you're talking about.

Question: Did you complain when Congress passed spending Bills which increased the debt when a Republican was President?

You can ask the President to veto the spending Bills. Hopefully you let Congress know of the pork spending. They are the ones who write the spending Bills.
LMAO... We are back to Rasmussen again... :ROFLMAO:
Yep, more cherry picking single polls when you should look at composites. In any case, polls don't mean much right now, unless your a GOPer of course.
Yep, more cherry picking single polls when you should look at composites. In any case, polls don't mean much right now, unless your a GOPer of course.
Polls are fake news unless they show Biden in a bad light.
Yep, more cherry picking single polls when you should look at composites. In any case, polls don't mean much right now, unless your a GOPer of course.

Rasmussen only call landline phones, not mobile phones, therefore, their methodology gets weaker and weaker every year as people abandon landlines.

All Rasmussen Reports' survey questions are digitally recorded and fed to a calling program that determines question order, branching options, and other factors. Calls are placed to randomly-selected phone numbers through a process that ensures appropriate geographic representation. Typically, calls are placed from 5 pm to 9 pm local time during the week. Saturday calls are made from 11 am to 6 pm local time and Sunday calls from 1 pm to 9 pm local time.

To reach those who have abandoned traditional landline telephones, Rasmussen Reports uses an online survey tool to interview randomly selected participants from a demographically diverse panel.

Rasmussen only call landline phones, not mobile phones, therefore, their methodology gets weaker and weaker every year as people abandon landlines.

All Rasmussen Reports' survey questions are digitally recorded and fed to a calling program that determines question order, branching options, and other factors. Calls are placed to randomly-selected phone numbers through a process that ensures appropriate geographic representation. Typically, calls are placed from 5 pm to 9 pm local time during the week. Saturday calls are made from 11 am to 6 pm local time and Sunday calls from 1 pm to 9 pm local time.

To reach those who have abandoned traditional landline telephones, Rasmussen Reports uses an online survey tool to interview randomly selected participants from a demographically diverse panel.

The worse part about Rasmussen is that they auto call and don't have any idea who they have on the other end. Could be a registered voter, a kid or a kid's friend. The poll is no better than a Facebook poll.
Meanwhile on 538 ...

Yeah, according to right wing anti American deplorables and Russian trolls
You can ask the President to veto the spending Bills. Hopefully you let Congress know of the pork spending. They are the ones who write the spending Bills.
Right. Biden is definitely against big spending, huh?
You can ask the President to veto the spending Bills. Hopefully you let Congress know of the pork spending. They are the ones who write the spending Bills.
YEs and no.
Dems are very concerned about midterms.I know Biden isn't running but I'm sure you are aware the party's success or failure generally track the President.
Right. Biden is definitely against big spending, huh?
Why are you giving Congress a pass on the spending Bills? They write the Bills, pass them and send them to the President for action.
YEs and no.
Dems are very concerned about midterms.I know Biden isn't running but I'm sure you are aware the party's success or failure generally track the President.

Are you saying Republicans are not concerned about the midterm elections? Seems all politicians are concerned about the midterms.

In Arizona I have seen more adds by Republicans than I have for Democrats. Most adds contain misinformation or promises they cannot keep if elected.
The worse part about Rasmussen is that they auto call and don't have any idea who they have on the other end. Could be a registered voter, a kid or a kid's friend. The poll is no better than a Facebook poll.
even the DNC house organ is concerned!
OF course this thing is loaded with DNC talking points, but it's obvious Biden and the the Dems are a little worried.

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