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Soros-supported voter-registration drive probed (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Source: Washington Times

Billionaire currency trader George Soros, in his quest to unseat President Bush, has given millions of dollars to a coalition of anti-Bush organizations whose nationwide voter-registration drive has been targeted by state and federal authorities for possible widespread fraud.
Working under an umbrella organization known as America Votes, the coalition's registration drive — described by election officials as the largest in U.S. history — focused on potential voters in 14 so-called battleground states.
America Votes, which represents a collection of labor unions, trial lawyers, environmental groups and community organizations representing 20 million Americans, describes itself as a "nonpartisan political organization" that seeks to use the strategic abilities and large membership base of its coalition members to "break new ground in electoral politics."
Its goal is to "register, educate and mobilize" voters for this year's elections, but some of those efforts are now being challenged.

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