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Soros Influence-good Or Bad (1 Viewer)

Soros Influence-good Or Bad

  • Goody gum drops

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bad medicine

    Votes: 2 100.0%

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warrior of the wetlands
DP Veteran
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
It has been disclosed the George Soros-who gave millions to MOVEON and other Leftist Bush bashing organizations last year is bankrolling an effort to change Ohio Election laws. Is this good or bad.
TurtleDude said:
It has been disclosed the George Soros-who gave millions to MOVEON and other Leftist Bush bashing organizations last year is bankrolling an effort to change Ohio Election laws. Is this good or bad.

Politics is war. All is fair in love and war. The republican side does the same thing.
Politics is war and war is politics.
I didn't recall any convicted felons who have called themselves "GOD" or admitted they wanted to wreck the dollar contributed to the GOP. Soros gave far more than any other individual-what do you think he was trying to buy with 50Million or so. What is his interest in my state?
TurtleDude said:
I didn't recall any convicted felons who have called themselves "GOD" or admitted they wanted to wreck the dollar contributed to the GOP. Soros gave far more than any other individual-what do you think he was trying to buy with 50Million or so. What is his interest in my state?

Are you saying that Soros is a convicted felon?
TimmyBoy said:
Are you saying that Soros is a convicted felon?

yes he is

HEY MODERATOR-I Goofed-please merge this with the poll question. SOMEHOW this split into two threads

My bad:3oops:

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TurtleDude said:
yes he is

HEY MODERATOR-I Goofed-please merge this with the poll question. SOMEHOW this split into two threads

My bad:3oops:

What was he convicted of?
TimmyBoy said:
What was he convicted of?

some sort of stockfraud or insider trading in (this is so ironic) FRANCE :mrgreen:
TurtleDude said:
some sort of stockfraud or insider trading in (this is so ironic) FRANCE :mrgreen:

Well, it's his money, he can do with it as he pleases. What can you do? I have always supported campaign finance reform myself.
TimmyBoy said:
Well, it's his money, he can do with it as he pleases. What can you do? I have always supported campaign finance reform myself.

CFR was a failure with all this 520C or whatever they call them soft money. THe dems wanted this because they normally can't compete when limited to 2000 dollar a pop individual contributions.

I don't believe in ANY LIMITS-I BELIEVE that there MUST BE FULL DISCLOSURE though. If I know a foreign socialist crook is the source of most of the money bankrolling a ballot issue in Ohio that is a good reason to vote against it
TurtleDude said:
CFR was a failure with all this 520C or whatever they call them soft money. THe dems wanted this because they normally can't compete when limited to 2000 dollar a pop individual contributions.

I don't believe in ANY LIMITS-I BELIEVE that there MUST BE FULL DISCLOSURE though. If I know a foreign socialist crook is the source of most of the money bankrolling a ballot issue in Ohio that is a good reason to vote against it

I am not too famaliar with the law surrounding campaign finance, but it sure does seem like money has way too much influence on the politics of the United States. It's one of the bad habits of this country. Why would you oppose limits? Don't you think allowing too much money can have a corrupting influence on the system?
TimmyBoy said:
I am not too famaliar with the law surrounding campaign finance, but it sure does seem like money has way too much influence on the politics of the United States. It's one of the bad habits of this country. Why would you oppose limits? Don't you think allowing too much money can have a corrupting influence on the system?

No I believe such limits violate the First amendment They also are a joke that end up hurting people who obey the law and allow certain groups to have even more power

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