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Sore Winners: Conservatives Can't Be Happy Even When They Are Winning (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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If you spend decades voting against things that will help you, will this cause a continuous state of anger? When you talk to conservatives these days, it sure does seem to be that way. As Tangmo alluded to here:

The 2016 election of Donald Trump that stunned even his Fans produced the new mass phenomenon in politics of the Sore Winner. They're sore as hell we haven't flocked to Trump and embraced him so they're not going to take it anymore. 'It' being rejection of Trump and disrespect of...them too.

Trump Soreheads also have severe Butt Hurt due to Mueller so they're getting it at both ends which leaves 'em totally grumpy and ornery. And after 25 years in attack mode against Hillary they don't know how to turn it off. They're really in a panty twist over there. They expect us to buy their bill of goods that Trump's a good guy so they're sure we can see our way through letting things go. After all he is just such a good guy y'know trying something new and different. Surely we can cut him some slack.


As goes their obsession with figures like AOC, Hillary Clinton, and myself (username) included. They don't seem to understand that other people have other opinions and can genuinely and gradually change over time. (hence they think the constitution hasn't) Over the past few years I have had better conversations with liberals far to the left of me than even center right conservatives who only have highly partisan combative arguments that much too often slide into Trump worship, racism, or anti-semitic. Without even presenting valid reasons for liking Trump, they expect us to fall in line. While making fun of us and insulting other political figures will help that cause?

Case in point- Trump had full control of the House the Senate and the WH for two years and the moment Democrats got some power, the wall became an emergency. They demonize the liberals and call them leftists as if its some sort of insult. Is it their goal to piss off everyone until no one even pays attention to them anymore, b/c Democrats are already starting to do that in the 2020 primaries. People want ideas and optimism not trollish doom and gloom.
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Case in point- Trump had full control of the House the Senate and the WH for two years and the moment Democrats got some power, the wall became an emergency.

When you spout nonsense like this, it's no wonder you like talking to liberals. This is the same nonsense they spout.

Trump has never had full control of the House, the Senate and the WH. If he had, Obamacare would be gone. Trump has, from day one, had opposition from ALL Democrats and from a lot of Republicans.

Furthermore, he has been talking about the wall...and the need for it...long BEFORE he became President.
When you spout nonsense like this, it's no wonder you like talking to liberals. This is the same nonsense they spout.

Trump has never had full control of the House, the Senate and the WH. If he had, Obamacare would be gone. Trump has, from day one, had opposition from ALL Democrats and from a lot of Republicans.

Furthermore, he has been talking about the wall...and the need for it...long BEFORE he became President.

Your scenario only works if Trump tried this a year ago. He didn't EVEN TRY.
Funny that Tweety didn't get funding for his ego wall that Mexico is paying for during the two years that Republicans controlled everything. If I didn't know better, I might start to think that the Trump shutdown is a political stunt.
Furthermore, he has been talking about the wall...and the need for it...long BEFORE he became President.

Trump had no grand notions of a border wall as late as his campaign platform under Manafort (see Woodward / Fear 2018).

The wall wouldn't become Trumps campaign cause célèbre until Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway took over campaign ideology.
When you spout nonsense like this, it's no wonder you like talking to liberals. This is the same nonsense they spout.

Trump has never had full control of the House, the Senate and the WH. If he had, Obamacare would be gone. Trump has, from day one, had opposition from ALL Democrats and from a lot of Republicans.

Furthermore, he has been talking about the wall...and the need for it...long BEFORE he became President.

Of course you can link to all the times that Trump tried to address this "national emergency/crisis" between January 2017 and January 2019, right? I mean, when he had majorities in the House and the Senate. McCain was a wall guy, which everyone knew (maybe you didn't). Remind us of all of the House efforts to secure wall funding during the 2 years that they had the House majority.

I'll breathlessly wait.
Trump had no grand notions of a border wall as late as his campaign platform under Manafort (see Woodward / Fear 2018).

The wall wouldn't become Trumps campaign cause célèbre until Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway took over campaign ideology.

Fake News there are blueprints. I have to ask Hannity's producer who is currently drawing them up in MS Paint. Hold everything.
My favorite is how they are desperate to rebrand the shut down as the Democrat's fault. The attempts betray their disatisfaction with Trump using this hill to die on even if they strongly support the wall. He is making them look bad, making the country look bad, and they know at the gut level that he is poisoning the wall for the other two thirds of the country so there is little chance it will ever gain traction outside of Trump world.
When you spout nonsense like this, it's no wonder you like talking to liberals. This is the same nonsense they spout.

Trump has never had full control of the House, the Senate and the WH. If he had, Obamacare would be gone. Trump has, from day one, had opposition from ALL Democrats and from a lot of Republicans.

Furthermore, he has been talking about the wall...and the need for it...long BEFORE he became President.

You are right. Trump has never had support for his stupid wall from either party. So he has shut down the govt. to extort money for a project no one wants but his dwindling base of blind sycophants. He thinks he can turn America into his own dictatorship. He needs to be removed from office now before he brings down this country to please his massive ego.
Your scenario only works if Trump tried this a year ago. He didn't EVEN TRY.

??? Have you forgotten his attempt to get money for the wall and other things in return for dreamer relief?

You are proving my Sig true.
Trump had no grand notions of a border wall as late as his campaign platform under Manafort (see Woodward / Fear 2018).

The wall wouldn't become Trumps campaign cause célèbre until Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway took over campaign ideology.

Wrong. (Now this is why you shouldn't listen to Woodward...he tells you lies.)

I just checked Trump's campaign website as it existed on Jan. 3, 2016. https://web.archive.org/web/20160103221432/https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/immigration-reform

Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform:

1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.
2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.
3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.

Make Mexico Pay For The Wall

For many years, Mexico’s leaders have been taking advantage of the United States by using illegal immigration to export the crime and poverty in their own country (as well as in other Latin American countries). They have even published pamphlets on how to illegally immigrate to the United States. The costs for the United States have been extraordinary: U.S. taxpayers have been asked to pick up hundreds of billions in healthcare costs, housing costs, education costs, welfare costs, etc. Indeed, the annual cost of free tax credits alone paid to illegal immigrants quadrupled to $4.2 billion in 2011. The effects on jobseekers have also been disastrous, and black Americans have been particularly harmed.

The impact in terms of crime has been tragic. In recent weeks, the headlines have been covered with cases of criminals who crossed our border illegally only to go on to commit horrific crimes against Americans. Most recently, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, with a long arrest record, is charged with breaking into a 64 year-old woman’s home, crushing her skull and eye sockets with a hammer, raping her, and murdering her. The Police Chief in Santa Maria says the “blood trail” leads straight to Washington.

In 2011, the Government Accountability Office found that there were a shocking 3 million arrests attached to the incarcerated alien population, including tens of thousands of violent beatings, rapes and murders.

In other words, he's talking about a crisis. And this was long before Manafort, Bannon or Conway came aboard.
If you spend decades voting against things that will help you, will this cause a continuous state of anger? When you talk to conservatives these days, it sure does seem to be that way. As Tangmo alluded to here:

As goes their obsession with figures like AOC, Hillary Clinton, and myself (username) included. They don't seem to understand that other people have other opinions and can genuinely and gradually change over time. (hence they think the constitution hasn't) Over the past few years I have had better conversations with liberals far to the left of me than even center right conservatives who only have highly partisan combative arguments that much too often slide into Trump worship, racism, or anti-semitic. Without even presenting valid reasons for liking Trump, they expect us to fall in line. While making fun of us and insulting other political figures will help that cause?

Case in point- Trump had full control of the House the Senate and the WH for two years and the moment Democrats got some power, the wall became an emergency. They demonize the liberals and call them leftists as if its some sort of insult. Is it their goal to piss off everyone until no one even pays attention to them anymore, b/c Democrats are already starting to do that in the 2020 primaries. People want ideas and optimism not trollish doom and gloom.

There is only one kind of political brain more mysterious than that of a liberal, that of so-called "moderate" (aka Rino) Republicans. This sub-species is a somewhat inexplicable form, from an ideological perspective ; they insist on identifying as a Republican but, more often than not, espouse liberal views. They only loath the right, chum with liberal Democrats, seek praise from their culture elites and their MSM press, and are terrified of being seen as unfriendly to illegals, identity grievance groups, and Democrats.

However, the source of their quisling personae does not stem so much from ideology as from social snobbery and bigotry; their comfort zone is to attack their own for being racist, unsophisticated, white and working class. Nothing is more horrifying to them than being in the same party as church-goers, pro-lifers, blue collars, and tea party newcomers and the common white guy. And nothing is more perplexing to them than ideology, someone actually having systemized beliefs.

Thus, the GOP Moderate RINO feels more comfortable doing the dirty work for liberals in eliminating serious rightwing opposition to Democrats and liberals. Indeed, as this seditious species has shown in 2008 they even vote against other RINOs (McCain) in order to jump on the trendy liberal racialist bandwagon of Obama (e.g. Powell, Brooks) ...and yet, they still assert they are Republican.

So no, they don't obsess over folks they tend to agree with (AOC or Hillary Clinton), but they do obsess over bashing the Tea Party, protecting illegals, and currying favor from Democrats.

And as long as a moderate Republican thinks "full control" of the Senate is possible with a mere one or two vote majority, with guys like McCain killing Republican reform efforts of Obamacare, and Democrats filibustering, then such RINOs will always be reviled as delusional snakes and 5th columnists.

Even though I am an agnostic, I leave you with a bible quote I have always found to good instructive to conservatives regarding the nature of moderate Republicans:

"I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot...So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."
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If you spend decades voting against things that will help you, will this cause a continuous state of anger? When you talk to conservatives these days, it sure does seem to be that way. As Tangmo alluded to here:

As goes their obsession with figures like AOC, Hillary Clinton, and myself (username) included. They don't seem to understand that other people have other opinions and can genuinely and gradually change over time. (hence they think the constitution hasn't) Over the past few years I have had better conversations with liberals far to the left of me than even center right conservatives who only have highly partisan combative arguments that much too often slide into Trump worship, racism, or anti-semitic. Without even presenting valid reasons for liking Trump, they expect us to fall in line. While making fun of us and insulting other political figures will help that cause?

Case in point- Trump had full control of the House the Senate and the WH for two years and the moment Democrats got some power, the wall became an emergency. They demonize the liberals and call them leftists as if its some sort of insult. Is it their goal to piss off everyone until no one even pays attention to them anymore, b/c Democrats are already starting to do that in the 2020 primaries. People want ideas and optimism not trollish doom and gloom.

This entire post, to include the poine you quote, is idiotic. There is only one group that is perpetually angry these days and it's even beyond just anger, it's mouth-frothing lunacy, and it's not Trump supporters.

This is pretty much representative of larges swaths of the left these days.
When you spout nonsense like this, it's no wonder you like talking to liberals. This is the same nonsense they spout.

Trump has never had full control of the House, the Senate and the WH. If he had, Obamacare would be gone. Trump has, from day one, had opposition from ALL Democrats and from a lot of Republicans.

Furthermore, he has been talking about the wall...and the need for it...long BEFORE he became President.

Not to mention the fact that they didn't have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate so it still would never have passed.
??? Have you forgotten his attempt to get money for the wall and other things in return for dreamer relief?

You are proving my Sig true.

They had a deal. 25 billion for the wall in exchange for the DACA thing. But Trump/Miller tried to add a bunch of changes to the legal immigration framework on top of that and the deal fell apart.

Now, a year later, Trumpie is crying for 5-6 billion. For his ego. And yours, it seems.
Funny that Tweety didn't get funding for his ego wall that Mexico is paying for during the two years that Republicans controlled everything. If I didn't know better, I might start to think that the Trump shutdown is a political stunt.

You don't know what a filibuster is, I suppose.
This entire post, to include the poine you quote, is idiotic. There is only one group that is perpetually angry these days and it's even beyond just anger, it's mouth-frothing lunacy, and it's not Trump supporters.

This is pretty much representative of larges swaths of the left these days.

Trump focuses on extremes to include whatever number of the population exists as his base. Trump is not a centrist as in center-right or center-left. Trump is the Extremist President who responds to extremes and encourages extremes. Trump has yet to move to the middle on anything. He's a radical extremist in policy both domestic and foreign. And he brooks no criticisms, critiques, opposition.

Most specifically, I am not in your video and neither are most opponents of Trump who post here. Yet you guys consider anyone who opposes you to be an evil liberal who needs to rot in hell. This is because Trump and his Fanboys have power and mean to use it against the center middle, not to work towards it. You guys want your political opponent imprisoned and, moreover, you are certain in the absolute she is guilty already despite all the investigations that never found or brought charges.

Conservatives have been ranting and raging against the center middle for decades. Now Trump is their guy and extremists are in charge in the WH. It's only head down and full speed ahead for you. No middle ground whatsoever.
Most specifically, I am not in your video and neither are most opponents of Trump who post here.

You OP says otherwise, and so does many of the contributions here.

Yet you guys consider anyone who opposes you to be an evil liberal who needs to rot in hell.

You seem to be projecting.
They had a deal. 25 billion for the wall in exchange for the DACA thing. But Trump/Miller tried to add a bunch of changes to the legal immigration framework on top of that and the deal fell apart.

Now, a year later, Trumpie is crying for 5-6 billion. For his ego. And yours, it seems.

Yes. The Dems rejected common sense reforms then and they won't even bother to negotiate now. Hell, they didn't care about the Dreamers then and they still don't.
Yes. The Dems rejected common sense reforms then and they won't even bother to negotiate now. Hell, they didn't care about the Dreamers then and they still don't.

Trump turned down 25 bil, and now begs for less than 6. Oh, and the other difference? The dems have the house. After trumpie ran the GOP on non-stop border invasion fear.

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