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Son of 'Lizard Lick Towing' star killed in shooting after Johnston Co. (NC) memorial (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Political Leaning
They were at a memorial for one death. Then someone shot and killed the 21yo. At the memorial. At the friggin memorial.

The father...

Lizard Lick Towing

The son (victim)...


I remember that show. How tragic for the family, and incredibly sad.
They were at a memorial for one death. Then someone shot and killed the 21yo. At the memorial. At the friggin memorial.

The father...

Lizard Lick Towing

The son (victim)...


Holy shit the dad looks like me! That's a ****in' weird thing to come across!

Totally off topic, i know but we could be brothers if not twins.
I remember that show. How tragic for the family, and incredibly sad.
I too watched that show mainly because what they did and how they did it was sometimes insane. I also wondered at that time how was it that none of them were killed when storming onto someone's property to snatch and run with someone's vehicle? In their face-to-face confrontations with an owner - unpleasant heated words or smart-ass insults would sometimes be exchanged only to result in them screeching away laughing their asses off about how they 'licked' that owner. Again, I thought someday, they'll be killed. One never thinks about their offspring getting it. Makes me wonder about something as to what led up to the 21 year old's death and out of respect for that family - mums the word. RIP to that family's son.
A domestic, maybe? Someone unhappy that he was dating the girl who got shot down the road?
Yellow cars aren't that common and I'll bet the girl knows who it was. They'll get them.

(Or, as we always say around here, probably drugs.)
I too watched that show mainly because what they did and how they did it was sometimes insane. I also wondered at that time how was it that none of them were killed when storming onto someone's property to snatch and run with someone's vehicle? In their face-to-face confrontations with an owner - unpleasant heated words or smart-ass insults would sometimes be exchanged only to result in them screeching away laughing their asses off about how they 'licked' that owner. Again, I thought someday, they'll be killed. One never thinks about their offspring getting it. Makes me wonder about something as to what led up to the 21 year old's death and out of respect for that family - mums the word. RIP to that family's son.
I thought the same.

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