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Some thoughts on abortion (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 2, 2005
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United States of America and proud of it!
Political Leaning
Having been on this forum for a while and read many different opinions on abortion...

...I simply cannot recant my conservative stance.

I simply cannot think that it is morally right for a woman to have sex, knowing full well she could get pregnant, and then terminate a precious and innocent life that is in progress. It's cruel and frankly, it's inhuman.

I've heard all of the arguments and I know how many people want to say it's, "logical" to let people have abortions. But I were to go back on what I had originally felt in my heart to be true, I don't think I could live with myself.

If I were a woman and were pregnant, I could never in a million years terminate a growing life inside of me. If I would, it would haunt me for the rest of my life.

You can try to argue that the fetus isn't a human yet and so, it doesn't matter if it is aborted. But the fact remains, that it does because at one time, the fetus will be a feeling and a self aware human.

What some people fail to understand is, one can argue the viewpoint of something from strictly a, "logical" and emotionless standpoint forever.

Some people say that conservatives only think with their emotions and that we should just analyze things from only a, "logical" realm of concentration.

However, this is not the ultimate goal of man's search for truth. If we were to utterly remove feelings and human emotions from our world, we would become worse than Hitler and Stalin combined. We'd become machines and factories of death squads.

A muiltitude of things can be argued as being materially and rationally beneficial but are, yet, immoral.

For example, somebody back in the 18th century could have said that slavery was logical because it provided very cheap labor and that the African peoples weren't qualified to do anything else. However, such a viewpoint is cold, callous, and lacks the one thing that makes us human.

We should not try to repress our emotions; rather, we should learn to embrace them and talk about them. It is only our emotions that make us different from inanimate objects that decimate each other with no regard to the moral implications of their actions.

The first step towards immorality is losing sight of emotion. Once that happens, virtually anything can be justified. And then, the slow yet bitter sweet cycle of de-civilization goes into motion and all that mankind has achieved would be gone like rose petals in the wind...
George_Washington said:
I simply cannot think that it is morally right for a woman to have sex, knowing full well she could get pregnant, and then terminate a precious and innocent life that is in progress. It's cruel and frankly, it's inhuman.

Oh? What's the guy doing all this time, sitting on the couch and watching TV?
vergiss said:
Oh? What's the guy doing all this time, sitting on the couch and watching TV?

He's a Conservative Christian. EVERY problem in all of history is the fault of a woman to them. going back to Eve and the apple.

You see that woman foully seduced the man, stealing his seed just so she could have the joy of getting an abortion all the while laughing manically and deciding to become both a witch and a lesbian.

Sadly, that is what many of those folk believe.
George_Washington said:
Having been on this forum for a while and read many different opinions on abortion...

...I simply cannot recant my conservative stance.

I simply cannot think that it is morally right for a woman to have sex, knowing full well she could get pregnant, and then terminate a precious and innocent life that is in progress. It's cruel and frankly, it's inhuman.
What you feel is morally right is irrelevant, unless you also want to be subject to other people's morals.

I've heard all of the arguments and I know how many people want to say it's, "logical" to let people have abortions. But I were to go back on what I had originally felt in my heart to be true, I don't think I could live with myself.
So don't have an abortion.

Butt out of other people's lives. Your desire to intrude the Government into people's uteruses is a very un-conservative, very un-republican thing to do.

If I were a woman and were pregnant, I could never in a million years terminate a growing life inside of me. If I would, it would haunt me for the rest of my life.
SO don't.

You can try to argue that the fetus isn't a human yet and so, it doesn't matter if it is aborted. But the fact remains, that it does because at one time, the fetus will be a feeling and a self aware human.
And so what?

What some people fail to understand is, one can argue the viewpoint of something from strictly a, "logical" and emotionless standpoint forever.
How do we fail to understand this, that argument from ignorant emotional fervor leads to nonsense claims? We are very well aware of this, having witnessed pro-life emotional rantings and lies for a long time now.

Some people say that conservatives only think with their emotions and that we should just analyze things from only a, "logical" realm of concentration.
Or, as it is known, "common sense."

However, this is not the ultimate goal of man's search for truth. If we were to utterly remove feelings and human emotions from our world, we would become worse than Hitler and Stalin combined. We'd become machines and factories of death squads.
Why, and what is the relevance here?

A muiltitude of things can be argued as being materially and rationally beneficial but are, yet, immoral.
Like conservative politics. I feel they are very immoral, so we should ban them, right?

For example, somebody back in the 18th century could have said that slavery was logical because it provided very cheap labor and that the African peoples weren't qualified to do anything else. However, such a viewpoint is cold, callous, and lacks the one thing that makes us human.
And somebody could (and pro-lifers do this) say that women are nothing but self-propelled wombs, and can be comandeered by conservative politics of oppression and misogyny to be forced to pop out babies.
I'd hate to turn this into a post where we can admire each other, but if I were to add anything after what Steen stated, it would be completely irrelevant and unoriginal, nice post.

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