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Some of Trump's day one EO's (1 Viewer)


Genius is where you find it.
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Oct 27, 2011
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That's a good start. I especially like the "Reforms to remove government employees".
Ah, yes. Scapegoating black and brown people as the source of all our ills. Since the days of the Nazi party - it's been a tried-and-true tool of fascist strongmen and their lowbrow followers.
Seems like he's a little late to the party, so this will largely be performative given the drop in encounters at the border for the later parts of 2024.


If I remember correctly, he declared a national emergency at the border back in early 2019, but that was to expedite the construction of the wall.
Seems like he's a little late to the party, so this will largely be performative given the drop in encounters at the border for the later parts of 2024.


If I remember correctly, he declared a national emergency at the border back in early 2019, but that was to expedite the construction of the wall.
Nonetheless, trump will take credit for the decreasing numbers....
Looks all good to me. Especially cracking down on the cartels. To me stopping the flow of illegal drugs should be one of our highest priorities.
Looks all good to me. Especially cracking down on the cartels. To me stopping the flow of illegal drugs should be one of our highest priorities.

Of course, that will never happen. Americans demand illegal drugs. Your position is quite literally un-American.
Looks all good to me. Especially cracking down on the cartels. To me stopping the flow of illegal drugs should be one of our highest priorities.
Most drugs are smuggled into the USA via vehicles driven through ports of entry.
Most drugs are smuggled into the USA via vehicles driven through ports of entry.

Plus, if illegal drugs were stopped, withdrawal-suffering Trump supporters would stage an insurrection against Trump himself.
Plus, if illegal drugs were stopped, withdrawal-suffering Trump supporters would stage an insurrection against Trump himself.
Maybe. They've become excellent at blaming others - usually Democrats, Black Americans, women, transgenders, migrants (documented and undocumented) et al - for actions taken/not taken by trump.
Maybe. They've become excellent at blaming others - usually Democrats, Black Americans, women, transgenders, migrants (documented and undocumented) et al - for actions taken/not taken by trump.

Good point. DC is far away. They'd just start at a riot at the local Walgreen's pharmacy.
Now we can get down to business and get some things cleaned up.

No doubt the party of putin wants a war on our southern border. :rolleyes:

Notice @ 3:21 if he gets what he wants he wont need to expose the corrupt. :unsure:
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Plus, if illegal drugs were stopped, withdrawal-suffering Trump supporters would stage an insurrection against Trump himself.
Led by his son.

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