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Some frightening things justified by religion (1 Viewer)

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2007
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First of all, if this is the wrong sub-forum for this, please scoot it over to a more appropriate location.

Anyhoo, that being said, I clicked on a link on Facebook to a message board. I started reading it and I was floored by what I saw. Read for yourself. Especially the "taking on the burden of gods will" part.
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First of all, if this is the wrong sub-forum for this, please scoot it over to a more appropriate location.

Anyhoo, that being said, I clicked on a link on Facebook to a message board. I started reading it and I was floored by what I saw. Read for yourself. Especially the "taking on the burden of gods will" part.

So you don't understand satire?

The Landover Baptist Church is a satirical parody website based around a fake fundamentalist Baptist church. The church is a parody of fundamentalist, Independent Baptist churches and Biblical literalism, and originated as a satire of Liberty University.

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Can we kill this thread due to me being an idiot?
Since reality is so crazy it's easy to confuse satire with reality. I was a police officer for thirty years. I dealt with a man who was having sex with his daughter on orders from God. I was going to Hell for arresting him. Another man quit his job as a school teacher to fight smut. Every morning God spoke to him and gave him instructions. When I pointed out what he was doing was illegal he said, "There's God's law and Man's law. I follow God's law." In another case a 47-year old minister was caught having sex with a 14-year old girl. The girl's parents refused to let her testify and the congregation decided their minister was innocent and the girl was possessed by demons. An exorcism was clearly in order. And, a nursing home run by a church lost their license because an elderly man who pinched young women on their butt was wrapped in sheets and doused with scalding water to drive out the demons. He had to receive medical treatment for burns. The good news. The nursing home could still take care of elderly church members without a license.

There is a reason what are called "mainstream" churches do not speak out against the Westboro Baptists and the Jim Jones and the other nuts. The line separating them is so thin.
First of all, if this is the wrong sub-forum for this, please scoot it over to a more appropriate location.

Anyhoo, that being said, I clicked on a link on Facebook to a message board. I started reading it and I was floored by what I saw. Read for yourself. Especially the "taking on the burden of gods will" part.

Well that was disturbing.....

Oh wait its satire. Never mind.
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I wish all religious extremism were satire. Unfortunately, this article only works because there are still so many who think this way.
I wish all religious extremism were satire. Unfortunately, this article only works because there are still so many who think this way.

umm not really there are very few that actually think this way.

I don't know of any real pastor or church that thinks that way.
you are very mistaken.
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First of all, if this is the wrong sub-forum for this, please scoot it over to a more appropriate location.

Anyhoo, that being said, I clicked on a link on Facebook to a message board. I started reading it and I was floored by what I saw. Read for yourself. Especially the "taking on the burden of gods will" part.
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