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Social Permissiveness Index (1 Viewer)


May 2, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
In order to determine how socially permissive a country is, I looked up the policies countries had on a few issues and gave them a point for each socially restrictive policy they had. Some received more than one point on a policy depending on how socially restrictive it was.

Is alcohol illegal? (1 point)
Is porn illegal? (1 point)
Is marijuana illegal? (1 point)
Is abortion illegal? (1 point)
Is prostitution illegal? (1 point)
Is same-sex marriage or unionship illegal? (1 point)
Is homosexuality illegal? What is the punishment for homosexuality? A. Imprisonment: 1 point. B. Life in prison: 2 points. C. Death penalty: 3 points.

The most socially permissive countries? Netherlands and Uruguay, both 0 points. The least socially permissive countries? Iran, Brunei, Sudan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Saudi Arabia, all 9 points.



Netherlands: 0
Uruguay: 0
Spain: 1
Czech Republic: 1
Germany: 1
Denmark: 1
Portugal: 1
Belgium: 1
France: 1
Luxembourg: 1
Switzerland: 1
Austria: 1
Estonia: 1
Hungary: 1
Iceland: 2
Sweden: 2
Finland: 2
Norway: 2
Greece: 2
Australia: 2
New Zealand: 2
Canada: 2
Croatia: 2
United States: 2
Argentina: 2
Costa Rica: 2
United Kingdom: 2
Italy: 2
Ireland: 2
Mexico: 2
Colombia: 2
Brazil: 2
Ecuador: 2
Slovenia: 2
Slovakia: 2
Latvia: 2
Cabo Verde: 2
South Africa: 2
Kazakhstan: 2
Kyrgyzstan: 2
Turkey: 2
Armenia: 2
India: 2
Monaco: 3
Liechtenstein: 3
San Marino: 3
Andorra: 3
Israel: 3
Cyprus: 3
Cuba: 3
Chile: 3
Panama: 3
Peru: 3
Poland: 3
Nepal: 3
Cambodia: 3
Taiwan: 3
Georgia: 3
Azerbaijan: 3
Russia: 3
Tunisia: 3
Bolivia: 3
Belize: 3
Namibia: 3
Mozambique: 3
Malawi: 3
Mongolia: 3
North Korea: 3
Venezuela: 3
Romania: 3
Bulgaria: 3
Lithuania: 3
Serbia: 3
Montenegro: 3
Belarus: 3
Moldova: 3
Macedonia: 3
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 3
Albania: 3
Paraguay: 3
Guatemala: 3
Honduras: 3
Madagascar: 3
Burkina Faso: 3
Tajikistan: 3
Cote d'Ivoire: 3
Benin: 3
Cent. Afr. Rep: 3
Guinea-Bissau: 3
Singapore: 3
Malta: 4
Ukraine: 4
Lebanon: 4
China: 4
Vietnam: 4
Laos: 4
Japan: 4
Bhutan: 4
Seychelles: 4
Mauritius: 4
El Salvador: 4
Dominican Rep: 4
Nicaragua: 4
Jamaica: 4
Trinidad and Tobago: 4
Guyana: 4
Suriname: 4
Sao Tome and Principe: 4
Bahamas: 4
Haiti: 4
Timor-Leste: 4
Solomon Islands: 4
Angola: 4
Rwanda: 4
Equatorial Guinea: 4
Gabon: 4
Rep. of the Congo: 4
Dem. Rep. of the Congo: 4
Lesotho: 4
Swaziland: 4
Sierra Leone: 4
Senegal: 4
Djibouti: 4
Niger: 4
Mali: 4
Chad: 4
Bahrain: 4
Turkmenistan: 4
Uzbekistan: 4
Philippines: 4
South Korea: 5
Botswana: 5
Jordan: 5
Thailand: 5
Sri Lanka: 5
Syria: 5
Iraq: 5
Burundi: 5
Togo: 5
Ghana: 5
Liberia: 5
Kenya: 5
Cameroon: 5
Guinea: 5
Papua New Guinea: 5
Oman: 5
Zambia: 5
Zimbabwe: 5
Eritrea: 5
Ethiopia: 5
South Sudan: 5
Bangladesh: 5
Indonesia: 6
Malaysia: 6
Morocco: 6
Algeria: 6
Libya: 6
Egypt: 6
United Arab Emirates: 6
Myanmar: 6
Tanzania: 6
Uganda: 6
Comoros: 6
Kuwait: 7
Maldives: 7
Somalia: 7
Qatar: 8
Nigeria: 8
Mauritania: 8
Pakistan: 8
Iran: 9
Brunei: 9
Sudan: 9
Afghanistan: 9
Yemen: 9
Saudi Arabia: 9
Last edited:
I think you should get a hobby.
Jesus Christ! Another one?
Damn, the US could be having more fun.
The reasoning is all wrong. According to many of the hard core right wingers on here taxes and environmental regulations are the true measurements of freedom, thus Saudi Arabia with its lower personal income taxes and weak environmental laws is a much more free country than the United States. ;)

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