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So what's everybody's issue with Andrew Yang? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 29, 2016
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Easily the smartest and most progressive leftie around and the layman doesn't even know who the **** he is. What's up with that? Might we expect more from him in the future?
Easily the smartest and most progressive leftie around and the layman doesn't even know who the **** he is. What's up with that? Might we expect more from him in the future?

Only if the Dem Elites allow it.

After all, the Democratic Party still operates that way.
Only if the Dem Elites allow it.

After all, the Democratic Party still operates that way.

Donald Trump proved that populists can overthrow party stooges. The RNC is no different with their gate keeping.
Donald Trump proved that populists can overthrow party stooges. The RNC is no different with their gate keeping.

Of course. The RNC was no different...four years ago. That's when they gave their Party members a list of 16, as you say, party stooges with the intention of allowing one of them...Jeb Bush...to be the nominee. Unfortunately for them, their Party members told the Elites to take a hike.

That's why I said the Democratic Party "still operates that way". Their Party members still don't realize that THEY have the power in their club. Those Party members still allow the Elites to tell them what will be allowed to happen...such as letting them hear more about Yang in the future.
Of course. The RNC was no different...four years ago. That's when they gave their Party members a list of 16, as you say, party stooges with the intention of allowing one of them...Jeb Bush...to be the nominee. Unfortunately for them, their Party members told the Elites to take a hike.

That's why I said the Democratic Party "still operates that way". Their Party members still don't realize that THEY have the power in their club. Those Party members still allow the Elites to tell them what will be allowed to happen...such as letting them hear more about Yang in the future.

Do you believe Donald has changed things on the right or will it be business as usual for the RNC once he's gone?
Easily the smartest and most progressive leftie around and the layman doesn't even know who the **** he is. What's up with that? Might we expect more from him in the future?

He is a little ahead of his time. I have heard economists talk about his idea of universal basic income, and how that would actually be a boon to the economy. But these ideas are new and strange for the average lay person to understand or accept readily. Also, the likes of the Koch brothers don’t like the idea of everyone in society being given basic human dignity. Neither do the racists.

But his 2020 campaign served an important role in at least introducing people to the idea. He is young, and we will hopefully hear from him, or his ideas, again in the future.
Easily the smartest and most progressive leftie around and the layman doesn't even know who the **** he is. What's up with that? Might we expect more from him in the future?

I honestly thought he was one of the best people to run, but the problems he wants to solve are not things society is ready to deal with yet.
I honestly thought he was one of the best people to run, but the problems he wants to solve are not things society is ready to deal with yet.

He's young, sharp and has a great mind for the future. He was absolutely the best choice and will probably remain so over the next few election cycles. I'd love to see either Trump or Biden in a debate with him. They're not even on the same playing field as him.
Easily the smartest and most progressive leftie around and the layman doesn't even know who the **** he is. What's up with that? Might we expect more from him in the future?

He just a Utopian kind of guy
I honestly thought he was one of the best people to run, but the problems he wants to solve are not things society is ready to deal with yet.

but the problems he wants to solve are not things society is ready to deal with yet.

Or not really problems to begin with?
Or not really problems to begin with?

In the context of the last year, we have bigger things to worry about right now.
Do you believe Donald has changed things on the right or will it be business as usual for the RNC once he's gone?

It is obvious that Trump changed things on the right. He never would have been elected if he hadn't.

After he's gone? I don't know. That will depend upon those Party members. Maybe they'll continue to thumb their noses at their Party Elites...maybe they'll backslide and let their Elites tell them what they'll do. We'll just have to wait and see.
Or not really problems to begin with?

Societies which do not operate under the law of the jungle and survival of the fittest, but rather, guarantee basic human dignity to their citizens, are not only more humane and better places to live, but do better economically in the long run as well.

“Beyond their appreciation for the outdoors, additional aspects of the top-ten societies likely contributed to their residents’ well-being. Most have universal health care systems, offer free college education, have substantial maternity and paternity leave, and are among some of the wealthiest countries in the world. “

Scandinavians Explain Why They'''re the World'''s Happiest People - Thrillist
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You mean the things we self inflicted?

If you mean the COVID deaths, the riots, the distrust in government, electing a crazy person to be president, etc. Yes, self inflicted.
Societies which do not operate under the law of the jungle and survival of the fittest, but rather, guarantee basic human dignity to their citizens, are not only more humane and better places to live, but do better economically in the long run as well.

but do better economically in the long run as well.

Must be doing something right because it takes China, Germany and Great Britain combined together to equal our GDP?
If you mean the COVID deaths, the riots, the distrust in government, electing a crazy person to be president, etc. Yes, self inflicted.

If you mean the COVID deaths,

The inflated COVID deaths(wink)

Yes, it was the rioters choice to riot and loot(wink)

electing a crazy person to be president,

Well, there were 2 crazy choices. Only one can win
Must be doing something right because it takes China, Germany and Great Britain combined together to equal our GDP?

Don’t be too smug. The world is catching up fast after WWII. And they’re doing it without living under the law of the jungle.
The inflated COVID deaths(wink)

They are likely understated actually.

Yes, it was the rioters choice to riot and loot(wink)

This is true and I wish they hadn't so the protests would not have been tarred, but you have a number of groups who took advantage of that.

Well, there were 2 crazy choices. Only one can win

I didn't support either candidate at the time and wanted Bernie that year.
Don’t be too smug. The world is catching up fast after WWII. And they’re doing it without living under the law of the jungle.

Don’t be too smug. The world is catching up fast after WWII.

Yes, thanks to our past and present VAIN politicians
They are likely understated actually.

This is true and I wish they hadn't so the protests would not have been tarred, but you have a number of groups who took advantage of that.

I didn't support either candidate at the time and wanted Bernie that year.

They are likely understated actually.

I don't think so, most who get the virus don't even know it

but you have a number of groups who took advantage of that.

Yes, like leftist and anarchist

I didn't support either candidate at the time and wanted Bernie that year.

He's the craziest of them all
Societies which do not operate under the law of the jungle and survival of the fittest, but rather, guarantee basic human dignity to their citizens, are not only more humane and better places to live, but do better economically in the long run as well.

Scandinavians Explain Why They'''re the World'''s Happiest People - Thrillist

Funny I could even say I'm the worlds happiest person(LOL)
I was referring to the death statistics, we are not capturing all COVID deaths and they are understated I believe.

As well as right wing agitators.

I disagree.

I was referring to the death statistics, we are not capturing all COVID deaths and they are understated I believe.

So then, compared to the normal 2 1/2 million that die every year pre COVID, it's not that bad?

As well as right wing agitators.

I think they're more "Defensive"

I disagree.

Of course you do, you're a socialist?
So then, compared to the normal 2 1/2 million that die every year pre COVID, it's not that bad?

I disagree and find your attitude to be callous.

I think they're more "Defensive"
They probably believe they are defending country culture which they believe is american culture.

Of course you do, you're a socialist?

I am progressive, they are not the same thing. I am more akin to a social democrat than a socialist.

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