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So what? You gotta a problem with it? (1 Viewer)

If so, IM me, if you don't. Great. I really have no patience for those who hate. No regrets, live your life to the fullest, be the best YOU, you can be.
You want to discuss this? Here or start a thread, either way works for me. Happiness is better then misery.
That is all.
Personally, I found your honesty refreshing. It's nice to hear a story where the family is so supportive-- sounds like you have a great relationship.

Kudos to you. I wish you & yours much happiness.:)
DP is unfortunately chock full of socially inept bigots. Generally speaking they're empowered by their internet anonymity and in real life would be far too embarrassed to say what they say to you here.

I respect you for being who YOU want to be and not who society wants you to be. If more people had that courage I think we'd all be a lot better off. I wish you the best.

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