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So What Should We Do Next Election? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 3, 2006
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Political Leaning
I know let's vote in some more Republicans and
Democrats so they can continue screwing up the
U.S. and the rest of the world!
I mean we don’t really want change do we!
We don’t want to put competent, honest people
In to the White House Right?
We like all this debt, corruption, pollution, and world
chaos right! And above all we don’t ever, never want to think
Out side of the box like those silly Forefather of ours
(Read the Declaration of Independence)
NoMoreDems-Reps said:
I know let's vote in some more Republicans and
Democrats so they can continue screwing up the
U.S. and the rest of the world!
I mean we don’t really want change do we!
We don’t want to put competent, honest people
In to the White House Right?
We like all this debt, corruption, pollution, and world
chaos right! And above all we don’t ever, never want to think
Out side of the box like those silly Forefather of ours
(Read the Declaration of Independence)

Well if you not happy with our government here you could always move to Iran or Cuba and try theirs.........
NoMoreDems-Reps said:
I know let's vote in some more Republicans and
Democrats so they can continue screwing up the
U.S. and the rest of the world!
I mean we don’t really want change do we!
We don’t want to put competent, honest people
In to the White House Right?
We like all this debt, corruption, pollution, and world
chaos right! And above all we don’t ever, never want to think
Out side of the box like those silly Forefather of ours
(Read the Declaration of Independence)

www.constitutionparty.com -Platfrom is on the left menu bar.

NAVY PRIDE- that was a very poor excuse. The government should be controlled by the people we shouldnt just have to tolerate the corruption because we dont have a choice. Be an American patriot and stand up for what you believe in. The situation will only get worse if we dont do whats right. Secondly there is no doubt in my mind that we will become like Cuba and Iran if we dont make some changes pronto. We are heading in that direction.
Navy Pride said:
Well if you not happy with our government here you could always move to Iran or Cuba and try theirs.........

This is what's wrong with America!
I never said Cuba's government was better, I said "OUR" Politicians are
unfit for the Job, and we should expect more from them!

When your FORCED to pick between the "LESSER of TWO EVILS"
in the end your still left with Evil !

And I agree with what AmericanPatriot29 said.
Moderator's Warning:
Moved, not news
AmericanPatriot29 said:
www.constitutionparty.com -Platfrom is on the left menu bar.

NAVY PRIDE- that was a very poor excuse. The government should be controlled by the people we shouldnt just have to tolerate the corruption because we dont have a choice. Be an American patriot and stand up for what you believe in. The situation will only get worse if we dont do whats right. Secondly there is no doubt in my mind that we will become like Cuba and Iran if we dont make some changes pronto. We are heading in that direction.

Have another snort on that stuff your using.......
NoMoreDems-Reps said:
This is what's wrong with America!
I never said Cuba's government was better, I said "OUR" Politicians are
unfit for the Job, and we should expect more from them!

When your FORCED to pick between the "LESSER of TWO EVILS"
in the end your still left with Evil !

And I agree with what AmericanPatriot29 said.

Well the point I am trying to make to you is we may not have the best government in the world but there is a lot of countries governments a hell of a lot worse......

I have traveled all over the world in my Navy career and I have yet to find a government better then ours........
Nothing. The system works as advertised in that document of documents,
the Constitution.
Well if you not happy with our government here you could always move to Iran or Cuba and try theirs.........
thats a bit poor. Just because other people are doing things worse doesn't mean that problems shouldn't be addressed at home
I have traveled all over the world in my Navy career and I have yet to find a government better then ours........
well what about the fact that the US system as it stands is completly money driven?
We who oppose this present way of doing business on the part of our aledgedly elected government need to change the face of our government. We must re-take control. It seems to of been put on auto pilot and that function doesn't work. I too have spent a long time in the military. I am a disabled veteran (USAF) having served 18 years active duty. I have seen the good and bad of the world from Thailand, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, England and many other places I was sent to on tempory duty (TDY). It seems that the "states" we have propped up through out the cold war is where the people are the most disatisfied with their governments/ leaders. You cannot force a form of government on a people who don't know how to participate in it's operation. A democracy requires that the people take an active part in it's functions and actions, not just on election day either. You don't send someone to represent you without ensuring they are. The only voice we have in our government is those senators and representatives we actually elect at the state level. I want these people to be looking out for our interests not those of some mega-corporation that doesn't pay taxes in my state or even care about my state.
I would like to see the electoral college disbanded, ended, put out of business,period. We can let our senators vote for president for us, each state is equal with 2 senators, they in-turn will vote based on the popular vote count in each of their states. That would constitute a fair election. I also think that elections should be held during the week of the 4th of July. Not just one day but a whole 5 days, 2 to vote and 3 to count all the votes, yes ALL the votes will be counted. Until we make them change they will keep on screwing us.
The way it is now is like having Charlie Manson on the parole board or Michael Jackson running a daycare center. HUMMMM KATT
Navy Pride said:
I have traveled all over the world in my Navy career and I have yet to find a government better then ours........

Navy: If you had made this statement 4 years ago I would have agreed with you. But this current administration's "isolationist" policies have taken us from being one the the most free and respected nations in the world to quite the opposite. With this administration we have seen our freedoms eroded in the name of protection< not to mention that bush has financially and morally bankrupted this country to levels unseen>

what should we do next election?
we need to elect someone (Republican, Democrat, whatever) who is not going to pursue their own imperialistic agenda, who will not cater to the radical right fringe, who will not prey on Americans fear at every whim).

We need a "leader" in this country. Someone who will not be asleep at the wheel when our nation comes under attack by other men/nature.

I would like to see some candidates that will work to unite the country rather than drive a political wedge to promote their agenda.
Otherwise, this country is headed towards a cultural civil war.

Once again....I remember the words of Abraham Lincoln: "If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be its author and finisher".
disneydude said:
Navy: If you had made this statement 4 years ago I would have agreed with you. But this current administration's "isolationist" policies have taken us from being one the the most free and respected nations in the world to quite the opposite. With this administration we have seen our freedoms eroded in the name of protection< not to mention that bush has financially and morally bankrupted this country to levels unseen>

what should we do next election?
we need to elect someone (Republican, Democrat, whatever) who is not going to pursue their own imperialistic agenda, who will not cater to the radical right fringe, who will not prey on Americans fear at every whim).

We need a "leader" in this country. Someone who will not be asleep at the wheel when our nation comes under attack by other men/nature.

I would like to see some candidates that will work to unite the country rather than drive a political wedge to promote their agenda.
Otherwise, this country is headed towards a cultural civil war.

Once again....I remember the words of Abraham Lincoln: "If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be its author and finisher".

You make some good points but personally I could care less what the likes of Germany or France think about us.......They are both corrupt up to their necks.......

I am no big fan of President Bush but when your party puts up someone left wing whacko like John Kerry as and alternate you give me no choice as to who to vote for...........I look at 2008 and it looks like the best you can come up with is the "Ice Princess" Hillary as your candidate..............You never learn from your mistakes..............I will bevoting for McCain...............
You make some good points but personally I could care less what the likes of Germany or France think about us.......They are both corrupt up to their necks.......
How is France or Germany any more corrupt than the US?

I am no big fan of President Bush but when your party puts up someone left wing whacko like John Kerry as and alternate you give me no choice as to who to vote for...........
I don't think it is right to describe Kerry as a left-wing wacko, or anyone in US politics for that matter. It would appear that both parties are running along a rough consenus
Willoughby said:
How is France or Germany any more corrupt than the US?

I don't think it is right to describe Kerry as a left-wing wacko, or anyone in US politics for that matter. It would appear that both parties are running along a rough consenus

France and Germany were in bed with Saddam on the oil for food program...They made billions of dollars while Iraqi children starved........Oh and I don't believe the U.S. is corrupt....When someone like you who is not from this country makes a statement like that I just consider the source....

Kerry is the biggest liberal in the Senate....His voting record was even tothe left of Kennedy......

You really need to learn a little about U.S. politics my friend....
What should we do next election, you ask? Don't vote for a king. Vote for a peoples representative to the world. Don't vote for the one with the most money. Nor the one your "boss" says is right. The one with the biggest PR campaign is the worst one. Don't make it
a beauty contest. Vote for the one who has the best interests of all Americans in mind.
Trickle-Down economics didn't work, there was and still is a drought. It only gushed out for a while and then the tank went dry. Don't vote for a mullha of a any religion. You will get your wish for the good old days, yup the good old days of the dark ages, that is. Vote for the one that wants to ban all nuclear weapons world wide, and has a plan to do so. They want a free and fair trade system, sure when the money of all countries is worth the same, it will be. So just what is a good action to take next election, I believe that "thinking" carefully may be the first thing to do. And don't believe the "sound bytes" you get about politics on Fox or CNN to be a good source for real data about the candidates, deeds always speak louder than words.
Most of these big "Public Relations" aka PR firms hired by the repubicans and democrats are just makeup artists for pigs anyway. But you do present a good question. I hope I have lent you some of my insight to the issue. HUMMMM KATT
Navy Pride said:
Well if you not happy with our government here you could always move to Iran or Cuba and try theirs.........

Oh moses, blind partisan garbage. You don't even have to be conscience to type that.

AmericanPatriot29 said:
NAVY PRIDE- that was a very poor excuse. The government should be controlled by the people we shouldnt just have to tolerate the corruption because we dont have a choice. Be an American patriot and stand up for what you believe in. The situation will only get worse if we dont do whats right. Secondly there is no doubt in my mind that we will become like Cuba and Iran if we dont make some changes pronto. We are heading in that direction.

Navy Pride said:
Have another snort on that stuff your using.......

Navy Pride: "I don't know anything about the subject so I'll just insult people. :D"

Navy Pride said:
Well the point I am trying to make to you is we may not have the best government in the world but there is a lot of countries governments a hell of a lot worse......

So let's not improve it if we can?

disneydude said:
But this current administration's "isolationist" policies...

In what way?

disneydude said:
we need to elect someone (Republican, Democrat, whatever) who is not going to pursue their own imperialistic agenda

Again, I need some clarification before I can respond in any way.
disneydude said:
Navy: If you had made this statement 4 years ago I would have agreed with you. But this current administration's "isolationist" policies have taken us from being one the the most free and respected nations in the world to quite the opposite. With this administration we have seen our freedoms eroded in the name of protection< not to mention that bush has financially and morally bankrupted this country to levels unseen>

what should we do next election?
we need to elect someone (Republican, Democrat, whatever) who is not going to pursue their own imperialistic agenda, who will not cater to the radical right fringe, who will not prey on Americans fear at every whim).

We need a "leader" in this country. Someone who will not be asleep at the wheel when our nation comes under attack by other men/nature.

I would like to see some candidates that will work to unite the country rather than drive a political wedge to promote their agenda.
Otherwise, this country is headed towards a cultural civil war.

Once again....I remember the words of Abraham Lincoln: "If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be its author and finisher".

Do you write for The Nation periodical? It sure sounds like it.
Navy Pride lets apply your logic to other things.

Navy Pride says that we have the best government in the world, so we are safe and don't have to worry about ever falling into a dictatorship. So lets use that same logic on some other things.

We have the best medical technology in the world, so we no longer have to work in medicine to come up with new cures and new information. No need to improve here because we are the best.

Sounds real intelligent doesn't it?

Yeah we have the best government, and that's because our founders never stopped pushing for the best. Our country is the greatest nation on earth, but it's hardly great at all. We still have millions of our own people starving, still have millions suffering from disease, still have trillions of dollars being wasted by the government.

"Our problem is that we don't really learn from history. George Santayana said that "those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it." The philosopher Hegel said, "What experience and history teach us is this: that people and government never have learned anything from history or acted on principles deduced from it." Or as Winston Churchill said, "The one thing we have learned from history is that we don't learn from history."

The refrains that are often heard are: "It can't happen here," or "Our country is different." But the reality is that nations are born and die just like individuals. Their longevity may exceed the average person's lifespan. But the reality is that nations also die.

History has shown that the average age of the great civilizations is around two hundred years. Countries like Great Britain exceed the average while other countries like the United States are just now reaching the average age.

Each of the great civilizations in the world passed through a series of stages from their birth to their decline to their death. Historians have listed these in ten stages.

The first stage moves from bondage to spiritual faith. The second from spiritual faith to great courage. The third stage moves from great courage to liberty. The fourth stage moves from liberty to abundance. The fifth stage moves from abundance to selfishness. The sixth stage moves from selfishness to complacency. The seventh stage moves from complacency to apathy. The eighth stage moves from apathy to moral decay. The ninth stage moves from moral decay to dependence. And the tenth and last stage moves from dependence to bondage.

These are the ten stages through which the great civilizations have gone. Notice the progression from bondage to liberty back to bondage. The first generation throws off the shackles of bondage only to have a later generation through apathy and indifference allow itself to once again be enslaved."

We are somewhere between the 7th and 9th stages.
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RealmOfThePureForms said:
Navy Pride lets apply your logic to other things.

Navy Pride says that we have the best government in the world, so we are safe and don't have to worry about ever falling into a dictatorship. So lets use that same logic on some other things.

We have the best medical technology in the world, so we no longer have to work in medicine to come up with new cures and new information. No need to improve here because we are the best.

Sounds real intelligent doesn't it?

Yeah we have the best government, and that's because our founders never stopped pushing for the best. Our country is the greatest nation on earth, but it's hardly great at all. We still have millions of our own people starving, still have millions suffering from disease, still have trillions of dollars being wasted by the government.

"Our problem is that we don't really learn from history. George Santayana said that "those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it." The philosopher Hegel said, "What experience and history teach us is this: that people and government never have learned anything from history or acted on principles deduced from it." Or as Winston Churchill said, "The one thing we have learned from history is that we don't learn from history."

The refrains that are often heard are: "It can't happen here," or "Our country is different." But the reality is that nations are born and die just like individuals. Their longevity may exceed the average person's lifespan. But the reality is that nations also die.

History has shown that the average age of the great civilizations is around two hundred years. Countries like Great Britain exceed the average while other countries like the United States are just now reaching the average age.

Each of the great civilizations in the world passed through a series of stages from their birth to their decline to their death. Historians have listed these in ten stages.

The first stage moves from bondage to spiritual faith. The second from spiritual faith to great courage. The third stage moves from great courage to liberty. The fourth stage moves from liberty to abundance. The fifth stage moves from abundance to selfishness. The sixth stage moves from selfishness to complacency. The seventh stage moves from complacency to apathy. The eighth stage moves from apathy to moral decay. The ninth stage moves from moral decay to dependence. And the tenth and last stage moves from dependence to bondage.

These are the ten stages through which the great civilizations have gone. Notice the progression from bondage to liberty back to bondage. The first generation throws off the shackles of bondage only to have a later generation through apathy and indifference allow itself to once again be enslaved."

We are somewhere between the 7th and 9th stages.

If you say so my friend.........:confused:
Navy Pride said:
France and Germany were in bed with Saddam on the oil for food program...They made billions of dollars while Iraqi children starved........Oh and I don't believe the U.S. is corrupt....When someone like you who is not from this country makes a statement like that I just consider the source....

Kerry is the biggest liberal in the Senate....His voting record was even tothe left of Kennedy......

You really need to learn a little about U.S. politics my friend....

Thank God for real Americans like Kerry. Always remember the left takes care of Americans while the Right make false promises and passes out BS.

We won't be fooled again.

the Current government is absolute the most corrupt government in our history.
To trust Bush and Cheney is the same as trusting Satan.

Come on Navy, stop the BS about France and Germany. They are looking out for their people the same as Bush should be looking out for the American people. We all know that European Common Market is in competition for trade with the US.

They are our partners in Afghanistan. We Americans know that the war in Iraq is Bush little war, that is fiscally destroying America. Look at the huge National debt that Bush has aquired. It could take a hundred years for our children to pay it off. Look at the legacy of Bush, Lies, Corruption, Crime, unwarranted agression, death, disease, and poverty for most of our people in the next few years.

All one has to do is read the local and state news to realize how little Bush and the Neocon are in touch with the American people. No matter how much you try, you cannot distract the American people from Bush and his folly. The press says that Bush's approval ratings are about 30%. They are trying to be kind. Bush approval rating are actuallly only 12% in many states if the truth were known. In the next election, Neocons are going down and out of office with the waste. They are starting discard Bush in hope that they can fool America again. How Sad.

We won't be fooled again.

We need to get rid of Bush, Cheney, Gingritch, etc and start resolving the war on terror instead of creating enemies and more terrorists. Bush trully needs to be impeached for crimes against the American people.

Can we trust a man who signs in to law, laws not approved in Congress? Can we trust this would be king.

The sad thing is Bush is completely clueless when it come to the American people, or he does not care at all about the American People. Bush only care about money and playing war. He treats our troops as if they were little plastic toy soldiers, sailors, and Airmen.
dragonslayer said:
Thank God for real Americans like Kerry. Always remember the left takes care of Americans while the Right make false promises and passes out BS.

We won't be fooled again.

the Current government is absolute the most corrupt government in our history.
To trust Bush and Cheney is the same as trusting Satan.

Come on Navy, stop the BS about France and Germany. They are looking out for their people the same as Bush should be looking out for the American people. We all know that European Common Market is in competition for trade with the US.

They are our partners in Afghanistan. We Americans know that the war in Iraq is Bush little war, that is fiscally destroying America. Look at the huge National debt that Bush has aquired. It could take a hundred years for our children to pay it off. Look at the legacy of Bush, Lies, Corruption, Crime, unwarranted agression, death, disease, and poverty for most of our people in the next few years.

All one has to do is read the local and state news to realize how little Bush and the Neocon are in touch with the American people. No matter how much you try, you cannot distract the American people from Bush and his folly. The press says that Bush's approval ratings are about 30%. They are trying to be kind. Bush approval rating are actuallly only 12% in many states if the truth were known. In the next election, Neocons are going down and out of office with the waste. They are starting discard Bush in hope that they can fool America again. How Sad.

We won't be fooled again.

We need to get rid of Bush, Cheney, Gingritch, etc and start resolving the war on terror instead of creating enemies and more terrorists. Bush trully needs to be impeached for crimes against the American people.

Can we trust a man who signs in to law, laws not approved in Congress? Can we trust this would be king.

The sad thing is Bush is completely clueless when it come to the American people, or he does not care at all about the American People. Bush only care about money and playing war. He treats our troops as if they were little plastic toy soldiers, sailors, and Airmen.

And our troops love this president and hate the democrats and liberals who constantly try and put him down............That has to be a bitter pill for you lefties to swallow........

Oh and one more thing..........President Bush is not running again..Juliani, McCain and Rice kill all democrats who are running for prez in the polls.......

Eat you heart out!!!!!
Don't any of you see what is going on? It's not the republicans or the democrats that control anything, it's the CORPORATIONS.

This is a post I made in another thread explaining how corporations not politicans are the primary threat to the security and freedom of this nation.

The fanatical religions ruled the world until science came along and brought some logic to the world. During this time of scientific discovery between the 18th and 20th century politicians ruled the world. But today both politicians and religious leaders are mearly rulers of the past. Today corporations rule the world.

I have done so much research and read so much about this subject that I am starting a book about the entire subject. But the facts are in and Americans are being duped into believing that these stupid problems between muslims and christians, between homosexual rights activists and people who are against homosexual marriage, between pro choice and pro life, between republican or democrat ACTUALLY mean something. Well if you are paying attention to any of these issues, if you truly believe these are the most important issues in our society today are any of those mentioned above, you need to get informed and understand that there is an entirely new system in place that hasn't existed in any time in world history except the 19th and 20th centuries. And now we are seeing just how far the experiment is going to go.

It is projected that depression will be the second leading cause of death and/or morbidity by the year 2020. Cardiovascular disease, which is currently the leading cause of death and morbidity in the industrialized world, is projected to become the number 1 single cause of mortality by 2020. - World Health Orangization

There is something very wrong with the world today. And the disease stems directly from the new global mega-corporation. This machine of absolute misery leaves hopelessness and depression everywhere it goes. It owns the politicians, it has more might through it's financial power than the most popular religious leaders do over their followers, and is breaking the backs of governmnets around the world forcing them to compete with eachother by lowering wages, living conditions, environmental laws, and safety regulations just to get their business.

Of the world's 100 largest economic entities, 51 are now corporations and 49 are countries.- Institute for Policy Studies in their Report on the Top 200 corporations.

What Americans are doing to their children and to their childrens children is nothing short is ensuring that they will live in a world that has no hope of getting better only more fascist and less democratic.

It was Americans that gave birth to the Constitution, a living document that could ensure that one day all people under it's laws would be free from persecution and have inalienable rights. Ironically it was the same American nation that is responsible for creating the newest form of dictatorship, corporate fascism. And if Americans continue to be ignorant of the real problems, and don't rise up to make amendments to the US consitution to remove the ability of corporations to use thr 14th amendment to claim they have the same unalienable rights as each individual citizen of this country, then the future of this country is going to be incredibly bleak and unforgiving.

In the year of 1886 in the case of Santa Clara County vs Southern Pacific Bell Railroad Company, Americans officially forfieted their rights of a fair and democratic election. We have not recovered that right since, and today we are in a more perilous crossroads than we have ever been before. I would urge every American who remembers their PATRIOTIC DUTY to be informed of their nation and not their favorite TV show each day to sit down and read this court case and understand the implications it has had on our society. We have entered an era of corporate fascism and if we do not amend the consitution to remove this grievous violation of our sovereign rights, we will lose them permenantly in a few short decades.

If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them (around the banks),
will deprive the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered. - Thomas Jefferson

I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country. - Thomas Jefferson

On Nov. 21, 1864 President Abraham Lincoln wrote a letter to Colonel William F. Elkins. "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war."

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it comes strong than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power." Franklin D Roosevelt

You're country needs you now more than ever. Not to fight a war on terrorism, or a war of religions, or abortion or homosexuality or republicans or democrats, but a war for the very freedom that our Constitution was created to protect before it was mortally wounded by a single Supreme Court Case.

We need to reform the Populist movement of the late 1890s. Those of you who took US History in college know what this movement was.

And taken directly from this website


for this movement to succeed this time we must

* avoid being co-opted by existing political parties;(The Democrats and Republicans)
* heal race, class and gender divisions and actively resist any campaign to scapegoat disempowered social groups;(Do not let the rich corporate powers and their pawns in office use divisive tactics on us, we are all in the same boat fighting the same common enemy that tries to hide behind each of us and whisper that the people beside us are the cause of our problems)
* avoid being identified with an ideological category--"communist", "socialist" or "anarchist"--against which most of the public is already well inoculated by corporate propaganda;
* direct public discussion toward the most vulnerable link in the corporate chain of power: the legal basis of the corporation;(Santa Clara County vs Southern Pacific Bell Railroad company is the case they are taking about here)
* internationalise the movement so that corporations cannot undermine it merely by shifting their base of operations from one country to another.
Navy Pride said:
And our troops love this president and hate the democrats and liberals who constantly try and put him down............That has to be a bitter pill for you lefties to swallow........

Oh and one more thing..........President Bush is not running again..Juliani, McCain and Rice kill all democrats who are running for prez in the polls.......

Eat you heart out!!!!!

How come 75% of our troops in Iraq are registered democrats. They are not stupid, they follow orders from their superiors and don't bad mouth the President. They don't want to be put into post where is likely they will be killed, so they support the President. Bush seems to enjoy having troop go into harms way, and even die for him. Maybe he feels like a God?
Navy Pride said:
Oh and I don't believe the U.S. is corrupt....When someone like you who is not from this country makes a statement like that I just consider the source....

What a minute, you claimed France and Germany were "up to their necks in corruption", then you claim that Willoughby can't claim the US is corrupt because he doesn't live here? So the exact thing you claim he can't to, you do. Very bright.

Navy Pride said:
They are both corrupt up to their necks.......

I smell hypocrisy in the air.
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