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So what do you believe in (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
As I have posted many times, I believe in God, family, country, the Constitution, personal responsibility, and hard work.

So what do the liberals here on the forum believe in?

Please be short and to the point like I have been.
As I have posted many times, I believe in God, family, country, the Constitution, personal responsibility, and hard work.

So what do the liberals here on the forum believe in?

Please be short and to the point like I have been.

Everyone needs something to believe in, so I believe I'll have another beer.
As I have posted many times, I believe in God, family, country, the Constitution, personal responsibility, and hard work.

So what do the liberals here on the forum believe in?

Please be short and to the point like I have been.

I believe in the shadow people, windmills, and Campbells Soup.
As I have posted many times, I believe in God, family, country, the Constitution, personal responsibility, and hard work.

So what do the liberals here on the forum believe in?

Please be short and to the point like I have been.

I believe that my beliefs cannot be summarized in a couple of overly generalized words.
As I have posted many times, I believe in God, family, country, the Constitution, personal responsibility, and hard work.

So what do the liberals here on the forum believe in?

Please be short and to the point like I have been.

Personal responsibility, my logic, empirical evidence, science, imagination, processes, thought, feeling and spoken word, the emotional tone scale, study work, exercise, leisure, wealth, abundance, scarcity, cause and effect, random determination and the creative spirit, three in one, sevens and four, the retreats, the unfed flame in the heart.
I believe you gotta believe!
Very cute.

Out of the ashes the Phoenix rises.

I tell you, if I didn't have a couple cases in the fridge and a few kegs out back I don't know what I'd do.

Probably not die of a heart attack though.
As I have posted many times, I believe in God, family, country, the Constitution, personal responsibility, and hard work.

So what do the liberals here on the forum believe in?

Please be short and to the point like I have been.

I believe you support a president who embodies the antithesis of your beliefs. I believe I can't figure it out.

A hilarious movie, but such a stupid dull ending like their other movies.

Some people wanted me to go picket it, which is too hilarious for me, how to picket a movie I believe in, kind of be like Rocky Horror Picture Show, then I thought to picket them but got no farther.
The shadow people are in the windmill drinking Campbells soup.

And they control Joe Biden.

Dude, I don't have any control over Biden, but to the victor goes the scepter.
A hilarious movie, but such a stupid dull ending like their other movies.

Some people wanted me to go picket it, which is too hilarious for me, how to picket a movie I believe in, kind of be like Rocky Horror Picture Show, then I thought to picket them but got no farther.

I tried watching it with my wife about a year ago, and found that the humor had aged horribly. A lot of good points with timing and delivery that never would have been acceptable today. Still, the visual along with the song at the end is timeless to me.
Dude, I don't have any control over Biden, but to the victor goes the scepter.

Sadly we have a system from the 1700's where the victor is not always the one who ends up in the White House.
I tried watching it with my wife about a year ago, and found that the humor had aged horribly. A lot of good points with timing and delivery that never would have been acceptable today. Still, the visual along with the song at the end is timeless to me.

You have to be ready to read the Koran to read the Koran.
As I have posted many times, I believe in God, family, country, the Constitution, personal responsibility, and hard work.

So what do the liberals here on the forum believe in?

Please be short and to the point like I have been.


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As I have posted many times, I believe in God, family, country, the Constitution, personal responsibility, and hard work.

So what do the liberals here on the forum believe in?

Please be short and to the point like I have been.

I was raised to love God & Country. My grandparents were hard working tobacco farmers for all their lives. They never ventured far from their home in Tennessee. During my youth, I spent my summers there working in the hot August fields and in the top of some bat and spider infested barns. But you know what? It felt like Utopia. The family would gather on Sundays for dinner (lunch down south) then retire to the vast fields for games of baseball until the lighting bugs blinked at sunset. America was a different place then. It was a place were a man was judged by the sweat off his brow and how he provided for his family. As grandma used to say; "I don't care if you dig a ditch for a living, just dig it to the best of your ability". They were true Americans who taught me the value and pride which comes from a hard days work.
Sadly we have a system from the 1700's where the victor is not always the one who ends up in the White House.

Not true.

The Electoral College is a fair system.

It is a regulator which is always good to have on societies.
Not true.

The Electoral College is a fair system.

It is a regulator which is always good to have on societies.

The EC rewards some states voters with three to four times the electoral voting power than other states have for their voters. How is that "fair" in a nation which regards one person/one vote as sacred?
Isnt it amazing how so few liberals can set down a few words what they believe in. Is that because they operate on day to day feeling rather than basic principles? Have they no core principles that rules their life.
As I have posted many times, I believe in God, family, country, the Constitution, personal responsibility, and hard work.

So what do the liberals here on the forum believe in?

Please be short and to the point like I have been.
Exactly the Same things.
To the point and short enough?
As I have posted many times, I believe in God, family, country, the Constitution, personal responsibility, and hard work.

So what do the liberals here on the forum believe in?

Please be short and to the point like I have been.

everyone believes in personal responsibility... for the other guy

but when push comes to shove, people just blame others for all that is bad in their life and chalk up all the positive to "their hard work"

humans, a failed species

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