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So should we even bother to take a poll? (1 Viewer)


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Nov 6, 2007
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Rolesville, NC
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This is a tweet from Matt Gaetz (I realize "consider the source") about opposition to taking down Roe, those in favor of choice when it comes to abortion.

So what do the women here say about this view of those who are rallying against overturning Roe? Speaking for myself, and it should be obvious based on anyone who has kept up with me here, he is most definitely wrong (although granted I'm not physically rallying, I have started putting in phone calls). Knowing some other women on this board, I know he's wrong about them too. But men who support can chime in as well, share your views.

Of course, if you are one who agrees with him, I expect some evidence of a significant amount of the women rallying being as he describes below, in a such a misogynistic wording.

Adding a screenshot, just in case it happens to get taken down.

This is a tweet from Matt Gaetz (I realize "consider the source") about opposition to taking down Roe, those in favor of choice when it comes to abortion.

So what do the women here say about this view of those who are rallying against overturning Roe? Speaking for myself, and it should be obvious based on anyone who has kept up with me here, he is most definitely wrong (although granted I'm not physically rallying, I have started putting in phone calls). Knowing some other women on this board, I know he's wrong about them too. But men who support can chime in as well, share your views.

Of course, if you are one who agrees with him, I expect some evidence of a significant amount of the women rallying being as he describes below, in a such a misogynistic wording.

Adding a screenshot, just in case it happens to get taken down.

"Over-educated?" How can one be overeducated? That seems like it would be a good thing. One can never have enough education, right? That guy's tweet seems to advocate ignorance.
This is a tweet from Matt Gaetz (I realize "consider the source") about opposition to taking down Roe, those in favor of choice when it comes to abortion.

So what do the women here say about this view of those who are rallying against overturning Roe? Speaking for myself, and it should be obvious based on anyone who has kept up with me here, he is most definitely wrong (although granted I'm not physically rallying, I have started putting in phone calls). Knowing some other women on this board, I know he's wrong about them too. But men who support can chime in as well, share your views.

Of course, if you are one who agrees with him, I expect some evidence of a significant amount of the women rallying being as he describes below, in a such a misogynistic wording.

Adding a screenshot, just in case it happens to get taken down.

View attachment 67388874

Did that disgusting moron really say that?
"Over-educated?" How can one be overeducated? That seems like it would be a good thing. One can never have enough education, right? That guy's tweet seems to advocate ignorance.

Well ... yeah. I mean, it's Matt Gaetz. Education is demonized now.
"Over-educated?" How can one be overeducated? That seems like it would be a good thing. One can never have enough education, right? That guy's tweet seems to advocate ignorance.

The GOP has waged a war on education for a very long time.

When your base is proudly ignorant, they will respond well if you insult people with knowledge. As a bonus, they will remain proudly ignorant in loyalty to the cause.
The GOP has waged a war on education for a very long time.

When your base is proudly ignorant, they will respond well if you insult people with knowledge. As a bonus, they will remain proudly ignorant in loyalty to the cause.
Easier to keep people in line and on your side if they're ignorant and don't think for themselves, eh?
Well ... yeah. I mean, it's Matt Gaetz. Education is demonized now.
If education is demonized, then I want to be the Devil, Lol
This is a tweet from Matt Gaetz (I realize "consider the source") about opposition to taking down Roe, those in favor of choice when it comes to abortion.

So what do the women here say about this view of those who are rallying against overturning Roe? Speaking for myself, and it should be obvious based on anyone who has kept up with me here, he is most definitely wrong (although granted I'm not physically rallying, I have started putting in phone calls). Knowing some other women on this board, I know he's wrong about them too. But men who support can chime in as well, share your views.

Of course, if you are one who agrees with him, I expect some evidence of a significant amount of the women rallying being as he describes below, in a such a misogynistic wording.

Adding a screenshot, just in case it happens to get taken down.

View attachment 67388874

Gaetz is full of doodoo.

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