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So said the freedom-fighters - Bush, Rice and Blair - VIDEO (1 Viewer)

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Peter Dow

Aug 6, 2005
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Aberdeen, Scotland
Political Leaning
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AK_Conservative said:

Just more democratic :spin: and rhetoric that has absolutely no validity to it!:violin:

This coming from a person whom has a pic that says "Vote Republican—Democrats are sissies."

Sorry, I just that was funny. I didn't waste my time watching it, but yeah, it probably is just mindless propoganda.
OK, how about hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil?
Does that fit those three better?
Old and wise said:
Freedom fighters? All three are terrorists.

Would that make you a whiney liberal?
Stop whining about whining liberals god dammit.

Besides hes not whining. He is merely stating something

I don't think that those guys are terrorists. At worst, they are facists but they aren't really. Maybe imperialists.

That video was good propaganda though. I found myself cheering for Bush even though I didn't want to. spooky huh?
FinnMacCool said:
Stop whining about whining liberals god dammit.

Besides hes not whining. He is merely stating something

I don't think that those guys are terrorists. At worst, they are facists but they aren't really. Maybe imperialists.

That video was good propaganda though. I found myself cheering for Bush even though I didn't want to. spooky huh?

I just feel that theres a line. And somethings are over that line. I understand having a differing of opinions and philosophy. But to have utter and complete disrespect for this country just aggravates me. Once you cross that line, then as far as I'm concerned your fair game for any number of attacks. You don't have to like the president or even respect him. But I think you should have some respect for the office and what it represents. And calling him a terrorist is over the line IMO
Calm2Chaos said:
I just feel that theres a line. And somethings are over that line. I understand having a differing of opinions and philosophy. But to have utter and complete disrespect for this country just aggravates me. Once you cross that line, then as far as I'm concerned your fair game for any number of attacks. You don't have to like the president or even respect him. But I think you should have some respect for the office and what it represents. And calling him a terrorist is over the line IMO

I have nothing but utter love for this country but I have absolute disgust for our current government. I have paid the price fighting for this country in war time and that is probably more than many of you can say.
I do find it extremely difficult to support a government that seems to be intend on destroying the values that many of us have fought for and to attempt to bring this country to financial ruin.

This thread has deteriorated rapidly and doesn't seem to serve any purpose. I'm closing it


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