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So old folks dying and our military are meaningless to our REPUBLICAN President. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Is that not the most ironic thing about this entire era. Those people are (normally) a HUGE part of the Republican base.

I'm very curious to see how many take it personally and jump ship.
Is that not the most ironic thing about this entire era. Those people are (normally) a HUGE part of the Republican base.

I'm very curious to see how many take it personally and jump ship.

Nothing unusual or ironic about old folks dying; happens every day.
not caring about military is a lie... but that hasn't stopped the leftist/communists from
their gaslighting tasks.
Sadly, very few. FoxNews, TheBlaze, HotAir, and the like are already busy with the spin.
Sadly, very few. FoxNews, TheBlaze, HotAir, and the like are already busy with the spin.

yeah, we see their audience post that spin here hourly.

it's either ignorance or complicity.

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