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So I've been outta town all week (1 Viewer)


Official disruptive influence
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Dec 27, 2017
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For work, doing this thing in Santiago and I just got an email from a friend in New Haven Connecticut about my house in Wichita Kansas. It was a picture"


Apparently he was watching my usual local news online since he has family here. That seems to be my neighborhood. Hope the house is still there when I get home. lol
For work, doing this thing in Santiago and I just got an email from a friend in New Haven Connecticut about my house in Wichita Kansas. It was a picture"

View attachment 67388217

Apparently he was watching my usual local news online since he has family here. That seems to be my neighborhood. Hope the house is still there when I get home. lol

Looks like a nice, pretty day except for one little thing!
For work, doing this thing in Santiago and I just got an email from a friend in New Haven Connecticut about my house in Wichita Kansas. It was a picture"

View attachment 67388217

Apparently he was watching my usual local news online since he has family here. That seems to be my neighborhood. Hope the house is still there when I get home. lol

Click those heels three times!
For work, doing this thing in Santiago and I just got an email from a friend in New Haven Connecticut about my house in Wichita Kansas. It was a picture"

View attachment 67388217

Apparently he was watching my usual local news online since he has family here. That seems to be my neighborhood. Hope the house is still there when I get home. lol
Kansas, huh? My condolence, although at least brownback is gone.
For work, doing this thing in Santiago and I just got an email from a friend in New Haven Connecticut about my house in Wichita Kansas. It was a picture"

View attachment 67388217

Apparently he was watching my usual local news online since he has family here. That seems to be my neighborhood. Hope the house is still there when I get home. lol
I wasn't sure whether to like your OP or not. Fantastic photo but I hope your home is OK as are your neighbors and family and friends.
According to Family in the area the tornado went north of the house by quite a ways and was nowhere near as close as the picture made it look. All the damage was in the "bedroom communities". Some people weren't as lucky there.
According to Family in the area the tornado went north of the house by quite a ways and was nowhere near as close as the picture made it look. All the damage was in the "bedroom communities". Some people weren't as lucky there.
Well shit, We had an incident and now I'm stuck here til monday.
That's some scary stuff, count your blessings.

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