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Snoop Dogg fans appalled by rapper’s performance at Trump inauguration party (1 Viewer)

Oh, he'll survive. I just find it amusing at the outrage, which comes from places like X, not just left wing rags.

Well, I recognize the outrage allowed on X, but I also appreciate that X under Musk now allows people to counter that outrage where once upon a time X was just another propaganda tool subject to Left-wing censorship. Now Facebook is also outing the censorship they were held to by the Biden Administration and the Deep State before that during both Trump's first Administration and then Biden's recent Administration.
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Well, I recognize the outrage allowed on X, but I also appreciate that X under Musk allows people to counter that outrage where once upon a time X was just another propaganda tool of Left-wing censorship. Now Facebook is also outing the censorship they were held to by the Biden Administration and the Deep State before that during both Trump's first Administration and then Biden's recent Administration.

Well, sort of. Musk likes to censor, now that he has the X wand of power. ;)

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