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Snoop Dogg fans appalled by rapper’s performance at Trump inauguration party (1 Viewer)

Yeah, I think I’ll leave the “snoop dog” to the more experienced. I’ve played around with some stronger strains before and spent an evening feeling like my legs were no longer attached to my body…so nope. That just screams “danger” to me.


I love that they even have a Connie Chung

Maybe he looked it up and realized all the ridiculous lies leftist shitheads have said about Trump being a racist were just that. Lies.

Literally the moment Trump announced as a GOP candidate for the presidency, suddenly all the rats that were his biggest fans suddenly shit themselves and screamed RACIST!!!!!!
I love that they even have a Connie Chung

Yeah, I think I’ll leave the “snoop dog” to the more experienced. I’ve played around with some stronger strains before and spent an evening feeling like my legs were no longer attached to my body…so nope. That just screams “danger” to me.

My advice would be to just not smoke as much of it. The Snoop Dogg OG I looked up didn't seem out of line for THC content these days.

I look at not having to smoke as much for the desired effect as a feature. All these dispensary strains pretty much taste like shit.
I like Snoop Dogg. I'll be disappointed if he has chosen the Trump side, but I think that I will continue to like his music. FFS, though. That would suck.
I like Snoop Dogg. I'm disappointed if he has chosen the Trump side, but I think that I will continue to like his music. FFS, though. That sucks.

I'm not a big fan of his music, but I've long liked the guy...or at least what of his personality he allows in his public image. He's a charismatic guy, as evidenced by how much he makes for product endorsements.
There are many people on the Trump team that once despised him.
The point is he did prove himself his first term. And the people started to change their minds about him. We witnessed how our own government weaponized against him. So, pound sand. I don't listen to Snoop D double gg. But he like anyone else has the right to support whomever they want.
I'm not a big fan of his music, but I've long liked the guy...or at least what of his personality he allows in his public image. He's a charismatic guy, as evidenced by how much he makes for product endorsements.
He has always stuck me as genuine and multi-dimensional. If he were a Trumpster, that would suck, but this is like one thing on the internet. I'll wait until more comes out about it.
There are many people on the Trump team that once despised him.
The point is he did prove himself his first term. And the people started to change their minds about him. We witnessed how our own government weaponized against him. So, pound sand. I don't listen to Snoop D double gg. But he like anyone else has the right to support whomever they want.

If this is true then why can't he get people to come to his inauguration?

Dump comes into this presidency with a 44% approval rating. That's alarmingly low.

No, people have not changed their minds about him in a positive way. They want his promises but most of America held their noses. That much is pretty clear.
My advice would be to just not smoke as much of it. The Snoop Dogg OG I looked up didn't seem out of line for THC content these days.

I look at not having to smoke as much for the desired effect as a feature. All these dispensary strains pretty much taste like shit.
I am an edible person for the most part. The dispensaries here have a good variety for those and it’s always changing.
NSFW again x 10, foul language warning.......

.....guess it's fitting trump is running with it, yeah......


....must be time for maga morons to be shown whos (boss) lives really matter.....


......this presidency ought to be a real riot, yeah, sooper entertaining even. :rolleyes:
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If this is true then why can't he get people to come to his inauguration?

Dump comes into this presidency with a 44% approval rating. That's alarmingly low.

No, people have not changed their minds about him in a positive way. They want his promises but most of America held their noses. That much is pretty clear.
Hey EnchantedMuggle I understand your hatred of Trump. I understand you are miserable that Trump will once again become the next president.
I understand you are not happy at all about it. But the people whether you could see or execpt it disagreed with you.
Deal with it.
Not sure if this is true but

Nor do I know what this is about but it came up after I watched the previous video.
I am an edible person for the most part. The dispensaries here have a good variety for those and it’s always changing.

Yeah...they don't seem that reliable to me, and if I want to get high I want to get high right then...not a half hour later. I would say the same advice applies though, except it changes to eat less.
Poor little babies. They are upset at their boy Snoop.

Look on the bright side Libs, now you have someone new to hate! :ROFLMAO:

Snoop Dogg has upset a wide portion of his fan base after performing at the first-ever “Crypto Ball” in celebration of Donald Trump’s imminent inauguration as U.S. president.

Snoop (real name Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr.) was filmed performing his classic track, “Nuthin’ but a G Thang” at the party hosted by David Sacks, former PayPal COO and the incoming White House AI and Crypto Czar.

After previously mocking the president-elect, Snoop switched allegiances last year to praise Trump and claim he “has done only great things” for him.

Footage from Friday’s Crypto Ball was shared by The Shade Room on Instagram. In the comments section, Snoop faced widespread backlash for his performance.

“This is culturally embarrassing and disrespectful asf [as f***],” one person wrote.

“Nipsey and Pac would never!!!” another added, referring to the late rap greats Tupac Shakur and Nipsey Hussle.

“Not a check in the world worth selling my soul to the Devil,” a third added.

The condemnation continued on Twitter/X. “We not gonna let you forget this, @SnoopDogg,” one former fan promised. “Stay in MAGA world. Don't wanna hear s*** from you ever again.”

“Even Snoop Dogg bent knee to Donald Trump. Never thought I’d see that,” wrote another.

click here to read (Not Fox News)

Much ado about nothing IMO.

In the first place "Independent" is rated "Lean Left" by Allsides, so of course they are going to put a negative spin on this. https://www.allsides.com/news-source/independent-media-bias

In the second place fans come and go, and IMO for every outspoken hater there will remain one or more fans, as well as NEW ones who appreciate that he DID do the show.

Snoop will survive this Leftist tool of "cancel culture" just like most others who are hit with this kind of emotion-based bias.
Hey EnchantedMuggle I understand your hatred of Trump. I understand you are miserable that Trump will once again become the next president.
I understand you are not happy at all about it. But the people whether you could see or execpt it disagreed with you.
Deal with it.

I'm not miserable -- my life won't really change. But he definitely isn't starting out as a popular president. The metrics make that pretty clear.
Much ado about nothing IMO.

In the first place "Independent" is rated "Lean Left" by Allsides, so of course they are going to put a negative spin on this. https://www.allsides.com/news-source/independent-media-bias

In the second place fans come and go, and IMO for every outspoken hater there will remain one or more fans, as well as NEW ones who appreciate that he DID do the show.

Snoop will survive this Leftist tool of "cancel culture" just like most others who are hit with this kind of emotion-based bias.
Oh, he'll survive. I just find it amusing at the outrage, which comes from places like X, not just left wing rags.

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