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Snoop Dogg fans appalled by rapper’s performance at Trump inauguration party (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2023
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Political Leaning
Poor little babies. They are upset at their boy Snoop.

Look on the bright side Libs, now you have someone new to hate! :ROFLMAO:

Snoop Dogg has upset a wide portion of his fan base after performing at the first-ever “Crypto Ball” in celebration of Donald Trump’s imminent inauguration as U.S. president.

Snoop (real name Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr.) was filmed performing his classic track, “Nuthin’ but a G Thang” at the party hosted by David Sacks, former PayPal COO and the incoming White House AI and Crypto Czar.

After previously mocking the president-elect, Snoop switched allegiances last year to praise Trump and claim he “has done only great things” for him.

Footage from Friday’s Crypto Ball was shared by The Shade Room on Instagram. In the comments section, Snoop faced widespread backlash for his performance.

“This is culturally embarrassing and disrespectful asf [as f***],” one person wrote.

“Nipsey and Pac would never!!!” another added, referring to the late rap greats Tupac Shakur and Nipsey Hussle.

“Not a check in the world worth selling my soul to the Devil,” a third added.

The condemnation continued on Twitter/X. “We not gonna let you forget this, @SnoopDogg,” one former fan promised. “Stay in MAGA world. Don't wanna hear s*** from you ever again.”

“Even Snoop Dogg bent knee to Donald Trump. Never thought I’d see that,” wrote another.

click here to read (Not Fox News)
It looks like Snoop has done a 180 degrees on Trump. It seems many Trump haters are all of a sudden liking him.

Will you be next? :ROFLMAO:
People on X found something to all complain about? LOL. That never happens.

But yeah...those examples they showed were a WIDE portion of Snoop's fanbase. (Of literally millions of people around the world.)

Eh. If Snoop's worried then he is, if he's not then it's all good, right?
NSFW, foul language warning.......

......guess the next few years are going to be lit. :rolleyes:
Yep, I admire Snoops courage! <--- Sarcasm

It looks like Snoop has done a 180 degrees on Trump. It seems many Trump haters are all of a sudden liking him.

Will you be next? :ROFLMAO:
"Liking" is not equal to "Afraid of retaliation".
These are the times that try men's souls..................................................end of story
And those who lack one - like Trump and Snoop.
All I want to know is what strain of his favorite marijuana Snoop imbibed beforehand 😂😂😂
I'm guessing MAGA-THC - it's a hybrid of bigotry, selfishness, and entitlement. It's a "full asshole" high.
But I thought Trump was an evil racist white supremacist Nazi?
Poor little babies. They are upset at their boy Snoop.

Look on the bright side Libs, now you have someone new to hate! :ROFLMAO:

Snoop Dogg has upset a wide portion of his fan base after performing at the first-ever “Crypto Ball” in celebration of Donald Trump’s imminent inauguration as U.S. president.

Snoop (real name Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr.) was filmed performing his classic track, “Nuthin’ but a G Thang” at the party hosted by David Sacks, former PayPal COO and the incoming White House AI and Crypto Czar.

After previously mocking the president-elect, Snoop switched allegiances last year to praise Trump and claim he “has done only great things” for him.

Footage from Friday’s Crypto Ball was shared by The Shade Room on Instagram. In the comments section, Snoop faced widespread backlash for his performance.

“This is culturally embarrassing and disrespectful asf [as f***],” one person wrote.

“Nipsey and Pac would never!!!” another added, referring to the late rap greats Tupac Shakur and Nipsey Hussle.

“Not a check in the world worth selling my soul to the Devil,” a third added.

The condemnation continued on Twitter/X. “We not gonna let you forget this, @SnoopDogg,” one former fan promised. “Stay in MAGA world. Don't wanna hear s*** from you ever again.”

“Even Snoop Dogg bent knee to Donald Trump. Never thought I’d see that,” wrote another.

click here to read (Not Fox News)

If you can manage to do it in simple English, please explain what I'm supposed to be upset about or "owned" by. All I see is the evidence of another wet fart.
If you can manage to do it in simple English, please explain what I'm supposed to be upset about or "owned" by. All I see is the evidence of another wet fart.
Where did I say I thought you were upset?

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