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SMBS here (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Kingdom Of Bahrain
Political Leaning

I am Ali - SMBS - 16 years old from Bahrain

senior in secondary school

I'm not native English so, my English will be too bad :(, but anyway I will try to communicate
Hi SMBS, welcome to the forum! I am new here too, just registered yesterday.
SMBS said:

I am Ali - SMBS - 16 years old from Bahrain

senior in secondary school

I'm not native English so, my English will be too bad :(, but anyway I will try to communicate

Your english is better then some people that actually "live" here. You know more of my language then i do of yours, so you have a step on me already.

We're gald you are here. Thanks for deciding to participate.


SMBS said:
I'm not native English so, my English will be too bad :(, but anyway I will try to communicate
Sure you'll do fine. Welcome aboard!
Thank you alot

kal-le, so welcome to the forum

Calm2Chaos, actully I like English very much beacuse its give me the abillity to conntact with many parts in the world

Simon W. Moon, my pleasure

Batman, thank you
Well welcome! This board sure is diverse, Baharian. Wow.

Well welcome! I look forward to seeing what your opinion on things are!

And hey, why not....


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Originally posted by SMBS:
am Ali - SMBS - 16 years old from Bahrain
Welcome to the forum. Where exactly is Bahrain?

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