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Sleazier With Money: Bill Clinton Or Tom DeLay? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2005
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America (A.K.A., a red state)
Political Leaning
-Bill Clinton took money from Communist China to get himself elected.

-Bill Clinton took a bribe from ADM Milling and, the next day, ordered the country to go 10% ethanol-which made ADM Milling hundreds of millions of dollars.

-Bill Clinton had Whitewater.

-Bill Clinton used the IRS to intimidate Gennifer Flowers during her sexual harrassment trial. They just happened to audit her (even though her salary was way beneath the usual range they investigate) during the trial.

etc., etc., etc.

Tom DeLay ALLEGEDLY sent hard money to Washington D.C. and then had it sent back as RNC campaign money for local Texas candidates-which is STANDARD practice in politics.

There was nothing odd or illegal about DeLay's practices, and it affected nothing more than a few candidates in Texas who all won by landslides anyways-and clearly would have with or without that extra money.

So why all the hostile treatment of DeLay by the media, and all the outrage by Democrats? Isn't Clinton the embodiment of monetary sleaze here?
You left out Marc Rich.

And how about Hillary and her cattle futures deal and her real estate deals.
It's nice that you've provided links from legitimate sources to back up all of your claims.
scottyz said:
It's nice that you've provided links from legitimate sources to back up all of your claims.

Oh are you so uninformed you don't know about them?
aquapub said:
-Bill Clinton took money from Communist China to get himself elected.

-Bill Clinton took a bribe from ADM Milling and, the next day, ordered the country to go 10% ethanol-which made ADM Milling hundreds of millions of dollars.

-Bill Clinton had Whitewater.

-Bill Clinton used the IRS to intimidate Gennifer Flowers during her sexual harrassment trial. They just happened to audit her (even though her salary was way beneath the usual range they investigate) during the trial.

etc., etc., etc.

Tom DeLay ALLEGEDLY sent hard money to Washington D.C. and then had it sent back as RNC campaign money for local Texas candidates-which is STANDARD practice in politics.

There was nothing odd or illegal about DeLay's practices, and it affected nothing more than a few candidates in Texas who all won by landslides anyways-and clearly would have with or without that extra money.

So why all the hostile treatment of DeLay by the media, and all the outrage by Democrats? Isn't Clinton the embodiment of monetary sleaze here?

Clinton was a big time crook. Acting as an accomplice to genocide is another crime he is guilty of. But whether it be Bush or Clinton, republican or democrat, they are one and the same: criminals. But, I say Clinton was the bigger sleaze ball myself.
I got so much dirt on Clinton, you guys wouldn't believe it if I told you.
Clinton also wasted tax dollars so that scientists could study the sex habits of the common house fly.

[In "Who's Looking Out For You?" by Bill O'Reilly]

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